The new patch is here!
Yes!!!!! Time to play my Horde warrior a bit I think :)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Roane,Jul 8 2004, 01:34 PM Wrote:Actually, the concept of diminishing returns for repeated crowd control spells in PvP was done in DAoC prior to this (two years ago or so?), and relatively effectively.
Mythic tried diminishing returns and it didn't work, then they tweaked the system a couple times and it still didn't work, so they finally threw their hands up and put in the one-minute timer. Now, if you aren't playing one of the primary crowd control classes and you use your short CC, you'll get yelled at by the primary crowd control people because you've just prevented them from using their uber CC for a full minute. DAoC is as patchwork as it gets.
Heh. See what happens when I leave the game? I thought it was doing fairly well before I left. It certainly helped my frustrations, but my viewpoint was just that of the main tank for an RvR group. Ah well. It was a good go.
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->

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