Starting polls here
Why is it I can post here, but not start a poll? Do you have to be a moderator to do that?
The subject was discussed a while back and the general consensus was that most people here aren't fans of polls

I think the view is that they often lead to a poorer form of posting

For instance

Post #1

Should my druid be a ) a bear b ) a wolf?

Post #2

Compared to I've been trying to decide which path to take with my shifter. I like the bear's advantages of XXX but I'm also impressed by the wolf's advantages of YYY

See what I mean?
The topic was discussed here..

The consensus was that if you could convince a moderator of the importance/usefulness of a poll, then they could make one for you. This has spared us a lot of useless polls. And yes, I am sorry to say, I do think a poll asking which Act Boss is the hardest falls into that category, just to pick an example. ;)
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

I see.... Well, I appreciate your opinion nonetheless. If they have deemed polls that redundant and useless, why dont they remove the 'new poll' icon then? Otherwise its confusing.
internetdotcom,Jun 4 2004, 05:04 AM Wrote:If they have deemed polls that redundant and useless, why dont they remove the 'new poll' icon then?  Otherwise its confusing.
I don't believe the forum software will allow them to do that. But I haven't poked around too much with the setup of these brand of boards and may be wrong.
tal125,Jun 4 2004, 03:19 PM Wrote:I don't believe the forum software will allow them to do that. But I haven't poked around too much with the setup of these brand of boards and may be wrong.
Hmm, well, it was just a suggestion. ;)
Actually, I think we could probably do it. We'd just need to replace the "new poll" graphic with one that was just a picture of the background.

It makes sense. I'll look into it when I get a chance. In the mean time, I'm going to move this thread to the Suggestion Box.
Why can't we all just get along

internetdotcom,Jun 4 2004, 06:04 AM Wrote:If they have deemed polls that redundant and useless, why dont they remove the 'new poll' icon then?
Woah, I thought that only admins could SEE that button. I assumed that Invision Board wouldn't put the button there if you didn't have access to it...hmm. Let me dig around.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Sorry for the hijack, but I love your avatar, tal.
i remembering that the maker guy is paying for this out of his pocket and that it just burns up space and cash?? am i right?
"We need some sharp Object. Think, your formor self must have known of something that was sharp!"
"Here, this is sharp!"
"What is that! A butter knife? I will spread my evil and curruption with a Butter knife? What will we do, cover the place with butter so they all die of High Cholesterol?"
"We could try to"
"no you idiot we could NOT try"
Taken from "Hello Cthulhu" Page 12

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