New Realm for D1ing
Sorry if this post is in the wrong forum or considered spamming, but to those of you who know me I was a DSFer, and am now struggling to get any sort of quality gaming in. A new realm has gone up, hosted by Zedd (not Dr.) at
This realm supports D1 (both 1.07 and 1.09) as well as starcraft. The realm is a place to get together, and particularly useful as Kali has gone completely payforplay, making most mods hard to play as multiplayer. Post any quesitons/comments here, but the realm is up and running as we speak, just waiting for some gaming.

personal note to Lemmy: You better still have your ME chars, because I expect at least 5 solid hours of middle earth gaming :)
MaxPower#1485 60 SC Barb/32 HC Witch Doctor/22 HC Wizard/17 HC Demon Hunter
[ack, messed up :P]
For the record, this should probably still be considered 'experimental', simply because I'm sure theres ->insert issue<- that I haven't tested for yet. However, in general, this should be all set. :)

D2 should be able to connect, but on Open Only. The machine this is running on isn't nearly powerful enough to handle that part of things ;)

And if you just want to chat, Diablo Strategy Chat is the hangout. Telnet is accessible, but you need to create an account with a real client first. Once you've done that, just open up a command prompt, and telnet to


Or, if that link doesn't work for you, just open a command prompt and type:
telnet 4545

Just enter your username, pass, then /join Diablo Strategy Chat . If you get a login error, try changing the capitalization (seems finicky about that).

I also have the possibility of running an IRC server for this, but I'll leave that off unless enough people want it (I don't know if I like the idea of running an experimental IRC server ).

Finally, software to connect --

In there, there's 3 programs --

BNSv1103 is for versions 1.07 and lower.
BnetGCfg is for all versions 1.08 and above.

There's also the Blizzard provided GateSel, which I haven't tried, but should work for the more recent versions as well.

Of course, there's also the registry editing method... NSD seems more on the ball with that than I am.

You're all welcome to join on, say 'hi', get some games in. It's relatively quiet on there for now, maybe you can liven up the place ;)
Is this for Diablo 2 only or can Diablo 1 connect. If they can how?
Diablo One Forever. Diablo Two is the Darkside

Quote:This realm supports D1 (both 1.07 and 1.09) as well as starcraft

So it must support D1 then eh?
You'll find, that the only thing you can do easily is be wrong, and that is hardly worth the effort.
[Image: antubis.JPG]
It's primarily for Diablo 1 :)

For 1.09, download BnetGCfg from and add "" as a new realm.

BNSv1103 is for versions 1.07 and lower, but accomplishes pretty much the same thing :)
and who is the host
Diablo One Forever. Diablo Two is the Darkside

Erised, please simply read the previous posts. Both of your questions have already been answered.
A plague of exploding high-fives.

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