Sinclair Broadcasting
Ghostiger,Oct 26 2004, 02:13 AM Wrote:I guess I was able to show that he was talking gibberish with out making a personal insult.  Good for me :)

*laughs heartily*

Is English your first-known language? I think that would explain a lot of things.

Time to rerail this train: Clicky.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
Its odd that none off you are offended by bad logic, but so many of you are excited by grammer or spelling errors.

Actually its not odd, it just shows that we dont share strengths and weaknesses.
From my perspective, I have the preferable kit.
Ghostiger,Oct 25 2004, 10:41 PM Wrote:Its odd that none off you are offended by bad logic, but so many of you are excited by grammer or spelling errors.
Actually its not odd, it just shows that we dont share strengths and weaknesses.
From my perspective, I have the preferable kit.

I'm offended by bad logic. Syntax is, well syntax.

Logic itself is a natural progression bound by language. It is connected, though which is more important, the logic or the syntax, is subjective.

Remember logical statements are not necissarily true statements. Premises can be wrong :P


Indeed thats true.

I dont feel everyone should agree with me. A vigerous reasoned arguement is the high point of a forum IMO.

But I think it is only decient to maintain itellectual honesty. I think its a shame that few forums take a stand for it.
I am not sure if its because many people feel its a personal affront to be corrected for a flawed dialected(it implies either dishonesty or incomprehension), or if its simply too much effort .
Ghostiger,Oct 25 2004, 11:44 PM Wrote:Indeed that's true.

I don't feel everyone should agree with me. A vigorously reasoned argument is the high point of a forum IMO.

But I think it is only decent to maintain intellectual honesty. I think its a shame that few forums take a stand for it.
I am not sure if its because many people feel its a personal affront to be corrected for a flawed vocabulary (it implies either dishonesty or incomprehension), or if its simply too much effort .
Gosh. :blink: You could use ieSpell for Internet Explorer or Spellbound for Firefox, and it would help you much.

As for the point you were making about polling. Lately in US politics we have seen that they are of little value. Jesse Ventura was not supposed to be Governor of Minnesota, but his get out the vote effort brought thousands to the polls. The polls were off by more that 15%, and that just might happen this year in the presidential race. I can't tell you who will win based upon the polling numbers I've seen, just that my gut tells me that it will probably be Kerry, but then again I live in a very progressive and independant area of the US.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

"In an American context, perhaps you are right."

No, in an American context he's centrist.

In a global context...


Occhidiangela,Oct 25 2004, 05:09 PM Wrote:And CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC, not to mention PBS, broadcast 24/7 all over America, a Lefist agenda.

Your point, eppie, is what?  That only the Right Wing should be censored?

Think again.


No Occhi if that was my point I would say that.

No I saw a documentary about FOXnews. The bad thing is that it presents itsself as an impartial news network while actually it "works for "the republican party. It was a very interesting docu (but I don't know if it will be televised in the US) showing all the tricks FOX uses to influence people. And as I said it works quite well (and that's the bad thing of course). People working at FOX get fired if they say critical things about Bush opr the adminsitration etc.etc.

To Kandrathe: That O'Reilly guy is an extremist. I would not be surprised if by night he would wear his white gown and pointy hat. If I was religous I would think he is the devil. I mean this guy makes Dick Cheney look honest. As I said the way I saw him treat guests which are not as right wing extremist as him was absolutely sickening.
Munkay,Oct 25 2004, 07:31 PM Wrote:Assuming this is true:
Why would they air a biased documentary if they didn't intend to convert people?


I think the most important thing about Michael Moore's films is that they show things that otherwise you will not see. I mean a normal person in the US who works hard and has kids, so not much time to really dig into politics would never hear that Bush was friends with the Saudies (and that the terrorists from 9/11 did not even have to show up to get a passport). If this fact is important or not, that is up to the people to decide for themselves, but at least they know about it after Moore's movie.

quote Jester

No, in an American context he's centrist.

unquote jester

I know you are making a joke here. I visited the US very often and I also am planning to live there for a year (next year) If O'Reilly would be center I would for sure not do that. No to me, americans are (a part from all those annoying flags that they have absolutely everywhere) very much the same as europeans. Okay some of them think that CNN is left wing :D but also here we have people that think that. The only problem is that in america big business has too much influence on what happens in the country. (the way election campaigns are held and funded are to me the cause for this)
eppie,Oct 26 2004, 01:30 AM Wrote:... I mean a normal person in the US who works hard and has kids, so not much time to really dig into politics would never hear that Bush was friends with the Saudies (and that the terrorists from 9/11 did not even have to show up to get a passport). If this fact is important or not, that is up to the people to decide for themselves, but at least they know about it after Moore's movie.
Well, see that's the problem. After seeing the Moore film, many people will be duped into thinking only Bush was friends with the Saudi's. But, the Saudi's are every politicians friend in the US, and why not, they've got a huge bankroll and have their oil spiggots controlling the worlds economy. Better to be friends, than not. The US has worked hard for 30 years to forge a despotic deal with the devil. Fiscally sound, but morally bankrupt. It's no secret really. We defend them and keep the house of Saud in power, and they try to keep oil prices in line. There is nothing that happened during this last Bush administration that did not also happen under Clinton, and that is the undistorted truth.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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