Couple questions...
Sense the whole point of getting data from pre-release builds of diablo is to encorperate them into the retail version of diablo. Blizzard has some kind of dissassemblly protection on there executables(this is more evident in version v1.02+)....which is why version v1.00 would probley be the best version for this type of a project. I have looked at a disassembler which is capable of recreating a EXE from the decompiled data using MASM...called PEdasm.

Problem is there are seven variables that are not disassembled, and leave the nasm compiler hanging. In later versions(including hellfire) the number of missing variables goes up to around 16ish.

Would anyone care enough to help me find and correct this?
I've never had a problem disassembling Diablo. Granted it comes down to something like 600 pages (all those .dll's tend to be big ;-) ). Any .exe should be "disassembleable" as it needs to run on the computer somehow and a disassembler just exposes the machine code.

And another reason for looking at the pre-release versions is for nostalgia and seeing what the programmers were thinking about, not just for incorporating them into newer versions ;-)
My question is not just about disassembling diablo...but actually reassembling the asm code BACK into a EXE. Which gives us more power over what we can add to the game. We would also be able to port portions over to C for recompiling. But with the dissassembler I used thats supposed to be able to do this, does not disassemble six variables, leaving them undefined. Which is my problem..
crozzbreed23,Nov 11 2004, 11:23 PM Wrote:Sense the whole point of getting data from pre-release builds of diablo is to encorperate them into the retail version of diablo.  Blizzard has some kind of dissassemblly protection on there executables(this is more evident in version v1.02+)....which is why version v1.00 would probley be the best version for this type of a project.  I have looked at a disassembler which is capable of recreating a EXE from the decompiled data using MASM...called PEdasm.

Problem is there are seven variables that are not disassembled, and leave the nasm compiler hanging.  In later versions(including hellfire) the number of missing variables goes up to around 16ish.

Would anyone care enough to help me find and correct this?
crozzbreed23,Nov 11 2004, 11:23 PM Wrote:Sense the whole point of getting data from pre-release builds of diablo is to encorperate them into the retail version of diablo.  Blizzard has some kind of dissassemblly protection on there executables(this is more evident in version v1.02+)....which is why version v1.00 would probley be the best version for this type of a project.  I have looked at a disassembler which is capable of recreating a EXE from the decompiled data using MASM...called PEdasm.

Problem is there are seven variables that are not disassembled, and leave the nasm compiler hanging.  In later versions(including hellfire) the number of missing variables goes up to around 16ish.

Would anyone care enough to help me find and correct this?
sounds like hackin to me
crozzbreed23,Nov 12 2004, 12:23 AM Wrote:Sense the whole point of getting data from pre-release builds of diablo is to encorperate them into the retail version of diablo. 

Exactly, but to integrate graphics or the code for things, which are different in that version, like item-modifiers, shrines-effects, the control-panel itself (there's no belt in that version instead of it there's a button, which makes it possible to define which sort of potion within your inventory you want to use and by pressing enter your character will take exactly that sort of potion until no such potion is available anymore --> a lot more potions could be used than in the retail version) and the character-speed (the rogue is able to run in the dungeons) you wouldn't need to do what you're planning to do, since graphics from the Pr-demo (& Beta) could be integrated into all Retail-Versions (V. 1.0-1.9) + Hellfire (V. 1.0-1.1) without much trouble, because the format of those files isn't different from the retail-version furthermore regarding the code-related differences, as far as I know it's only necessary to understand the code for a certain thing and to have enough space for it, but the version of the game wouldn't cause any problem, which means that if you are able to find the section of the pr-demo-code, which holds the information for those things, that are different and understand it, it should be possible for you to integrate those features in later versions of Diablo.

You'll probably get more help at this forum.
Well, I do understand the actual purpose of your project crozzbreed23, but wouldn't it be good enough to integrate the features of the pr-demo & beta into hellfire for example?, since that would also expand the game and it would be much easier than doing that, what your planning to do or at least that's the impression that I'm receiving.

Anyway, since I'm definately someone, who's interested in integrating things from older version of diablo (that's why I've started to analyse the mpq-files of them : Diablo Pr-Demo\Beta )
into the retail-version, like you, I'm willing to help you, if I'm able to do that -->
I do not know anything about that what you've described, that's why you would have to explain it to me.


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