Dontcha just hate when you find...
I was playing Rogues a lot. I kept finding the coolest staves, Arch-Angels stuff, and Apocalypse, and wacky ones like the Protector. What am I going do with those? Sell them I guess... And axes. Big Bad Axes, like Messerschmidt's Reaver and Stone Cleaver, and Savage Great Axe of Titans. But I'm a bow Rogue! I am not going to use this stuff... and yet Murphy insists on dropping them at my feet. Why not a couple of constricting rings? At least they're handy for cash storage.

Then a recent question about gaining experience in Single Player games got me thinking. Hmmm, what better way to learn how to play a Naked Mage than to start a level 1 mage in Hell difficulty SP? Indeed. I ran a couple of these guys up to level 20. It's great fun, only takes an hour or so, and you learn the moves you need for a naked mage. So I started a MP mage, fully intending to stick to the Naked Way. What do I find? Nice staves, naturally. Lots of armour and weapons. Nice rings, well, nice for a level 17 mage, and amulets. Sell it all. Not a problem. But then I found a Staff of Dislexya (pun intended). What to do... carry it around for a while. toying with the idea of a BNM.

But no, I can't do it. So I ditch the staff. Whew! That was a close call. *ding* Hey, what's this? Uh oh. Ring of the Fool. And I'm back to thinking about BNMs again. So far I've managed to resist the urge to wear the thing, but I'm still carrying it. Stalking through the caves, fingering the magic ring in my pocket, oh yes, my precious, we'll be wearing you soon, yes yes...

rambling again...
Wood Hoarder, Blade Sharpener, and Occasional Tool User
I know exactly how you feel lol. Ive been playing Diablo on and off for many years now but now im back full time. The first thing I said to myself was "I want a nce level 50 mage again". With this in mind, I gained 1,000,000,000 experience in a month and hit Level 49. But Ive come to the conclusion Diablo isnt exactly welcoming me back ;)

At around level 40, I got sick of my original character which used an AA staff, najs and TC to bring up spell levels to level 20 so I went the tank mage way, and little did I know, Diablo was 1 step ahead of me.

The items! How can I describe the total TRASH I was constantly finding on hell difficulty? Dozens of rags and leathers from laz, red and black. I was finding 100's of singular indestructible items, 10's of bolt spell books. And the RINGS!!!! :P Ring of harmony at least 50 times, ring of theives, ring of light! and to cap it all off, rings of engagement off gorash (and the -1 damage variety as well!) lol and as ive hit nearer to 50, they just get worse. Im finding dozens of structure items and very weak uniques at the moment.

Here is the odd fact though - I was helping a pure character friend of mine out in normal difficulty, finding him bosses to kill. The items were...mad lol
I was finding amulets of the zodiac, rings of the zodiac and a near perfect serpents ammy of the heavens, all from level 13!

The worlds gone mad lol, I still love this game to bits :)

Take care

Lunatorium - the thin line between genius and LuNaCy :-S
Lunatorium - the thin line betweenGeniusand LuNaCy! :-S
The reason why you are finding good stuff on normal is that the game determines what is dropped by the mlvl of the monster, BEFORE it is raised for difficulty. So doing Laz runs on hell is a waste of time.
[Image: harlequin2.jpg]

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