Blood Golem and thorns effect
I have a question about blood golem and damage relfection (i.e. thorns or spirit of the barbs). I have read that the damage reflected by the thorns aura is actually considered being dealt by the creature getting attacked. In the case of a blood golem does this damage trigger the life gaining responce of a normal attack? For the sake of argument (and simple numbers) lets suppose that I have a 200% damage reflecting thorns aura and a blood golem that gains 125% of damage dealt and suppose the golem is attacked for 50 damage. Is it correct that the thorns aura would deal 100 damage to the attacker and activate the golem sharing 125 life between itself and me (the necromancer)? Or did i miss some hidden effect that reduces that amount of life gained? Also, how is this affected by curses like life tap and amplify damage? Finally, if I am correct about the life return it seems pretty powerful so am I overlooking any strategic flaws in this plan (such as elemental damage or the dangers of a linked life pool)? Thanks for any advice!
That was considered a bug and has been "fixed" in patch 1.10. Blood Golems (and their subsequent Necros) no longer gain life from thorns damage.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
This used to be the case in previous versions. It is now fixed (no longer works).
thanks for the info (I kinda thought there would be something wrong with that basic combo, oh well)
Before 1.10 blood golem/damage reflection was actually very powerful, as close attackers wouldn't be able to hurt the golem and would take damage at the same time. It was pretty cool watching powerful close combat enemies like Listers group and night lords wail away at the blood golem, which would sit there reflecting damage, and at the end come out without a scratch. You still needed something to deal with ranged attackers and end act bosses, though.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
I killed a pk once with Bone Spirit while Lister healed me through my golem... We won't see this happen again...

Then again, nobody hostiles a necromancer in 1.10 anymore ;)

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