Diablo II "LoD" CLASSIC STYLE MOD for v1.10
Iceman,May 11 2004, 04:50 PM Wrote:On the other hand this MOD was a teribble mistake for me, now I'm going to spent many hours home playing that means many hours at my office sleeping.  :D
And I have given up Battle.net gaming/the original 1.10 version since I'm modding :D
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Hello all, I'm new to Lurker Lounge so please be patient w/ me lol
The mod looks VERY interesting, but i'm not as computer savvy as much as everyone else that posts here. Is it possible for someone to give me basic instructions for how to make the mod work? I read the posts and I'm completely lost, as I dont know the terms. It would help soooo much if someone could simplify the terms for me so someone as inexperienced with a computer such as me, could understand
Thx a bunch!
Hi TheCloakedOne

I take it that you haven't understand the screenshot that NiteFox showed at the previous page. If that is the case then let's take it from the beginning.

Your default game folder should be at : my computer -> program files -> DiabloII. Open the game folder and inside you will find a file named Patch_D2.mpq.

Download Nobbie's MOD (make sure you have the program called winzip) open the zip file and inside you will find a file called Patch_D2-D2X110_CMS.mpq. Take this file and copy - paste it into the D2 folder that I mention above.

So now you have the two files in the same folder. Take the original file (Patch_D2.mpq) and, by right clicking, rename it to anything you like. Now take Nobbie's file and rename it to Patch_D2 (That means that you just erase the D2X110_CMS part of the name).

Now the game will see the file from the MOD and not the original. Be careful, you might not be able to see the .mpq of the files. That's ok change the names only. That happens if your computer is set on not to show the type of the file.

Hope this works
Have fun
AKA Coldheart at the Basin.<!--fontc--><!--/fontc-->
ty iceman, just one question ( to see if the mod was installed successfully )

are you supposed to see carrion birds in a5nightmare? ( single player) thx again
Another (slightly more complex, but more convenient) method which I use is this:

1) Download mod
2) Unzip mod into a folder in your Diablo 2 subdirectory
3) Rename the mod's .MPQ to Patch_D2.mpq
4) Create shortcut to Diablo 2 on your desktop
5) Right click on the shortcut and chose properties
6) Copy the location of the new .MPQ file and paste it into the "Start In" field
7) Click OK, and use this shortcut everytime you want to play the mod. You can make another shortcut for your original game, and more shortcuts for other mods
TheCloakedOne,May 14 2004, 11:08 PM Wrote:ty iceman, just one question ( to see if the mod was installed successfully )

are you supposed to see carrion birds in a5nightmare? ( single player) thx again
to check the mod the method i used is to go to a1 inner cloister wp and see if flamespike is there
o ok, thx, but im still confused about ur 6th point. What do u mean by the location of the new .MPQ file?
Where ever you told Winzip to unzip the file to. It's in the same folder as the file you renamed in one of the previous steps...
o, but something wrong happened. I realized that after i put jah ith ber into a 3socket armor, it didnt make enigma runeword- it only had the stats from the runes? Why is that? and how can i fix it? thx
Did the three socket armor have the "Jewelers" prefix?
o.... so runewords dont work on socketed armor w/ prefixes??
TheCloakedOne,May 17 2004, 07:05 AM Wrote:o.... so runewords dont work on socketed armor w/ prefixes??
Rune words work in normal, non-magical items only :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Good work Nobbie.

Thanks for this refreshing mod. I will give it a try.

Good afternoon,

[Image: D2X110_CSM_Splendor_Shield.jpg]

A new shield rune word called "Splendor" has been "discovered" on the Battle.net realms. The new rune word is now active in the "1.10 LoD Classic Style MOD" as well.

You can download the updated MOD as always here:

1.10 LoD Classic Style MOD

The shield can be found on the ready-to-use level 99 Sorceress.

Have Fun! :D
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
The newest confirmed runeword is Prudence: Mal - Tir. It works in two socket armor. The stats are:

+25% Faster Hit Recovery
+(142-161)% Enhanced defense (varies; range not confirmed yet)
All Resistances +(29-35) (varies; range not confirmed yet)
Damage Reduced by 3
Magic Damage reduced by 17
+2 to mana after each kill
+1 to light radius
Repairs 1 durability in 4 seconds

Also recently confirmed is Duress: Shael - Um - Thul. It works in three socket armor. The stats are:

+40% Faster Hit Recovery
+(10-20)% Enhanced Damage (varies; range not confirmed yet)
Adds 37-133 cold damage
15% Chance of Crushing Blow
33% Chance of Open Wounds
+(176-197)% Enhanced Defense (varies; range not confirmed yet)
-20% Slower Stamina Drain
Cold Resist +45%
Lighting Resist +15%
Fire Resist +15%
Poison Resist 15%

keep up the good work nobbie and here is 2 more realm runewords to add to your mod hopefully...
Thanks for the stats. I'll wait a while now until more rune words pop up, and hopefully their official final stats as well :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
[Image: D2X110_CSM_Duress_Armor.jpg]

The new armor rune words called "Duress" and "Prudence" have now been added as well to the "1.10 LoD Classic Style MOD".

You can download the updated MOD as always here:

1.10 LoD Classic Style MOD

The new rune word items can be found on the ready-to-use level 99 characters.

Have Fun! :D
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller

im new here in the forum but not in d2! playin for years... :lol:

but.... as i cannot connect to bnet <_< i downloaded the patch u made nobbie

but ... how can i get to see uber diablo? i think i d sell some soj's... is that right? then id meet some super unique. is that what i supposed to do so i can fighter diablo clone? :blink:

pls.. ive a 80 lvl sorc that needs the anniuhlus (spell correct?) :D

thanx :P
Try to find the secret about the Diablo Clone in the ReadMe.txt of the Mod ;)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Much luv for this mod.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

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