What is your "Golden Boy"?
kandrathe,Nov 1 2004, 12:44 AM Wrote:I so envy you.  My wife and I spent one summer vacation in 1983 while we were in college in and around Santa Barbara.  We stayed with her folks who were out there running a magazine company.  We were so poor, and trying to save our pennies.  Most days we would go over to Goleta beach and split a large fries and a large diet coke and we ate alot of oranges.

Although, coming back to Minnesota I really did miss the moisture here.  But, come the end of January I will be thinking of warm white sand beaches.

LOL, yes the weathers nice mostly year around. The problem is when you live here, you get so used to your surroundings that you neglect to appreciate what you have. When I drive to work in the morning I look outside my window and say to myself, “Same old trees; check. Same old mountains; check. Same buildings; check...” And not intentionally, it's more of a reassuring thing everybody does when driving to verify their surroundings, but it's that reassuring feeling (the one scientifically proven that comes after 48+ days of living in the same area) of familiarity that also simplifies life to the point where Santa Barbara just seems like any other place on the map. Sure it's got great weather and nice beaches, beautiful women and a well known party university, but at it's heart SB is nothing more than a tourist town with little to no room for the middle to lower class working family. With median home prices reaching $750,000 for a two-bedroom, one bath dinky shack of a house, it's only the rich that can live here. I myself am not rich (yet :lol: ), but most of my immediate family lives in SB, so that is where I hang my hat.

To be fair thou I've seen MANY people who lived in this tiny town feel stifled by their financial frustrations due to living here, lack of indoor activities, and various other reasons leave for a few months only to return regretting having ever left. So yah, I guess the place does cast some kind of spell on people.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
I've got a pair of jeans which, about a year ago, ceased to be able to be worn in public. They're the most comfortable pair I've got, completely broken in, and now they've formed various holes and tears. Around the house, I get to choose which boxers are going to be showcased through the denim. But I'll have to pass on wearing them out on a date. :D
See you in Town,

Has anyone else noticed that 3 h's equal 2 m's?? Do the h's know about this??

Given the frequency of laundry done around my apartment (I am currently wearing ankle socks with jeans in public, because my regular socks are all indisposed at the moment, (but even when I wear regular socks I recently have a tendancy to fold them down as my leg starts to itch, so they become ankle socks anyway...) but I digress (degress? (sp?))) (I think that's the right amount of parenthesis (parenthises (sp?)) but just to be sure))))))

It would have to be my simple brown t-shirt that says "slacker" across the front (slacker is in a white oval), but alas, the wife won't let me out in public with it on anymore. It isn't even starting to degrade that badly yet. Just a tiny hole in the shoulder, just a tiny tiny, iddy biddy little hole in the shoulder... Why! Why must I be made to suffer so! WHY! WHY!!!

:ph34r: NINJA SMILEY! :ph34r:

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