The Rogue
Hey guys. Its boring old me. Today I am wriing about my rogue and her equipment can you see if I'm missing anything.

Weapon: Eaglehorn: 100% damage increase. 50% cth increase. +20 to dex.

Ammy: Obsidian amulet of Precision: 38% to resists, +17 to dex.

Ring 1: Obsidian ring of Perfection: 33% to resists, +27 to dex.

Ring 2: Drakes ring of titans: +44 to mana, +2 to strength.

Helm: Royal Circlet

Armour: Awesome Full Plate Of Sorcery: Armour Class: 72, 149% to AC and +19 to magic.

Here are my stats.

Level 30.

Strength: 91

Magic: 99

Dexterity: 324

Vitality: 62

Most of my good spells are level one and I am trying to find more books.

Thanks in advance.
Diablo One Forever. Diablo Two is the Darkside

Well, it looks like your Rogue is pretty much all set I'd say.
Eaglehorn is not a bad bow, but a swiftness bow is really great
when up against too many Bad Guys.

My Rogue has a Royal Circlet, a Massive bow of the Heavens,
a terrible AC (obsidian/precision AC 58) a couple rings of Heavens,
and obsidian/titans amulet. She's level 36 now and I've been
doing Nightmare/Hell runs lately for exp. I MUST learn to slow
down and stop activating a couple dozen enemies at a time.
That's where the spare jewelry comes in handy (ring & amulet
of the Dark) for item recovery.

You're looking for books? I can't read them anymore. Everything
but blood star & bone spirit needs 255 magic for me to read them.
For the lower level spells, just keep blasting through Church and
Catacombs looking for book rooms.

Ping me if you want to get together in a game some time.
I've not done any coop before, just solo MP. You can have all
the books we find :)

Wood Hoarder, Blade Sharpener, and Occasional Tool User
That would be great if we had a game. I'm normally free in the mornings but not sure on times. We will have to choose a gateway too.
Diablo One Forever. Diablo Two is the Darkside

Well the first thing you're going to need is a real bow, but Eaglehorn will have to do for now. ;)

Kidding aside, Erised, many would say that a Rogue should get her resists from her bow, freeing up jewelry slots for diverse attributes. I've never found a SWB (my base bow of choice) with an Emerald or Obs affix, so I've always gone for a damage adder on the bow.

Eagie's sweet. That used to be Sabra's Laz & shrine Run bow.

I'd say that what she's missing overall is +damage and +all adders, but she'll get those as she goes along.

So what's the deal on the AFP? Is that muled or did she find it? If she found it, where? Always interested to know where people's AFPs come from, because it took me forever to find my first. I would have killed to have had one at clvl 30! I think at that time I was still clunking around in a Blessed Gothic Plate of some sort.

Are you going to turn her into a mini-mage, because it seems you've suited her up that way. If you're going as an archer or CAT style, there are more useful affixes than sorcery, IMO. Keep a look out. I presume she's using the Drakes/Titans ring in order to keep that plate on. +All would be a lot more helpful there.

Have fun with her.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Hello Erised:

Its pretty obvious you have had some help in your item choices,(I believe im guilty of a couple of them). however your lack of decent spells means you havent done the required "apprenticeship" for a rogue.

This means skulking about in church and cats, shrine hunting and bookhunting. leaning to " run and gun" all needed skills for a rogue.

I suspect if you where alone in hell you would be quickly stormed and all those juicy pieces of gear would be laying on the floor.

You really need a better bow tho, the dmg of the eagle will quickly become pointless as you gain exp and your cth becomes
better. At your lvl a heavens suffix would be a better choice right now. It would force you to be more tactically sound .

good luck
Hey all and thanks. Do you knwo where I can find a exp calculator?
Diablo One Forever. Diablo Two is the Darkside

Is this what you mean?

Soul Toucher's Exp Pts Table
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Just a few random comments, biased by my opinions on "ideal" set ups for archer/mini-mages, which seems to be what you're headed towards (good choice!).

Your items add a lot of +dex (and you have very good equipment for your level), but the best suffix for rogues is +all, so ultimately you want to move towards that. Rogues have lots of natural dex, and they don't need more to hit. Ranged damage depends on str + dex, so e.g. a +15 heavens item adds the same amount of damage as a +30 perfection, and does a lot more besides.

The key thing for archer rogues is to do enough da to stun -- you're already at 63 da with your high dex/str, so you are fine there even for hell/hell and don't need a +da bow. Ultimately, I like +res/+all bows (e.g. obsidian/heavens, which can be bought from Gris -- base type isn't so important). They free up a resistance jewel slot, and even a plain zod is really useful for rogues.

Royal circlet is the best helm IMO, and your awesome/sorcery full plate is amazing (I hope you found it yourself or got it from someone you trust! :) ). You aren't likely to improve on either of those for a high ac style archer/mini-mage rogue. Altough + all is better, + mag is still very useful. Apart from the extra mana, magic to hit depends on your magic score, and you ultimately want to raise your magic score up to around 160 to hit hell/hell blood knights effectively with your lvl 15 fireball.

You might want to experiment with a low ac set up (e.g. obsidian/stars leather armor is nice) -- if you haven't done so already, you'll learn good rogue tactics that way. It's easy to get sloppy when you have armor that's as good as yours. Just make sure you have a rescue portal handy. ;)

You do need to work on raising your spells (especially fireball, chain lightning, stone curse, and teleport) -- buy and read as many books as you can; then you will have to go enchanted-shrine hunting to raise your spells the rest of the way, and you want to do that while you still get good xp in nm/hell church/cats.

Finally, don't add any more points to vit before maxing out your other stats.
Sabra and Thecla pretty much covered it, but I also will stress the importance of getting resistances from your bow. An obsidian bow and obsidian armor will leave you with 3 jewel prefix you can use for mana, greatly increasing your overall casting abilities (potentialy +180 mana!). The way I play my rogues, I use mana shield, since I usualy have low HP and am a careless player :D, so the added mana also benefits my damage taking abilities and survivability.
:unsure: Ring of ONYX. Thats obsidian? :(

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