Most powerful WOW character/class for solo-play?
Artega,Nov 22 2004, 01:12 PM Wrote:Indeed.  Tauren Shaman also have a much higher survival capability because of superior Strength and Stamina scores, their racial HP+5% bonus, and War Stomp if you get too many adds for Stoneclaw/Earthbind to take care of.  Orcs get a higher Spirit score and a nifty Strength-boosting ability, but I'd still pick a Tauren over an Orc any day.

When I chose Tauren, the racial bonuses weren't in yet, but I will chime in on the War Stomp. When they put that in, the survivability definitely went up, especially with having two tauren in the group at all times. :) It definitely helped when doing Ragefire Chasm with just the two of us - one hunter, one shaman. :)
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,Nov 22 2004, 04:43 PM Wrote:When I chose Tauren, the racial bonuses weren't in yet, but I will chime in on the War Stomp.  When they put that in, the survivability definitely went up, especially with having two tauren in the group at all times. :)  It definitely helped when doing Ragefire Chasm with just the two of us - one hunter, one shaman.  :)

Same here. I was glad War Stomp made it in, though. Wasn't wild about the Herbalism bonus, but I made it work just the same, and it fits the theme of the Tauren (though I don't picture them as being farmers.)

I picked Tauren because they're cooler than Orcs (except for their dance - the not-dance is cool, but the MC Hammer dance just blows it away), and everyone knows those Alliance scum suck, anyway. (insert vulgar joke about NE women here.)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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Artega,Nov 22 2004, 04:41 PM Wrote:Wasn't wild about the Herbalism bonus, but I made it work just the same, and it fits the theme of the Tauren (though I don't picture them as being farmers.)
Herbalism != farming, especially with how herbalism works in the game. You aren't planting the crops and then harvesting them in the safety of your back yard; you are simply harvesting what you stumble across. I too think it works quite well with the theme of the Tauren; instead of relying on "citified" ways of healing/buffing, it's a more natural approach. Let those alliance fools play with their metals and gunpowder and weird engineering in their cramped, crowded and closed-in cities. I'll take the wide open plains over that any day of the week. :P :D

Edit: BTW, I really, really dislike having the Tauren females doing the river dance. I like the male Tauren dance, but the river dance just doesn't seem to match with it. Maybe that's why I do all my dancing in ghost wolf form. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
I've just seen this "Tauren Shaman" guide which has a free excerpt for download (in *.PDF format):
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Rinnhart,Nov 21 2004, 06:21 AM Wrote:Have fun today, for tomorrow you're getting rolled back fifty levels.

I can't tell, is that optimism or pessimism? :D
MongoJerry,Nov 21 2004, 09:42 PM Wrote:Rogues:  The pariah of instance parties.  Seriously, the words "instance" and "rogues" shouldn't be used in the same sentence.  Yes, rogues can get into parties in a dps role, but that's usually because either someone knows you or because the party couldn't find a mage first.  Rogues simply aren't instance farmers.

Incidentally, if you really really for some God knows what reason want to have an solo item farmer, I recommend playing a rogue, because roques can stealth by most of the annoying mobs and get to the target mob/chest/mining node faster than everyone else can.  But back to my original point: if you're looking to farm the best items in the game, think in terms of group instance farming.

Nice summary, Mongo, I had already chosen a dwarf rogue as the only character I will be playing for some time. Only so much RL time to do anything, will be on the Stormrage server.

Trying to understand why a rogue is bad for instance events. Too much time, or skills not very complimentary to a group setting? I would think a rogue would be handy for neutralizing a major spell caster while the rest of the party handles the mob, but I have barely played much so my assessment is based on guesswork. Is it the lack of buffs for other chars?

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