Cleric anyone?
Hello there lurkers. Long time lurkerlounge uhh, lurker here. Anyway I normally play single player or solo on bnet but awhile back in 1.09 I tried out a cleric build and I enjoyed partying with it. Now with the synergies in 1.1 I think this build could be even funner and hopefully more valuable to a party. So right off the start anyone wanna party with a medic? If your on USEast lemme know :) However, with this build I want the pally to be ready for any party, any situation. So I searched old posts about medics and found one but it wasn't really what I was looking for. Just like a medic in a war the medic doesn't really perform any offense manuvers. So I'd really prefer it if this pally caused absolutely no damage unless the party got into a tight spot particularily with some undead. So anyway. Skill questions. Holy bolt maxed is fairly obvious I think. That's about it for combat skills I believe. Prayer I could probably max too and use it frequently unless the synergy prayer has with cleansing and/or meditation works well. Then I could just use one of those as a primary. Cleansing and meditation I think would be best served with just one point however and use +skills to up them. Redemption is out cause it does not help the party but Salvation I think would be good with only a couple of points since most people will at least have half decent resists if their build requires it. So that's what? About 50 points roughly? Fanaticism and conviction from the offensive aura tree are the only ones I think would be necessary really. Where to dump the extra points? Or would a different combination be more effective for a well balanced medic? I figure I could help a group of mana users, a group of melee fighters or a group of ranged attackers. Anything I'm missing? Thankx in advance for any advice on this particular build. However don't forget...Anyone wanna party with a medic???

The way I made mine was maxed Holy Bolt, maxed Prayer, and maxed Meditation. Meditation gets a synergy from Prayer that works with +skills. It also heals the exact amount as Prayer without using your mana. There are two reasons I maxed Meditation: 1) High radius. 2) No one has any mana worries (except maybe a maxed Nova base energy no points in Warmth sorceress). I didn't really get him far enough to find out how effective this is, though.

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