Running or walking is there difference
What is the difference between running and walking.
Blocking and Def go down alot, walking away from a whilwind often saves you your life.
To clarify: your Def is set to zero when running, so melee monsters will always hit you if you run past them. (Unless you have a method of blocking; see below.) Walking does not affect your Def, so if you are playing a character which relies on Def, you're better off walking near monster packs than running.

Shield blocking is reduced to 1/3 of its original value when moving (either walking or running).

IIRC, the assassin's Weapon Block skill is not affected by either walking or running (i.e. the listed block percentage applies whether you are moving or not), which makes Weapon Block one of the most effective means of blocking an attack in the game. I might be remembering this wrong, though; if I am, I'm sure someone will be along to correct me shortly.

Even the mountains
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.
Quote:I might be remembering this wrong, though; if I am, I'm sure someone will be along to correct me shortly.

It was commonly thought(and still is commonly) that WB is unaffected by running. Someone claimed otherwise on the AB, and Adyeke tested it. His tests showed that WB is definitely significantly reduced while running, but he's not quite sure by how much. It may simply be the 1/3 penalty like blocking(that's my guess, not his).

As a side note, assassins using WW from a Chaos runeword retain full weapon block while wirlwinding.

WB is still perhaps better than blocking though; it can block certain elemental and magic attacks that normal sheild blocking cannot. Unfortunately, you won't ever get 75% WB due to the high diminishing returns.
Clicky for the discussion of Assassin WB at the AB.
Quote:To clarify: your Def is set to zero when running, so melee monsters will always hit you if you run past them. (Unless you have a method of blocking; see below.) Walking does not affect your Def, so if you are playing a character which relies on Def, you're better off walking near monster packs than running.

To clarify more: it's not that your defense is set to zero. It's that the chance to hit roll is an instant 100%. That means you lose your defense and your level advantage and it's not capped at 95%. So a quill rat in act 1 normal would have a 100% chance to hit a running clvl 99 iron barb.
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Even the mountains
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.
That would explain why every time that I try to run my character out of a bad situation, I end up dead.
I'm sure the rest of the household will be glad that they now have to suffer less of my shouting.

But I will say this:
That's possibly the dumbest idea I've ever seen in D2 (and there are some pretty dumb ideas). Would someone care to explain how a monster will find it 100% easy to hit a moving target? do I suddenly take all my armour off to run?
Blocking should go down, but enemy CTH should be REDUCED by running, which would seem like common sense really.
You'd at least think that this would be explained to the Diablo2 playing public at large, since it doesn't make the slightest shred of sense "BTW, we've implemented a totally nonsensical system where you actually get hit 100% of the time if you run away - which combined with you stopping if you get hit, MSLEB's & the resistance penalty means: You're dead, and there's nothing you can do about it"


One question though, do you lose any chance of not being hit if you have ctrl down? or only if you're actually moving with ctrl down?

When you're running, you're already harder to hit because you can move out of the way of missiles. The chance to hit only comes into play when you collide with one.

D2 isn't a realistic game, so realism arguments aren't really meaningful.

MSLEs have been nerfed for 1.10. However, the LE bolts will always hit you regardless of defense. So it's not just when running that you'll get hit by those.

Quote:One question though, do you lose any chance of not being hit if you have ctrl down? or only if you're actually moving with ctrl down?

Running means actually running. It doesn't matter if you have run mode on or if you're holding CTRL if you aren't moving. Attack animations also don't count as running.

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