Vision for the Lurker Lounge: World of Warcraft
Will Tichondrius be played only by Horde Lurkers or any of you guys planning on playing Alliance and having an Alliance Lurker guild as well?
Dyntheos,Nov 23 2004, 06:10 PM Wrote:Will Tichondrius be played only by Horde Lurkers or any of you guys planning on playing Alliance and having an Alliance Lurker guild as well?

You're welcome to form a Lurker Lounge guild on the alliance side there, too. I don't believe one can have characters of both factions on the same server on the same account, though. That is, I believe that once one creates a Horde character on that server, one can't create an Alliance character on that server. We should test this, though.
MongoJerry,Nov 23 2004, 08:56 PM Wrote:I don't believe one can have characters of both factions on the same server on the same account, though.  That is, I believe that once one creates a Horde character on that server, one can't create an Alliance character on that server.  We should test this, though.
That only applies to the PvP servers. PvE you can have both easily, which is a small point in its favor. ;) :)

Edit: And yes, I do realize that Ti is a PvP server and so the rule applies there. :P
Intolerant monkey.
Thecla,Nov 22 2004, 10:20 PM Wrote:Yes indeed. I just hope that Bolty has got around to telling her that he's a game site administrator. ;)

She already knows that, didn't Bolty always say that

"Chicks Dig Game Site Administrators?" :lol:

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Nov 24 2004, 04:54 PM Wrote:She already knows that, didn't Bolty always say that

"Chicks Dig Game Site Administrators?"  :lol: 
Someday, the line "hey baby, I'm a game site administrator, how about you come moderate my forum" will be fully recognized as one of the great pick-up lines ever.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Dyntheos,Nov 23 2004, 08:10 PM Wrote:Will Tichondrius be played only by Horde Lurkers or any of you guys planning on playing Alliance and having an Alliance Lurker guild as well?

Tich seems to be the place to go. I really don't care about PvE. I'm actually looking forward to playing Horde on Tich because I hear that some Blizzard friendly guilds will be playing there on Alliance.

Tich looks to be the server for me. It's where the AB is playing and I hope a bunch of lurkers will show up there too. I'd love to have an AB / LL raid on Onyxia. :)

It was great to see the Lurker's guild form last night!! Here's hoping I'll see more of you once the server issues get resolved. :)
The Amazon Basin
WoW Guild Admin
Bolty Wrote:And Mongo? Maybe chicks DO dig game site administrators. I'm getting married in June, after all. :)


Someday, the line "hey baby, I'm a game site administrator, how about you come moderate my forum" will be fully recognized as one of the great pick-up lines ever.

First off, grats on getting engaged, Bolty! Is she a gamer?

Second off, did that line actually work for you? It hasn't for me. And I think I know why: don't use it if you're a site admin for an old game, especially one with a sequel. I can't tell you how many times I've had this conversation:

"So, I admin the Diablo section of a gaming website."

"Oh, I remember that game. I liked the Necromancer."


I think this wil be a good step in the right direction for the LL, mongo.. lurker lounge not a guild last i checked the LL was sorta kinda guild of people that loved to play with people with out worries of being killed while playing in party and not to worry about hacked equipment, lurkerlounge is a guild... we just dont play like one or have levels requirements. only requirement play fair and play legit respect each other and oh have fun!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes:
Bolty got engaged... oh no there goes the lounge. {kidding} i wish you luck bolty the married life is fun just remeber to keep the miss bolty happy..
[Image: chandelier.gif]
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[Image: demtorch.gif]
Quote:And Mongo? Maybe chicks DO dig game site administrators. I'm getting married in June, after all.


Just be sure to sign a pre-nup. She might be marrying you just to get her hands on half of the Lounge, not to mention the fame and respect instantly earned by becoming The Boltress.

Gongrats and good luck :)

Baajikiil,Jan 5 2005, 03:33 PM Wrote:Just be sure to sign a pre-nup.  She might be marrying you just to get her hands on half of the Lounge, not to mention the fame and respect instantly earned by becoming The Boltress.

OMG! She's already infiltrated the Guild! There's been a Boltress playing like a fiend for two weeks!
Tal,Jan 5 2005, 02:45 PM Wrote:OMG! She's already infiltrated the Guild! There's been a Boltress playing like a fiend for two weeks!

Yeah, I heard about her. I thought that was a strange coincidence ;)

Those two seem to be made for each other; they're so alike.

EDIT: Changed it a little.

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