Barb + WolfHowl + Cresent Moon + Beast
I have read that the lvl 33 bone prison charges on Marrowalks synergize other necro skills (as long as you have no points in bone prision). How about the wolf and bear charges on Wolfhowl, Cresent Moon and Beast?
No. Marrowalks is a bug I believe. I think this only works on Marrowalks not on anything else. I'm not sure however, so if someone else could confirm this...
I have my own signature. Yay.
It is absolutely a bug. It's not only Marrowwalks that's affected. If you have an item with charges of a skill but no points in that skill, the slvl of the charges is considered your base slvl for purposes of synergy.

Again, this is a bug. If you specifically use Wolfhowl, Crescent Moon and Wolfhowl together to get the synergy, that's bug exploitation.
I know its a bug adeyke, I was asking if charges can synergize charges. A Barb cannot have natural skill points in any of the Druid summoning skills. So its not like the Barb would purposely not put points into a skill (that he doesnt even have) so that his gear would unfairly synergize his natural skills.

I just thought it would be cool to have a Barb with strong summonables (costly though they may be).

Just a quick question. If Blizz can fix the cash-grinding bug serverside in a matter of a week or two, why not fix the charge/synergy bug (if they feel it is a bug)?
Quote:I know its a bug adeyke, I was asking if charges can synergize charges.

All skills that have synergies benefit from base points in those synergies, regardless of where the skill comes from.

IOW, skills activated normally, charged skills, CTC effects, auras on items, and exploding arrows on bows all benefit from synergies when applicable. That's not the bug.

It's just the fact the charges give any synergy at all that's a bug.

Quote:Just a quick question. If Blizz can fix the cash-grinding bug serverside in a matter of a week or two, why not fix the charge/synergy bug (if they feel it is a bug)?

I'm not Blizzard. Personally, I think they should have spent whatever effort is necessary to fix that bug, as well as so many others. Maybe they just don't see it as worth the effort, or they don't know how, or they're just plain lazy.

There are many bugs that would be completely trivial to fix, but which haven't been fixed yet. For example, I don't think it would take more than 30 seconds for even me to fix assassin traps so they benefit from Rainbow Facets. However, that particular bug was around since the release of 1.10. That is, over the course of many months, they couldn't spare the 30 seconds needed to fix the bug.

There are bugs that have been around for a long time, even though they're obviously bugs. So Blizzard not fixing something really doesn't say anything about whether it's a bug or not, if that's what you were implying.
Actually I was pondering. It seems like this is a fairly big unballancing bug and would be something that should have been addressed quickly. Oh well, who knows Blizzards priorities.
Considering their track record, the answer still remains "who knows how blizzard chooses their priorities?"

Mastery critical strike bug, guided arrow working with pierce, bow bug waaaay back when... which were bugs, which were priorities, which were fixed "quickly," which were left untouched as patch after patch was released...

Blizzard will or will not fix it as blizzard sees fit.

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"

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