FanSite Chat Results
Blizzard's holding another one of those Fan Site Chat thingies we all love so. Cough.

Anyhow, typically at these chats, Blizzard releases one really cool tidbit of info about the game's upcoming "stuff," and the rest is all dodging, hemming, and hawing. Even still, if you'd like, each fan site has the opportunity to ask 3 questions* ahead of time for Blizzard to ponder and prepare answers for. So, as usual, I'm asking you guys to do all the work and see if you have any questions you would like to ask the dev team about World of Warcraft! If we can come to a semi-consensus on some good questions to ask, I'll submit those as the Three and then plug the rest during the chat.

Fire away! Remember the basic rules:

1) If it's too specific, they won't answer it.
2) If it allows them to toot their own horn, they'll be more likely to answer it.
3) If the question is like "why the hell haven't you fixed this yet" they most definitely will NOT answer it. :)


*This is yet another sign of just how diluted the pool is of fan sites. Back in "the day" (when Diablo was all this site was about), while there were maybe 100 Diablo fansites, there were only 10 or so worth going to, and none on the scale of the commercial-level fansites that exist nowadays. Now, there are thousands of fan sites for major games, with at least 100 great ones chock-full of content and good reads - this mirrors the explosion of the Internet. The times, they are a'changin.

Update: The Fan Site chat is now complete, and you can view the transcript below. Basically, zero information was released, even though I did get Pete's server question in there.


Q: What are you going to do to prevent the PvP "griefing"?
A: It is our intent to stop griefing on the design side of the game vs. having GMs intervene whenever possible. PvP changes are already in the works which will stop many of the griefing problems that have been popping up. Will it stop all of the problems? Probably not, which is why we continue to test, look at constructive feedback and make necessary changes.

Q: Will the patches for the European Beta be released at the same time as the patches for the USA/Korean Beta?
A: Our plan is to launch all patches as close to simultaneously as possible given the time zone constraints.

Q: Are they considering Talents to be a necessity or a customization option? Does Blizzard expect a player who does not spend Talent points to be an acceptable character in a group at end game?
A: Talents allow a player to customize their character. While there is no right or wrong way to spend talent points, not spending them will certainly make your character weaker than spending talent points.

Q: Are you planning on making the leveling curve harsher?
A: We are constantly evaluating the experience curve. Our goal is to match the leveling curve to the content in the game. We want players to always have quests to do up to max level. From evaluating the current leveling in the beta, we do agree that it is a bit too fast but do not intend to make any major changes. We feel that players will enjoy making multiple characters if leveling doesn't take too long.

Q: What are the plans for continuous challenges for players who hit the level cap?
A: We have plans for three different progression paths:
1) Individual players can work towards a Hero Class.
2) The PvP System will be more advanced than it is today including the addition of rewards.
3) Guilds will have a extensive raid content available to them with many zones and "uber" bosses to defeat.

Q: Can you tell us more about the raid content in the game?
A: We have many zones planned specifically for guild raids including:

• Solitary Dragons like Onyxia
• Dungeons that include both small group and raid content such as Blackrock Spire
• Entire zones which will only be accomplished with large raiding parties like Mount Hyjal.

However, only a very tiny portion of this raid content will be tested during the Beta Test as we prefer for this content to be discovered after the game goes live.

Q: When will European World of Warcraft Beta Testers be notified that they were selected?
A: We have recently closed the sign-ups for the European World of Warcraft Beta Test, and our European team is currently reviewing the applications. Selected testers will receive an invitation letter from Blizzard, so please stay tuned to /en or /fr (depending on which language you prefer) for announcements on when to check your inboxes. There will be multiple phases to the European Beta Test, but we will not be able to comment further on the status of any individual applications, so if you don't get selected for the first phase, please continue to check the web sites for future phase announcements.

Q: How many people will be "required" for a large scale raid?
A: We are still determining what the maximum number will be but we will likely have a variety of raids for players ranging anywhere from 15 - 30 players. We feel that if raids get much larger than 30 players that individuals lose their sense of participation.

Q: Will characters be able to switch from server to server?
A: Undetermined at this time, however we do realize that players are interested in this feature and will continue to discuss the possibility of allowing character transfers.

Q: Does Blizzard have any plans to add customization options for mounts?
A: While there are no mount customizations planned for the near future, the team has been discussing the possibility of adding options that will make mounts go faster (example: a saddle makes your mount go faster) or adding extra player storage, like saddlebags.

Q: What are the plans for Housing in the World of Warcraft?
A: Player housing will not be available until after World of Warcraft has been released. Our plan is to add player housing in a future live update or expansion. Our current idea (which could change) is to extend the cities to have player housing neighborhoods. For example, in the canal area of Stormwind players can see a blue instance portal behind a large portcullis; this is the entrance to the player housing neighborhood in Stormwind.

Q: Are you still going to be adding testers to the current Beta Test?
A: Yes, we will continue to add new phases of testers as server capacity permits. However, we don't have an ETA on when the next round of tersters will be added. We'll be sure to announce further details as we have them.

Q: Is it the plan for all characters to be able to solo equally well, or will certain classes, such as the Warlock and the Hunter, be more suited for this style of playing?
A: We intend for every class to be able to advance through solo-play. However, it is possible that some classes will solo more effectively than other classes.

Q: Are guilds able to submit their own tabard designs?
A: We do not currently have any plans to add the ability for Guilds/Players to submit their own Tabard designs. However, we did ask our fans to submit Tabard design suggestions. As a result, we now have over 200 Tabard choices available with the possibility of us continuing to add more choices later.

Q: What can you tell us about Hero Classes?
A: Hero Classes: After achieving the maximum level in the game, players will be able try to become a Hero Class. Becoming a Hero will be very difficult and arduous, since you can only become a Hero until after maximum level, we do not plan to implement Hero Classes until after all of the game content is completed.

Q: Will there be any world events that are scripted like a larger scale Stitches quest in the beta or in retail?
A: Yes! We plan on having many world events in the game. One of the more epic quests that we plan to include before the end of Beta is the opening of the raid zone, Ahn'Qiraj. During this event, a large number of players will need to ban together to challenge the defenders of the city. The event will take several hours and will involve the entire zone of Silithus.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
I'd like to know if they have considered, or would consider adding player controlled musical instruments to the game. Need a squelch feature for them too :D

Maybe out an Ocarina and play a little tune from time to time, even if you have no skill with music whatsoever.

Or funky battle drums to boost party member's spirits on a raid.

Well, just to "prime the pump", here are some questions that occurred to me:

Are there plans for additional land masses, perhaps in an expansion?

Could the undead eventually split off from the horde and turn this into a three faction game?

Any chance of a skill involving travel by water? Perhaps boat making and sailing?

Will there be "cross training" in trade skills, so that a particular recipe, for instance, might take level 200 blacksmithing and level 180 enchanting to make? Possibly made by two masters, one in each art, working together.

The perennially old question about lodgings, even if it is an instanced room at an inn.

Is there any possibility of a mechanism for moving avatars from one server to another?
(EDIT: Removed an "all your bases" instance.)

Will the horde and alliance (or even better, the classes) have more specific gear? Most of the stuff at present is pretty much the same (except in name) on the two sides.

With all those coins floating around, how come there are no slot machines in the game? :)

OK -- pretty weak, but maybe they'll stir some *good* ideas.


As to the fan sites, it seems that the number of sites starts to grow when a game is announced, really explodes during beta, starts to taper on release and are pretty much '404' holes within six months. The lifespan of a game, anymore, seems to be three years -- two and a half of anticipation followed by six months of disillusionment. It's been a while since the last game came out that was better to have than to want :)

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

Pete,Jul 8 2004, 11:51 AM Wrote:The lifespan of a game, anymore, seems to be three years -- two and a half of anticipation followed by six months of disillusionment.  It's been a while since the last game came out that was better to have than to want :)
Always so quotable :)

A workmate has given me a videocard that has finally allowed me to run Morrowwind. Playing 'old' games can be cheap and enjoyable :)
Will the game keep track of how many "pay on delivery" items somebody let's rot in his/her mailbox until they are returned? Some action should be taken if people repeatedly agree to trade and then don't pay, resulting in delays/annoyance for others. A minor issue, hopefully, if auction houses function anything like I hope they do (I think it was Pete who called it "fire and forget" trading). Still, griefers/lamers exist everywhere.


"I'm a cynical optimistic realist. I have hopes. I suspect they are all in vain. I find a lot of humor in that." -Pete

I'll remember you.
I'll give you a couple answers I've picked up from their forums while I mull over questions of my own. :)

Quote:Is there any possibility of a mechanism for moving avatars from one server to another?
I'm pretty sure that they're not thinking about this, currently. They've talked about how they are trying to decide whether to allow players to create characters of only one faction or both on a given server, so that assumes the baseline thought that characters can't move from one server to another.

Quote:Will the horde and alliance (or even better, the classes) have more specific gear? Most of the stuff at present is pretty much the same (except in name) on the two sides.
Actually, they just said something about this in the last week. They did say they were trying to make more "Horde-Specific" gear. That is, they want to make it look more "Horde-ish" probably by making it seem more daunting or spikey.
It's been a while - any more questions people want to ask Blizzard?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Yup. I have one big, nagging question, but it would have to phrased so as not to insult the designers:

Have you noticed that the WoW items, compared to D2 items, are almost completely lacking in interest and flavor? Are more special abilities going to be added to items in the future?
Cryptic,Jul 16 2004, 11:04 PM Wrote:Yup.  I have one big, nagging question, but it would have to phrased so as not to insult the designers:

Have you noticed that the WoW items, compared to D2 items, are almost completely lacking in interest and flavor?  Are more special abilities going to be added to items in the future?
WoW, when compared to other MMORPGs, has some juicy items. I would be quite saddened to see Über mods introduced and that would turn the game into an item fest (where great items are required to be able to play your class).

In fact, it is usually agreed on that Blizzard stroke a nice balance currently with the item stats. :)


This one is a great question:
Pete Wrote:Could the undead eventually split off from the horde and turn this into a three faction game?

The only problem is that we wouldn't get the answer.


Hero classes are an interesting subject, as well as racial spells/abilities and racial talents. :)
Proud Member of the Amazon Basin
Greetings to all of you Lurker Lounge Members!
Pete had a bunch of good ones. Since we get so few questions to ask, it's hard to come up with a "big" question worth posing.

One question that nags at me is the level cap. If it's 60, will it ever be raised? (Sounds like 60 is a good place to stay at, since a couple of Horde level 90's would be able to decimate all of Stormwind, for example).

Sadly, that's the only question I could come up with. I'm still formulating opinions on certain aspects of the game, and any questions in my head are basically, "wouldn't it be nice if..." kinds of things.
"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*

Now, I'm not in on the beta so this may be spaghetti on the wall, but...

...I'd be interested to know if the difficulty (for lack of a more descriptive term) of the quest NPCs are pretty much set, or if they'll be buffed/twinked as the testing continues to wrap up. This Van Cleef fellow sounds nasty enough, I'd hate to think he'll get tougher to accomodate a gaggle of 50th lvl chars.

...I'm curious to know if there might be any kind of D2 Hardcore implemented, be it a check box at character creation or a special server, etc. Cliff-jumping would be right out, for one thing.

...I wonder if the retail version will be available for download as well (for a fee, of course); if not I'd like to know if gameplay will involve cd-swapping. I suppose end-user access to expansions and such will be indicative of Blizzard's business model.

Al dente,
It'd be pretty interesting to see a Hardcore server or something of that nature - I'm not a fan of the one-life-to-live mechanic, but maybe it'd be worth it in an MMOG.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.

I'm normally one of the staunchest supporters of hardcore, but I don't think I'd do it in a MMOG. There are too many gotchas, from server glitches, to rampant respawns, to training, etc. Combine that with a slower leveling rate, and the game's just not worth the candle. Or at least, so I see it.

Of course, if there were a hardcore server, I'd *have* to give it a try :)


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

hehe would you only be able to play on that server after you "won" the game? :P
Signatures suck
Blizzard was very strict about the question of a Hardcore mode, and everytime they were asked they said there's no way, it's something for Diablo 2, not for WoW

Probably right but still... I shall mourn thy thought
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
The original post has been edited to include the contents of the Fan Site chat. Bumping.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
mmmmhhh... hero classes... makes me curious.
Former webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

mmmmhhh... hero classes... makes me curious.

Makes us all curious :) I suspect that that is at least in part their purpose. But Blizz is keeping mum on that for now.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?


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