Anyone know how much the following go for in sojs/high runes?

Doom - Cryptic Axe

Breath of the Dying - Ghost Spear/War Pike


Chains of Honor - Dusk Shroud/Scarab Husk/Wire Fleece/Archon



IK set

Templar's Might

Arreat's Face

Crown of Ages

Giant Skull

Harlequin Crest

From the Etiquette:

Please take all trading posts to - we do not evaluate or trade items on these forums. Post at your own risk: you'll get at least a dozen flames before it is nuked!

From the FAQ:

Q: How come you don't have a trading forum here?
A: The administration at the Lurker Lounge feels that trading forums bring in the wrong kind of clientele. This site is about strategy and game mechanics, not about game items. Posters come here to learn about the game, and trading forums do not facilitate that. We'll leave the trading forums and auctions to other fansites.

Even the mountains
Last not forever:
Someday they, too, shall
Crumble to dust.
Just continuing on Grayloch's FYI... The Lurker Longe is a very snobbish forum; not just any old lamer can be a member. We don't encourage intarweb abbreviations (IE: LOL, and such). Cursing is also frowned upon. We aren't the people who have the uber godly items; many of us are too busy looking at *.dll's/modding/etc. Hacking, botting, duping also go without saying. Most of us are not 'hardcore' players in the traditional sense (not to say that we don't play a lot) but many of us care more for the games inner workings and technicalities. Think carefully about whether or not this forum is right for you before posting again.

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