11-09-2004, 12:07 AM
![[Image: moltencore.jpg]](http://www.gmonsen.com/wow/openbeta/moltencore.jpg)
Here are some random picks to let y'all see what the level 60 crowd is up to. I got in on raid on the Molten Core, one of the two new raid instances introduced in this patch. The Molten Core starts with two huge fire giants guarding the path.
![[Image: moltencore2.jpg]](http://www.gmonsen.com/wow/openbeta/moltencore2.jpg)
So a 40-player raid was organized to take these guys down.
![[Image: moltencore3.jpg]](http://www.gmonsen.com/wow/openbeta/moltencore3.jpg)
And here was the result. :lol: To be fair to us, we got one of the giants down to about 5% health on our second attempt. It wasn't a well organized group and we were all just seeing the place for the first time, so I'm sure that in the future people will adjust and get farther. Still, the pics were funny, so I thought I'd share them with you.
![[Image: themaul.jpg]](http://www.gmonsen.com/wow/openbeta/themaul.jpg)
In my hunter's adventures prior to the patch, he went through Feralas, a zone that's far out-of-the-way for alliance players but has an elf town and some quests in it. I had explored the zone before with Neriad, so when Pandarus found something new I had to take a look. There are now some new ruins called "The Maul."
![[Image: themaul5.jpg]](http://www.gmonsen.com/wow/openbeta/themaul5.jpg)
The ruins have a lot of pretty vistas but currently there aren't any mobs in it.
![[Image: themaul2.jpg]](http://www.gmonsen.com/wow/openbeta/themaul2.jpg)
In the main part of the ruins lies a roman colosseum structure.
![[Image: themaul3.jpg]](http://www.gmonsen.com/wow/openbeta/themaul3.jpg)
And if you take a side tunnel through some winding catacombs, you come out in the middle of the colosseum arena (you can see the tunnel Pandarus came out of on the left).
![[Image: themaul4.jpg]](http://www.gmonsen.com/wow/openbeta/themaul4.jpg)
Away from the main portion of the ruins lay a tunnel... and at the end of it was an instance portal. Not yet implemented, of course. There are several of these areas in the world now -- spaces that have been reserved for future instances of various sorts -- and it was interesting to see one in an out-of-the-way place like Feralas.