Countess runs and ?

Ok last few days I have been doing a few countess runs and 2 strange things have happened so far .

No 1 , from the many runs I have done , the countess has dropped 7 (seven) unique rings , great , wooot , but... all 7 rings have been Raven frosts ? surely I should have had something else , or is the odds for this particular ring off Countess very high?

No 2 , This one has me baffled , now and then depending on amount of champions/bosses on lvl 5 of the tower , I clear it out . I did this today , left for town to sell items and came back through the portal , immediately on entering , I was cursed with amp damage ? Not too bad , but , there were no creatures to cast it ? I searched all of lvl 5 and found 3 Devilkin/carver types near the entrance , these were normal types , non minion . So any idea's ?

Take care

edit : Ok this was on Battlenet and Hell mode .
Take care

-Nightmare or hell?

- SP or Battlenet?

Seven Ravenfrosts? I think you've used up your luck for quite some time :P
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”

It is on Hell mode .

But , I just had another Unique Ring drop and it was a 9% LL Carrion wind :D , so thats cleared that up .

Take care

Edit : Erm believe this or not I just got an 8% Carrion about 5 - 10 minutes after that one , wonder if I can get 7 in a row :lol:
Take care
Raven Vale,Aug 31 2004, 11:31 AM Wrote:Hi

It is on Hell mode .

But , I just had another Unique Ring drop and it was a 9% LL Carrion wind  :D , so thats cleared that up .

Take care

Edit : Erm believe this or not I just got an 8% Carrion about 5 - 10 minutes after that one , wonder if I can get 7 in a row  :lol:
Is this because the drop pool for act 1 monsters include more rings than anywhere else?

I've been playing Ladder Season 2 since the start rather regularly and only come across 4 unique rings.

*Scratches head* :huh:



I have no idea really , perhaps someone more informed can let you know . All I can say is I have run her for some hours so the chance she drops these maybe a normal % .

Oh and my run of nice rings just ended with a 6% Manald from her , seems weird , since asking about those 7 Raven frosts , she has dropped differently , perhaps she reads the forums ;)

Take care
Take care
Wow weird. Do you do manual runs?
turtle435,Aug 31 2004, 09:54 PM Wrote:Wow weird. Do you do manual runs?
Odd though it may seem to you, some people prefer to play the game rather than cheat.

Given the other posts you've made today, there doesn't really seem to be a great deal of point in continuing this discussion, however.
You don't know what you're talking about.
Raven Vale,Aug 31 2004, 12:55 PM Wrote:perhaps she reads the forums  ;)

For curiosity's sake, what is your MF at?

Do I do Manual runs ? As opposed to what ? Botting , well I may be naive but I did'nt think there was such a thing as a countess bot , only ever heard of Pindlebot . Yes It's boring as hell but all my runs are "manual" runs , ask the wife , poor thing lacks company when I gt it into my head to do a few hundred runs :lol:

Also on the MF , this is a new Light sorc specifically designed for Countess/pindle/eldritch/shenk , it is shared by 3 people who all have other high lvl sorcs , mine is a lvl 89 cold sorc , built for Andy/Meph runs . This particular one was only started a few days ago and is lvl 84 and as such is still pretty low on gear , thats reserved for other chars , but , she has a grand total of 230% MF . Not a lot , but I tend to restrict her to countess runs atm . Hope that helps :D
Take care

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