How do you trade well?
Okay, so I've been playing this game for about a year. In this time, I've made maybe three or four trades of any consequence. After some bad, bad experiences trying to trade off some cruel balrog spears in .09--suffice it to say, after various b.netters tried trade-hacking and just plain social-scamming, I gave the spears away to a low-level javazon with a nice character name--I gave up on trade games, and gritted my teeth and ignored the people who spammed games with attempts to trade.

Now I'm playing on the ladder. It's beginning to sink in that if I keep trying to find all the runes and items I want through solo play/MFing, it will take a long, long time... and while I have a rough idea of what has trade value (runes, skill GCs, the high-end sets), I have no idea what anything else--as in items I actually -have- to trade--is worth.

Scanning the trading forums has been interesting. Um and Pul runes, for example, seem to be worth more than other, rarer runes--due to their prominence in cube formulas and the new runewords, I suppose? There was also a thread for trading crafted blood gloves; the demand for those surprised me.

Lurking has been helpful, but I'm not sure I'll pick up everything I need to know that way. I don't suppose there's a FAQ on trading around? Or (I have to at least ask) a list of exchange rates? Failing that, what's a good indicator of trade value in rare/crafted items? I'm guessing things like dual leech, faster cast, IAS, bonuses to strength/vitality, and magic find? Are resistance bonuses a selling point, or less than impressive? FHR? I'm also wondering how desired mods and demands vary from item type--the blood gloves traded well, but would the wide range of useful unique belts make even a good crafted belt less desirable?

Thanks in advance, and I hope I'm not stepping on the no-trades rule with this post.
USWest SC ladder.
No more death by quill rat. Big Grin

I'm sorry, but it does violate the no trading rule we have here. I wish you the best of luck finding the information you seek elsewhere.

Why can't we all just get along


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