Max blocking/dex question
Does your chance to block differ from monster to monster? If so, which monster should you have in mind when going for max blocking? Also, do ALL characters NEED max blocking? Which builds can leave their dex at base?

If a character isn't going to be using a sheild, how much dexterity should they have?
You're chance to block is the same, regardless of who is attacking you. However, Lister & Co. use an unblockable attack (Smite). Block works at 100% of its listed value against all attacks with any physical damage, except for Smite.

All characters don't need max block. In fact, I've never had a character with max block.

Caster builds can leave their dex at base, unless they're using a Wizard Spike/other high dex weapon. If you aren't having trouble hitting, you don't need more points into dex. You can even pull off a melee build with base dex, as long as you get enough AR from items, like Angelic Rings. However, characters that use Bows/Thrown Weapons get increased damage per point in dexterity, so it is beneficial to pump it.
So if you're not using a ranged weapon, get just enough dex for your items, as long as you can get enough AR from items.
Some characters have hideously high block frames. I remember gleaning that amazons have a 17 frame block with any melee weapon outside of jav's or daggers. A paladin with max block is ridiculous in a group as well (I do not know the frames for a paladin).

At the end of the day you have to experiment. Sometimes perfect block works well; my assassin had perfect block, and I used dragon tail to push my way out of groups, so it never became a problem.

Paladins have a base block rate of 5 frames. With holy shield active, they have a base block rate of 2 frames.
When you really think about it, it all comes down to play style. Some people prefer more life, less block, while I will always remain the advocate of the max block approach.

I have one word to the no-blockers: skeleton archers. (Well. It's actually two words, which imply a lot more: spear cats, thorn beasts and so on.)

If you're comfortable with a no-block approach; if you do not keep dieing from ranged (or, for that matter, melee physical damage), playing with no-block has it's advantages. You have more life, thus you (potentially) get into hit recovery from damage less frequently.

Another issue addressed here was the block speed. While paladins have the insane, and otherwise unattainable 2 frame block with HS, it can be advantageous for other classes to have block as well. The slow block can save you if you use it to avoid stray hits; tanking monsters with it can be dangerous, however.

About the other question: which character can go no block: even I have a no-block chracter, the barbarian MeisterSaenger. He is a dual-wiz cry baba (two wizes cost me 20 pgs. Damn I love HotO!) with 2.8k life and 2.1k mana. He has max BO, war cry, taunt and am currently working on battle cry. Az level 59 (1700 life, 1000 mana) he was able to solo nm baal packs; and he was absolutelly viable throughout nightmare playing alone. In larger games he has problems with damage (at level 74 he does like 650 max damage at 8 frames), but has hardly any problems defense-wise.
I'm trying to beat the game without any twinking in single player. I'm working on a Charged Bolt/Frozen Orb sorc right now. I haven't put any points in dex, but I have points saved up in case I decide to make her a blocker. What do you guys think? Should she block? (softcore, Nobbie's mod).

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