Looking for a Few Good Orks

Well, after an hour and forty minutes of on again, off again server, I'm throwing in the towel for tonight. Perhaps we should think about building an alternate group on the FvF server for when the beta server is down?

Hope to see everyone next week. And, Charis, if you're reading this, I hope you plan to rejoin us -- we can get you caught up pretty fast, especially after the wipe, I've got some gear for you which along with the cash that MongoJerry (or was it Rumple Teazer?) sent all of us should get you well started with gear. Either way, please let us know.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Hi guys!

I'm still checking in on this forum. However my home ISP has been up for precisely one evening in the
past 2 1/2 weeks :o On the plus side... I did get to download the whole push on this one eve, so I'm updated and confirmed nekkid.

I still hold hope for rejoining you guys, and would definitely take you up on help offers to do so.
I'll let you know when the ISP situation has improved... <_<

Bummer about the ISP. But glad that you're planing on rejoining -- let me know when you have a stable connection and will be on and I'll get that gear to you.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


Given that today is the 4th of July and the group is (I think) all USAers, will we be playing tonight or will we be out watching fireworks?

As for me, I'm about to head out for the day and am not sure when I'll be home. I'll try to check in during the afternoon, and if no one else is gong to make it, then I'll not worry about getting back at any particular time. But if someone is going to be here, then I'll try to make it back on time.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I am a tauren warrior that would be interested in joining up with some of you fellow Horde members, send me a message in game, the name is SvgBeatstick. I am currently level 14 but I have gotten at least a level or two a day.
I am not going to be available tonight. I suggest we just postpone until next Sunday.
I'm not sure whether you mean on with hord characters or not? I'm going into work shortly, barring snakes, but I should be on with Tribade sometime tonight -- though it seems I generally play later than most of the group. I typically log on by about 10:00 pm or midnight eastern time, which would be I guess 7:00-9:00 your time.

Tribade is 18, and still making at least a level a night. I left her at the inn at Darkshore. Last night was the first time she ventured outside of human lands. Darkshore is strange. Ruvanal and someone else (sorry, I have never been much good with names) suggested Darkshore as a good place to quest after I found the Wetlands outside of Menethil too high a level. Not only is there almost no one at Darkshore except for NPC's, but what few elves I see show little interest in the area's rich ore deposits.

On leaving Menethil, Captain Placeholder gave me one of the funniest WoW messages I have ever seen.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Hi LavCat,

This is actually a group of five Orcs that have been playing together (pretty much) as a group since they were started. As far as I know, the original five are still playing. I think each of us has one or more other characters that can play wih anyone, but these particular five were intended to only play together (with some allowance made for when someone has to catch up).

Tribade is 18, and still making at least a level a night.

Sounds like you play too fast for me :) dAquitania is (only) level 18 1/2 after about 50 hours of play. Of course, she's a maxed apprentice on 9 trade skills, almost there on tailoring, and well into her skill journey in mining. Levels? We don't need no stinking levels :)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


Probably a good idea. Still no clue when we'll be home, but it's looking doubtful for 7 PST in my case as well.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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