Equipment Suggestions Needed
Ok, I'm kinda stuck as to where I should go with my heres a writeup of the guy and hopefully something will come to mind.

clvl 27 Warrior

STR: 154
MAG: 34
DEX: 48
VIT: 30

STR: 187
MAG: 67
DEX: 81
VIT: 63

Helm: Gotterdamrung
Armor: Godly Splint Mail - 31 AC +195% AC
Weapon: Two-Handed Sword of Speed
Backup Weapon: The Falcon's Talon
Amulet: Amulet of the Stars - +9 All
Ring: Silver Ring of Stability - +20% To Hit
Ring: Ring of the Moon - +4 All

First things first: restrictions. No "predatory" or large animal enchantments are allowed, nor are any lightning enchantments. Sheilds are not allowed at all, and only armors up to splint mail or breastplates are allowed. I still have to earn the use of Knights, Lords, and Kings weapons, and great swords are preferred.

Now, I know alot of this is not optimal, and many of the things I do have replacements for now (Namely an Obsidian/Speed Greatsword I just found in a NM/Hell run, and some jewel's Ive got muled elsewhere) but what I'm really striving for is a good all-around helm and perhaps something better than a plain godly splint mail. So, lemme know what I should do :D
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Royal Circlet is possibly a good helm for you, swapping to Gotter when resists aren't that required. Or, an obsidian/stars or obsidian/mammoth helm would be nice, especially with lack of a shield.

You also want your resists filled by your armour slot too. Since you're only allowed upto breastplate, that AC won't cut it later on, even with your Godly prefix. Obsidian/Vigor perhaps? Or even Obsidian/Tiger or Obsidian/(the +20 str suffix)

Of course, your preferred weapon will be a Kings Great Sword of Haste or Vampires or something along those lines, but thats so very unlikely. Go for anything with +to hit and haste, i'd say :)
"The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then, imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow!"
+20 str? that would be a perfect 'giants' suffix.

As I'm sure you've found, a Bushido is entirely offensive. His only defenses are resistances and the skill of the player (i.e. your ability to not wake up too much for him to handle, your ability to use chokes, etc.). So, you need two things.

To Hit
Every warrior needs this. This is especially important for the Bushido because he considers it dishonorable to attack Stone Cursed enemies (some exceptions).

Stun Damage
As important as this is for characters who can block, it's vitally important for those who can't -- unless you like dozens of trips to town to restock pots.

Your options:
  • Plain +ToHit weapon (preferably with Speed suffix) supplemented by +ToHit jewelry and/or Resistance jewelry. +All suffixes are desirible. This option is likely preferable if you already have stun damage.
  • Plain +Damage weapon (of Speed) supplemented by +ToHit jewelry and +All suffixes (as high-level +Str items are disallowed to HAM).
  • Highest permitted +ToHit/+Damage weapon (of Speed) supplemented by any necessary +ToHit jewelry w/+All suffixes.<>
    Armor: Godly Splint Mail - 31 AC +195% AC
    I'd replace this with a Resistance/+All shirt. It'll free up jewelry slots for +ToHit enchantments and the +All will provide a little damage.

    As an ideal setup for you, I imagine something along these lines:
    • Helm: RC, Obs/Stars; Gotter on melee dlvls iff you absolutely need the additional str bonus for damage
    • Armor: Obs/Stars
    • Jewelry: Maximum one Obs/+All jewel, Prefix/+All jewels
    • Weapon: +ToHit/Speed until +ToHit/+Damage/Speed available<>
      A stealth setup might also work rather nicely since you're strongest in one-on-one confrontations.

Hmmm...definatly all sounds good, but I was wondering about one thing: should I even bother grabbing a obs/harmony armor, or even past that, going with a Zen Harmony setup? I've never attempted a low hit-recovery character, so I really dont know if its actually useful.
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Quote:Hmmm...definatly all sounds good, but I was wondering about one thing: should I even bother grabbing a obs/harmony armor, or even past that, going with a Zen Harmony setup? I've never attempted a low hit-recovery character, so I really dont know if its actually useful.

Obs/Harmony is yuck armor. Go Nightscape if you'd like to try Zen. You get "Stability," 20% resist all, and you draw less attention to yourself... all from one item! (Can you think of a better "Stability" item than that?) Obs/Harmony jewelry shouldn't be too tough to dig up.

I'd suggest going for suffixes other than +All only after you have sufficient stun damage. I've never been big on hit recovery affixes, myself, so I can't comment on how useful a Zen setup will be.

Given that you're not going to be using a shield, throwing a harmony somewhere in your equipment could be a good thing. Now, given the following restrictions: No shields, no large mammals and no big defense armours, I'd say you will be really living on the edge if you go Zen (not that "normal" Zens are any different, heh).

You're going to need about 290 hit points to make sure two simultaneous hits from the toughest hell/hell monsters don't kill you, after that it's just a pot-guzzling contest.

In nightmare/hell, however, you could have a lot of fun with a Zen even with your restrictions. In hell/hell I'd say go for a single harmony if you find it useful and leave the Zen for a less restricted character ;)
Um...not sure what you mean exactly by a Zen setup, but what I meant is "Zen Harmony" which is acheived by equiping an item each of Balance, Stability, and Harmony, which will give a warrior a 0.10 hit recovery rate. What I dont know exactly is if this rate has any noticeable effect, though I will be trying it out :)
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Urza-DSF,Jun 1 2004, 04:24 AM Wrote:Um...not sure what you mean exactly by a Zen setup, but what I meant is "Zen Harmony"
Yep, I knew what you meant, and that's what my comments apply to.

A Zen, with his fast recovery, has basically two advantages: being back to swing his sword as fast as after blocking with a shield or (and this is important) walk away from a mob of angry monsters, since it's much harder to get him into stunlock.

The problem you face with your original variant restrictions is that pretty much everything will hit you since you won't have any useful Armour Class. You've given up shields (which can carry some armour, resistances and hit points) and the highest +life modifiers, so you'll also be somewhat limited in how much life you'll have.

It'll work in Nightmare, you'll see how, with all three suffixes, you'll be able to face small mobs without much problem (other than drinking much) and be able to walk away if more enemies come to you before you're done. It is quite noticeable. In hell, though, you'll find yourself go splat unless you are very very careful with how many enemies you wake up. Being able to run is not very useful when you can die before you turn around to do so ^_^
Heh, well yeah, with all of the restrictions it will be fairly difficult in hell, but thats why Im considering paring the Harmony setup with a Full Stealth setup because as LoG said: Im strongest in One-on-One situations.

The only problem Im finding is actually locating a halfway decent item of Balance. Stability is found on Nightscape (which Im still looking for) and Prefix/Harmony rings really arent that difficult to find. So any suggestions for a Balance item?
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Quote:So any suggestions for a Balance item?

There's nothing that'll make any difference.

Balance is qlvl 1. Possible pre/suf combinations are Bronze/Balance, Spider/Balance, and Fox/Balance. Fox is predatory; I don't recall whether Spider is. That leaves Bronze: +1-5% ToHit. Not a significant help, that.

And there aren't any MP uniques with "Balance" as an attribute.

Quote:There's nothing that'll make any difference.

Hmmm...well then maybe I shouldnt bother with a Zen Harmony setup...seems like alot more trouble than its worth for a 0.5 increase to hit recovery. Now, is 0 resists with an ID'ed Gotter and Nightscape viable with a full-stealth setup? As long as your swinging a speed/haste weapon then there shouldnt be any problem stunlocking anything you might come up against, right?
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
Quote:Now, is 0 resists with an ID'ed Gotter and Nightscape viable with a full-stealth setup?

Using Nighty with Gotter reduces Nighty to a repairable Cape of the Dark. Why not go with Nighty + Dark jewel so you can have resists, too?

Quote:As long as your swinging a speed/haste weapon then there shouldnt be any problem stunlocking anything you might come up against, right?

As long as you have stun damage and good to-hit, I suppose. But it's still possible to wake up more than one enemy at a time. Just take care.


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