If TC of level 85 area monsters is 87
I am planning on making a chart of the high TC areas (all areas with a TC > Mephisto's TC78) which shows the immunities of monsters in those areas (helps choose which areas work best for which characters). For example in the Ancient Tunnles there are no regular cold immune monsters (sometimes uniques spawn cold immune) and this is a level 85 area. Thus this place is great for using my blizzard sorc to level and MF.

So, can anyone tell me what the TC of the area lvls are? What is it based on?
It's reasonably complicated. There is no simple "area level -> TC" relationship.

For a given level, you need to
- get a list of all monsters spawnable in the area.
- work out the mlvls of all those monsters. mlvl = area level for regular monsters, +2 for champs, +3 for uniques, superuniques and minions.
- look up the base TC each monster drops from. eg H2H group for regular melee monsters, Cast group, Champ group, Unique group, Super group...
- look through the respective groups of TCs to find the highest one with level not more than the mlvl.
- look up which Equip TC this TC drops from.
- look up which weap/armo TC is the highest this Equip TC includes.

The fact that there is so much involved is probably why nobody has done this yet.
The files you will need to look these things up in are levels.txt, monstats.txt, treasureclassex.txt, and even superuniques.txt if you are being thorough.
"Thank you. We always have a shortage of unfounded opinions, so this will really help us. " - adeyke
OK, this looks complicated to say the least (could a program or spread sheet be designed to do this, given the text files as input data?)

I still would like to make a list of immunities vs area for Hell difficulty. I started using d2data as a source of what monsters appear in which areas, but this data seems at least somewhat inaccurate. Which text file shows the monsters that can appear in which areas?

I dont have an mpq decoder, is there a source of the actual text files somewhere?
You could use a program that does the calculations and table look-ups for you, sure. You just have to write the program first ;).

The list of which monsters appear in which areas is in levels.txt. Note that this won't give all information; it just says which monsters will randomly spawn, not which are specifically placed somewhere.

Here's a link to the text files for 1.10.
A spreadsheet might not be too hard, with some adroit cutting and pasting from the raw files.
A program certainly could. Diablo 2 for example ;)

I am no Excel whiz, but it is mostly a matter of successive lookups in TCex.txt with known columns. I made a list of TCs dropped by the various superuniques by hand, in the end I realised it probably would have been quicker to automate it first...

I'm not sure how much to trust d2data. I think they have the right monsters in the right areas, and the right immunities (though wrong HP/exp/AR/dmg values in most cases). They are probably missing some though.

To do that step you need to look at levels.txt, the monster codes listed in the mon# columns are the ones that always appear (up to NumMon different kinds at a time), the ones in the nmon# columns can appear as guest monsters in NM and Hell, and the ones in the umon# columns can appear as boss/minion packs. From each of those codes, you can look up the appropriate row in monstats.txt - this file is huge but you're basically looking for values of 100+ in the ResXX(H) columns to give immunity. At the very far end of all the rows is a list of the base TCs the monster drops from too. After that, it's all lookups in treasureclassex.txt.
"Thank you. We always have a shortage of unfounded opinions, so this will really help us. " - adeyke
With about 30 minutes-1 hour's worth of changes I could probably get one of my helper programs to do a raw dump of randomly generated monsters' resistances and upgraded TCs.

It already reads in area, monster, Super unique, and TC data among other things. Just need to write something to process them.
http://www.d2exp.com already has all that info

true, but whats wrong with a little suprise ;)
"We need some sharp Object. Think, your formor self must have known of something that was sharp!"
"Here, this is sharp!"
"What is that! A butter knife? I will spread my evil and curruption with a Butter knife? What will we do, cover the place with butter so they all die of High Cholesterol?"
"We could try to"
"no you idiot we could NOT try"
Taken from "Hello Cthulhu" Page 12

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