The WoW Economy

I just had a thought, and wanted to run it by you guys before I suggested it to Blizz...

Let's face it. The economy in WoW sucks, as it does in the other games that Blizz has made. You have something that you buy in D2 for 130,000 gold, and you find something better. You sell it back, and you get 45,000 gold back, if you're lucky. In WoW, a minor healing potion would cost you 25 copper, but when you make your own potion, you can sell it back for 5 copper. Now granted, if you made your own potions, you're buying the vials for 3 copper, and then you're spending your time getting the herbs to make the potion. A profit of 2 copper. "Woop woop " says I... :huh:

There should be some sort of marketplace, where people can either meet up, or advertise their warez (hehe). So if someone wants to just sit in down and develop their tailoring skill by making bags for people, then why not let them advertise? Get that MMORPG mail-order conglomerate corporation going. Become a WoW millionaire! :lol:

But back on a serious note. Doing something like that would allow players to send other players on little side quests. So you want an 8 socket bag? Go get 20 linen cloths (I have no idea how much linen it really takes). And the person goes out, whacks a whole bunch of monsters, and then either sends or gives the cloth to the "Player Vendor." Whether or not the Player Vendor wants to charge for the service is completely up to them. But that's where the whole thing of competition between vendors comes into play. Every NPC Vendor will charge the same price for something, no matter where you are. But you throw Player Vendors into the mix, and you will be able to have people that can actually have decent equipment, hopefully without working so hard killing monsters and selling stuff that they drop that by the time you can afford what you're saving for, you really can't use it because you can then get something better that is still yet more expensive. Enter the Player Vendor of the Blacksmith variety. But the mail system has a CoD option built in, which would be great for someone that wants to sell something to someone else, but they are unable to get online at the same time. I live in the US, but if I wanted to sell something to someone in South Korea, getting to be online at the same time would be a royal pain. <_<

Not only there, but instead of having someone continuously yell "I need this, I need that..." just gets annoying. :angry: Having a place to post what you need, or want to sell would help everyone out, I think.

The key thing that is needed then is a place to advertise. May it be a "Poster Board" somewhere in town, or wherever. As I said before, I think that having this would help people out. It could enhance the "role playing" aspect of the game, help kids with thier studies in Econ, but also very strongly promote some level of character interaction beyond people just partying up to do a quest, or just playing with friends. Think about it. How many complete strangers do you come across when you're running your errands in real life? :huh:

What do you guys think? Thanks for reading...


You probably missed the announcement some time back about the upcoming "auction" houses. Unfortunately, the link from here (search "auction") goes to a forum posting that no longer seems to exist.

How well they will work and how useful they'll be with the combination of soulbound items, non-tradeable trade skills, and "NPCs sell better" recipes remains to be seen. Given that this is Blizzard, whether they actually implement it at all is a crap shoot, especially since cosmos already had it.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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