Wow, I can't believe the Lounge is still around...
Armin,Sep 29 2004, 09:44 AM Wrote:Hey, don't forget I have a Ph.D. in molecular cell biology. You'll NEVER know how many clones are out there...  :ph34r:

Um, how on earth did I miss this thread? Hi Armin! *Waves*
Armin,Sep 27 2004, 01:26 PM Wrote:Gee, I wonder if I can still pull off a 3@30...

It will all come back to you (it did for me ;-) ). Good to see you still around (even if late).

Hey Armin :)

You know what I'm going to ask...

Still playing Baldur's Gate 2? ;) (I still remember that list of yours on how to prevent mindflayers from turning my brain into a nice snack. Hang next to my pc for months and has kept me alive on numerous occasions :P I even dug it up for a pnp game a couple of weeks ago since we we came across ilithids)

Good to see you're still alive :P
And you do not ask the cost...
Quote:Still playing Baldur's Gate 2? ;) (I still remember that list of yours on how to prevent mindflayers from turning my brain into a nice snack. Hang next to my pc for months and has kept me alive on numerous occasions :P I even dug it up for a pnp game a couple of weeks ago since we we came across ilithids)

Still have it on this comp and dig it out on occasion. Party control and tactical combat still beat NWN by a mile B)

Quote:Good to see you're still alive :P

Albeit barely :P

With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince...
With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D. ...
and still keep the frog you started with.
Selby,Oct 6 2004, 02:23 PM Wrote:It will all come back to you (it did for me ;-) ).  Good to see you still around (even if late).

Already did :)

My new lil' rogue went golden at 30 a few days ago. Although I gotta admit, her equipment was a bit... exaggerated... compared to the old variant days :ph34r:

With magic, you can turn a frog into a prince...
With science, you can turn a frog into a Ph.D. ...
and still keep the frog you started with.
Armin,Sep 29 2004, 08:44 AM Wrote:Hey, don't forget I have a Ph.D. in molecular cell biology. You'll NEVER know how many clones are out there...  :ph34r:

:lol: I don't know which line made me laugh the hardest :lol: ...... :o now I can't find my gum !

Welcome back Armin ! :D
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto
Armin,Oct 6 2004, 09:56 AM Wrote:My new lil' rogue went golden at 30 a few days ago. Although I gotta admit, her equipment was a bit... exaggerated... compared to the old variant days

Ah yes, I remember learning to play with "good" equipment again. It was definitely a different experience compared to the "handicapped" way I used to play ;-)
Armin,Oct 6 2004, 03:51 PM Wrote:Still have it on this comp and dig it out on occasion. Party control and tactical combat still beat NWN by a mile  B)
Definetely. I tend to quest through NWN without henchmen, I dislike the control system to the point of pure loathing. Even familiars I only pull out when needed, because even they have a tendence to going toe to toe with Big Bad Evil Guys. Summon Monster all the way ;) (For a caster that is. For a melee character, I can do without any support.)
And you do not ask the cost...
Faragon,Oct 6 2004, 08:41 AM Wrote:Still playing Baldur's Gate 2?

Oh dear, this made me think of your BG2 forum.

After a quick check, I see that URL it is no longer such.

I plan to take another trip through BG and BG2, and perhaps some day I will even open my copy of IWD2. NWN I barely touched.

Oh right, hi Armin. :wub:
How about them apples? They say they do not fall far from the tree, and that one can spoil the whole bunch. Well I say we may not all be rotten, but we are all spoiled.
degrak youtube
Gakerd,Oct 8 2004, 01:43 AM Wrote:Oh dear, this made me think of your BG2 forum.

After a quick check, I see that URL it is no longer such.
Yeah, shortly after the hype from BG2 cooled down, so did the forum. Eventually it became completely dead, and it seems hosting has completely pulled out a while ago.

Ah well...
And you do not ask the cost...
Hopefully with a sword and shield, the bow having been conclusively proven as the weapon of the backward-minded :P

I think the latest strain of nostalgia is spreading across the globe quickly - a mere two weeks to get from Germany to Australia! It's funny how fondly I remember the DSF looking back nearly 7 years...

In any case, a BIG hi to Armin and everyone else here who I spent an inordinate number of late nights corresponding with back in the day.

- Hal

Wow :) And an equally big hello to you too Hal -- this nostalgia thing really must be catching. I hope you've been keeping yourself amused in the intervening hours and years.

Hal,Oct 13 2004, 05:25 PM Wrote:the bow having been conclusively proven as the weapon of the backward-minded [right][snapback]57563[/snapback][/right]

Whatdyameanbackwardminded? Ok, well, I admit that the fact that I liked bows doesn't prove anything in that regard, but it still doesn't mean that Claudio was forward-minded.
Howdy TheCLA :)

Now there's a name for the ages! I believe the common denominator between me and Armin is unemployment. I've taken off a good three months before I pack up and move over to the good old USA, and like him I found a couple of old posts that I had archived for posterity which sparked the memories.

Anyway, it's great to see that the old DSF community has been so enduring over the years. I believe that if any of the other names that people have been trying to "summon" knew this you would see no shortage of familiar faces.

Now if only we could get Sourceror and Finnan Haddie on the forum at the same time....

- Hal
Well, then, the message is clear.

We need more unemployment, and the world will be a better place -- or at least its Fora (Pete©) will be more active.

Best of luck with your move. :)
Howdy, Hal.

Hal,Oct 14 2004, 04:17 AM Wrote:Now if only we could get Sourceror and Finnan Haddie on the forum at the same time....

Perhaps the last Finnan Haddie was seen was as the wounded townsman in Dr. Zed's mod.

By now he might have completely bled out.
Using more than one question mark does not make it anymore of a question.
degrak youtube
Hi, Armin,

Good to hear from you again.

I've had several friends get involved with the molecular industry - none of them that I know of has found a stable situation leading to long-term employment. It seems an industry maybe inherently prone to change and turmoil.

Anyway, on the Diablo front, I don't recall what state my web site was in at the time you quit hanging around the DSF. I think I may not have had much up other than the early versions of the Glossary.

Although the HTML coding is primitive by today's standards, and the Links list is somewhat outdated now, my D1 site still gets a slow but steady stream of hits. I suspect many of them come from people looking at Soul Toucher's XP Table. Or, of course, reading some of your old posts which I have featured there. ;) If you are in a nostalgic mood, you might find some of the stuff in the "Archive of Chaos" of interest.

<sigh> there were so many other old DSF posts I wanted to put on the site, but it's hard to get motivated to work on it anymore... still, maybe one of these days. Stranger things HAVE happened!

It is indeed good to have you back.



"In each human heart are a tiger, a pig, an ass, and a nightingale; diversity of character is due to their unequal activity."

- Ambrose Bierce
Scrape,Oct 14 2004, 02:21 PM Wrote:Howdy, Hal.
Perhaps the last Finnan Haddie was seen was as the wounded townsman in Dr. Zed's mod.

By now he might have completely bled out.

I believe that the name Honi B, appeared some time *after* DZM came out.

Ashock,Oct 14 2004, 07:36 PM Wrote:I believe that the name Honi B, appeared some time *after* DZM came out.

Yeah, right -- like a complete newbie with a total post count of exactly 1 would know anything about whether Honi B appeared before or after DZM came out. B)
Thecla,Oct 15 2004, 04:48 AM Wrote:Yeah, right -- like a complete newbie with a total post count of exactly 1 would know anything about whether Honi B appeared before or after DZM came out. B)

Yes, I suppose you're right. No one with a post count of 1 should post in this thread. However, if you look carefully enough, my post count is actually 2 not 1, which I believe qualifies me to participate in this discussion. You made a slight miscalculation by a measly 100% ;)

Ashock,Oct 14 2004, 09:10 PM Wrote:Yes, I suppose you're right. No one with a post count of 1 should post in this thread. However, if you look carefully enough, my post count is actually 2 not 1, which I believe qualifies me to participate in this discussion. You made a slight miscalculation by a measly 100%&nbsp; ;)

Yeah, right -- next you'll be claiming your post count is 3 and I'm 200% off.

But nice to see you around anyway. Too bad we have no games to play ATM. :)

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