For the sorc in question, the enchant dammage is pretty well defined elsewhere.
melee : (Enchant base damage) * (Warmth synergy) * (Fire Mastery at time of enchanting) * (Fire Mastery at time of striking)
ranged : (Enchant base damage) * (Warmth synergy) * (Fire Mastery at time of enchanting)

But how is the enchant dammage calculated for :
merc / minions
Other melee party memebers
Other Ranged party members
special skills : strafe / multi (with their 3/4 dammage mod)
For party members and minions, the damage is:

melee : (Enchant base damage) * (Warmth synergy) * (Sorceress Fire Mastery at time of enchanting) * (Party Member Fire Mastery at time of striking)
ranged : (Enchant base damage) * (Warmth synergy) * (Sorceress Fire Mastery at time of enchanting)

Those skills that have a damage penalty (e.g. multishot and strafe) get it reduces by that penalty (e.g. 3/4), but this is a global effect on all damage, so it's really not enchant-specific.
This is most excelent! :) Thank you for a very nice and fast answer Adeyke.

This means I will give a lot of fire dammage to party memebers when I finaly get my fire mastery maxed :)

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