Draft Could Come Back
Quote:Some trolls are to be commended for their unique talent in setting land mines, while others are merely tiresome. Fools, on the other hand, are simply pathetic.

I think, in all honesty, that he's just a kid that is just trying to fit in and act like his peers. That doesn't make him some detestable, horrible monster. It just makes him annoying. The attitude I've seen from lurkers regarding the matter seems to come from a perspective of utter perfectionism, as though the lounge can stand not even the slightly annoying. And trust me, my time elsewhere has show me far worse.

The whole concept of intelligent trolls really goes out the window when you introduce a lot of young people into the situation - For every Hocus, you have 99 kids just expressing their opinions.

If you want to make sense out of him, beat it into him. Eventually he'll get the point.
My other mount is a Spiderdrake
I frequent a forum that does not have rules and dedicated mods, like the Lounge. I'll post a linky if anyone wants to see just how bad forums can get.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Ha! Beat you to it!

Although, I am suprised that you frequent such a place :P
Taeme,Sep 15 2004, 09:18 AM Wrote:I think, in all honesty, that he's just a kid that is just trying to fit in and act like his peers.
Are you being serious?

As for the not being a troll? You know I disagree with you.

How can some one write a post like this:

Quote:How about this; if you ever die, just delete/stop playing that character.

I'm also really looking foward to this. However, I think it has more in common with Neverwinter Nights than Diablo II. D2 has a 1 click, 1 hit attack system, and that gives a 'down in battle' kind of feel that most other games can't offer. However, the GW system (1 click, repetedly attacks until dead) does seem to work well as you can just click your skill, use it, and continue attacking. Gosu.


There have been numerous threads about this under this very forum. In future, you might want to just add to them instead of starting new threads.

And then troll the gay marriage thread 14 pages into it by restating his original post on the first page, disregarding the 14 pages of debate that just occured.

I'm not trying to make this into a big debate. Its not really even worth this post, but I'm trying to make a point that theres a reason I feel this way that goes beyond a simple 'I don't like him.'

As for being a perfectionists here on the lounge? How many times do you have to tell some one to PLEASE stop using 'haxxor speak' before they listen? Here is what I am referencing.

I know its like splitting hairs, and it is a minor thing. But the fact that it continues to happen shows a contradiction to your point 'he is just trying to fit in.'

Its been months. Numerous occaisions. There's a point where it stops being incidental.



Feel free to reply to my post, I leave it open to a reponse, but past that lets move to PM or other communication, if it even needs to go that far.
HOw was that quote you quoted trollish? How is starting this topic trollish? Do you take offense for my idea for those people who want to play hardcore? Do you find my opinion that GW has more in common with Neverwinter Nights than Diablo II stupid? Is it shocking that I give a word of advice to a newcomer?
I've been to other forums. Years ago, the forums on www.misetings.com were full of some of the most asburd swearing and nonsense I've ever seen. This forum has nothing even coming close to MT.

Of course, this forum is a lot better than MT and has far superior moderators.
Quote:Are you being serious?

As for the not being a troll? You know I disagree with you.

Am I being serious? Well there isn't any sarcasm or humour in my post, so yeah, we'll assume for the moment I am infact being quite serious.

And yes, I knoooooooooooooooooow you disagree with me. But I have my own opinions to work with, unfortunately. I know that's such a bittersweet embrace.

Quote:How can some one write a post like this:

To be honest, that post looks like someone trying to "enforce" lounge sensibilities, in complete imitation of his peers here. That post looks like one I've seen ten thousand times on the lounge. Unless you're talking about the GW / NWN / D2 comparision, at which point, I seriously can't see anything slightly trollish.

Trolls are people actively, intelligently gunning for a response. I know how to troll. I have trolled people. I once drew another person into a flamewar and afterwards compared his flaming skills to being beaten with a bag of mashed potatos (slowly, I might add). That's trolling. Repeating your points or trying to enforce the way the lounge works in an attempt to impress others? That just looks like Unrealshadow needs to get more in touch with how this place works.

I don't really care how long he's been here. Sometimes people need serious whackings til they get it.

Quote:Feel free to reply to my post, I leave it open to a reponse, but past that lets move to PM or other communication, if it even needs to go that far.

This forum no longer has the traffic where we baddly need to move discussions elsewhere. Don't wuss out on me ;)
My other mount is a Spiderdrake
unrealshadow13,Sep 15 2004, 11:02 PM Wrote:Is it shocking that I give a word of advice to a newcomer?
The problem is you don't actually know who's a newcomer, I fear.

And no arguing for you. This is my discussion, not yours. Shoo! Shoo! Before Occhi writes more poems about you being a bag. (He's half drunk half the time, all drunk the rest of the time, you know)

Edit : Ah, dang it, I really should know better than to double post.
My other mount is a Spiderdrake
Quote:The problem is you don't actually know who's a newcomer, I fear.

Zippy joined this forum this month. The month isn't even half over. He's new in my book.

You are allowed to double post as long as you are replying to different posts.

Those poems are about me? :huh: That's kind of messed.
unrealshadow13,Sep 15 2004, 11:14 PM Wrote:
Quote:The problem is you don't actually know who's a newcomer, I fear.

Zippy joined this forum this month. The month isn't even half over. He's new in my book.

You are allowed to double post as long as you are replying to different posts.
Except this forum has been on other forums, and Lurkers have come from all sorts of places. The point is, YOU DON'T KNOW. So don't assume.

What you are allowed to do and what is polite to do aren't necessarily the same thing. Nailing the difference is what makes people like you, here.
My other mount is a Spiderdrake
Quote:Unless you're talking about the GW / NWN / D2 comparision, at which point, I seriously can't see anything slightly trollish.

That was an example of an intelligent post. I figured it would stand for itself.

Quote:This forum no longer has the traffic where we baddly need to move discussions elsewhere. Don't wuss out on me ;)

Only because you make me smile spider.
Double post. I'm worse than you Taeme :P
Quote: Trolls are people actively, intelligently gunning for a response. I know how to troll. I have trolled people. I once drew another person into a flamewar and afterwards compared his flaming skills to being beaten with a bag of mashed potatos (slowly, I might add). That's trolling.

Only once? :P
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)
This post you just wrote makes me cringe, and it seems to me that it's based more on reputation of Unrealshadow than anything actual. Such as:

Taeme@Sep 15 2004, 05:16 PM Wrote:Except this forum has been on other forums, and Lurkers have come from all sorts of places. The point is, YOU DON'T KNOW. So don't assume.

And we're all supposed to magically realize that join date may mean something on a particular forum for one person, but not on another forum and/or with another person.

Taeme@Sep 15 2004, 05:16 PM Wrote:What you are allowed to do and what is polite to do aren't necessarily the same thing. Nailing the difference is what makes people like you, here.

You're talking about this I think:

unrealshadow13 @ Sep 15 2004, 11:14 PM Wrote:You are allowed to double post as long as you are replying to different posts.

Which is actually what I read people are supposed to do, and I've seen people do, because of threaded view.

If you're going to lean on somebody, make sure they're sactually doing something wrong.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Minionman,Sep 16 2004, 01:01 AM Wrote:This post you just wrote makes me cringe, and it seems to me that it's based more on reputation of Unrealshadow than anything actual.
Quote:And we're all supposed to magically realize that join date may mean something on a particular forum for one person, but not on another forum and/or with another person.

No, that means when someone shows up you don't immediately start telling them to do stuff since you don't know. I said he shouldn't assume. It would be great if you were able to bring your reading comprension with your smarty pants, but I guess you left them at home.

Onto the next point ...

Quote:Which is actually what I read people are supposed to do, and I've seen people do, because of threaded view. If you're going to lean on somebody, make sure they're sactually doing something wrong.

That's if you, say, are discussing something in depth enough where the second post helps in organization and thought flow. This, on the other hand, was a small snippet replying to a short point. It's not harder to read in thread view, thusly, it's just clutter in a normal view. So no, I shouldn't double post. It was just me being lazy.
My other mount is a Spiderdrake
Quote:Keep on topic.
A common sense rule; simply put your posts in the right place.

Quote:5) Do not feed the Trolls! Well... I suppose giving them untested drugs is OK: after all, who'd protest against scientific tests on Trolls? ;)

1. We're off-topic.
2. We're paying attention to a creature which doesn't deserve it, whether he's intentionally being stupid or not.

Bolty, might I suggest the Final Solution?

If we have a problem with one of our fellow Loungers, we should either contact one of the moderators, or discuss it here.

Unrealshadow13: We shouldn't have to tell you that "lozl" is not welcomed here on The Lounge. Your moronic opinions and obtuse behaviour aside, your language should still reflect a clear mind, even though yours is obviously cumulus-heavy. If you really want to fit in here, I suggest you

1. Read the rules and netiquette-section (again, assuming you already have) and follow their instructions.
2. Express your more radical opinions elsewhere.

Now look what you made me do. I fed the troll! Damn it! You turned me into a hypocrite. Please appreciate the sacrifice I made for you, and smarten up!
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
unrealshadow13,Sep 15 2004, 08:14 PM Wrote:Zippy joined this forum this month. The month isn't even half over. He's new in my book.
Zippyy has been around a lot longer than a month. Trust me on that.

(Hi Zippyy! :))
Coming from someone who lurks more often then not, I think that there's something wrong with UnrealShadow, when I have to restrain myself from flaming him several times a day.
How do I read the etiquette and rules.
unrealshadow13,Sep 16 2004, 01:37 AM Wrote:How do I read the etiquette and rules.
I noticed that LoG's reading this thread (Hi Lemming!) so I thought I might offer pictoral assistance to LoG's (hopefully) upcoming post.

(I apologize for the color differences. I'm a in a hurry and my name isn't DeeBye. :P)

[Image: thing1.jpg]

This appears at the top of almost every screen on the forum. I suggest you get acquainted.

And, for added clarification,

[Image: thing2.gif]
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
I don't want to be a bother, but that red color disturbed me when I first saw it. Could you change the color, if you have the time. :)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) 
Battle.net (ArchonWing.1480)

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