Item generation at Wirt
According to Jarulf Wirt will only sell items with qlevel between your character level and 2x your character level (with an exception when your character is more than clvl 25). Also, according to Jarulf, within 1 game Wirt will only change what he's selling when you level up to an even number (I've never seen Wirt do anything to the contrary). This begs the question what if you level up to an odd number, but the qlevel of what he was selling you before is now below your character level. For instance, if you are level 20 and he's selling a robe of harmony (qlvl 20), what happens when you level up to 21? I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere but I can't find where.
Quote:According to Jarulf Wirt will only sell items with qlevel between your character level and 2x your character level (with an exception when your character is more than clvl 25). Also, according to Jarulf, within 1 game Wirt will only change what he's selling when you level up to an even number (I've never seen Wirt do anything to the contrary). This begs the question what if you level up to an odd number, but the qlevel of what he was selling you before is now below your character level. For instance, if you are level 20 and he's selling a robe of harmony (qlvl 20), what happens when you level up to 21? I'm sure this has been discussed somewhere but I can't find where.

JG 3.9.4: "He will renew the item only if you have bought the previous one and then gone into the dungeons or when you gain a new character level that is even."

It sounds like the game does not have an internal check to ensure that an item Wirt offers is still valid, only that it was valid when it was generated. This means the item offered will not refresh until you level up one more time or purchase the existing item.


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