Stormrage Tabard Design Selections
Ruvunal instructed me to post this since he believes we'll have the ten gold this weekend or next for a guild tabard. So here goes. For some reason saving to jpg this time around has really borked the images so I uploaded the .png ones. Unfortunately I didn't have the first one on my computer so you'll have to deal with the craptacular jpeg. ;)

Tabard 1 (My personal fave - its red!) :D

Some selections for Roane's benefit:

Tabard 2

Tabard 3

Tabard 4

Tabard 5

And a nod to the old beta tabard:

Tabard 6

The device, border choice and colors, and background color are up for discussion here. Take a gander at the Online Tabard Designer and let me know if anything else sticks out to you guys as a better choice.

I'll play around some more with the Tabard designer tonite or if any lurkers have ideas they can contact me in game and I'll make up some more screenies for you guys to look at.
Since you've poked me over ICQ about this, I'll post my opinion here too.

#1- t5.png
#2 - t_1.gif
#3 - t3.png

But there is very little separating any of those three choices. The other ones that I didn't mention, I don't care for at all.

Edit: My choices don't matter anymore. I've left the guild. Do what you will. Happy hunting.
Intolerant monkey.
Interesting. Why are you guys going with the Star Wars Emperor theme?

For those on Tichondrius (PvP) server, I have a free 5g now and have been furiously saving cash so that the rest of it should come fairly soon (donations are very much welcome here). From leme and my experience choosing the PvP guild's tabard in the beta, it seems like it's much better to choose one's symbol first and then the color scheme later. I'll also try to contain my enthusiasm for our traditional white-heart-on-deep-red background tabard, although I think that it's important to show that when we slaughter people, we do it with care.
MongoJerry,Dec 3 2004, 04:15 PM Wrote:Interesting.  Why are you guys going with the Star Wars Emperor theme?[right][snapback]61822[/snapback][/right]

Well it seemed to fit with the "Lurker" theme. :)

MongoJerry,Dec 3 2004, 04:15 PM Wrote:For those on Tichondrius (PvP) server, I have a free 5g now and have been furiously saving cash so that the rest of it should come fairly soon (donations are very much welcome here).  From leme and my experience choosing the PvP guild's tabard in the beta, it seems like it's much better to choose one's symbol first and then the color scheme later.  I'll also try to contain my enthusiasm for our traditional white-heart-on-deep-red background tabard, although I think that it's important to show that when we slaughter people, we do it with care.

Heh. Then we could do a red heart on a white background. ;)

I was tempted to post a picture of Sharanna with a pink tabard and the crying carebear in red. :D

My vote, in order of preference:




But really, the first one looks almost perfect, the only thing that seems off is the lower half being darker than the chest area, but maybe that's just the mbient lighting...
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
MongoJerry,Dec 3 2004, 11:15 AM Wrote:Interesting.  Why are you guys going with the Star Wars Emperor theme?

For those on Tichondrius (PvP) server, I have a free 5g now and have been furiously saving cash so that the rest of it should come fairly soon (donations are very much welcome here).  From leme and my experience choosing the PvP guild's tabard in the beta, it seems like it's much better to choose one's symbol first and then the color scheme later.  I'll also try to contain my enthusiasm for our traditional white-heart-on-deep-red background tabard, although I think that it's important to show that when we slaughter people, we do it with care.

I'm working with about 3-4 gold right now, I'll send what I can spare your way when I get back on at about 6 o'clock server time. For me the symbol is largely unimportant as my Tauren's beard obscures most of it, so go nuts.
I think the icon is a good pick. Personally I'd go for either the red or the blue one. Green doesn't look as good, in my opinion, but either of the other colors look great. Gold icon is a definite thumbs up in my book. :)
Heh... I don't think Tal was seriously considering the green. He was just being silly 'cos I said I wanted that -- green is my favorite color.

I like the red. The blue would disappear on my Night Elf, I think, though that's not that big a deal.
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
My picks are pretty close to Treesh:

#1- t5.png
#2 - t_1.gif
#3 - t4.png

However, given the eye-like theme the Lounge seems to be headed toward for a logo, might we want to use something on the order of:

[Image: t_alt.png]
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Tal,Dec 3 2004, 01:37 PM Wrote:Ruvunal instructed me to post this since he believes we'll have the ten gold this weekend or next for a guild tabard. So here goes. For some reason saving to jpg this time around has really borked the images so I uploaded the .png ones. Unfortunately I didn't have the first one on my computer so you'll have to deal with the craptacular jpeg. ;)

Tabard 1 (My personal fave - its red!) :D

Some selections for Roane's benefit:

Tabard 2

Tabard 3

Tabard 4

Tabard 5

And a nod to the old beta tabard:

Tabard 6

The device, border choice and colors, and background color are up for discussion here. Take a gander at the Online Tabard Designer and let me know if anything else sticks out to you guys as a better choice.

I'll play around some more with the Tabard designer tonite or if any lurkers have ideas they can contact me in game and I'll make up some more screenies for you guys to look at.

In the online web design link you offered, on the list of icons, there is a set of upper and lower teeth, six rows up and one item to the left of the man in the hood. The Starcraft Lurker, and the old DnD Lurker Above, were very teethy/spiney things. So, while we are alliance, I think it would fit an obscure Lurker reference. :)

I also like the crossed scythes, (three rows straight down from the teeth) since that is sorta two crossed "L" shapes, or the horseshoe, (three rows down from the man in the hood and two items over) which is a pair of L shapes facing each other, and connected. There is an obscure internet reference, the overarching connection of the L and the backwards L . . . :)

Or, we can go with the Emperor Looking dude, or whatever it really is: The Face In The Hood. (Or is that "The Feys In The 'Hood?") :blush:

I will trust to the impeccable taste of the more senior (time in game wise) members of the Stormrage folk. Let's face it: does a dwarf rogue worry about being a fashion plate? ;)

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Tal,Dec 3 2004, 02:37 PM Wrote:Ruvunal instructed me to post this since he believes we'll have the ten gold this weekend or next for a guild tabard. So here goes. [right][snapback]61819[/snapback][/right]

My pick would be the blue, second choice would be the red. I think the hooded face in gold is excellent.

From my experience, the blue works rather well with Night Elves. :)
At first I thought, "Mind control satellites? No way!" But now I can't remember how we lived without them.
WoW PC's of significance
Vaimadarsa Pavis Hykim Jakaleel Odayla Odayla
t3 or 4

t1 and t2 are right out. :)

Hooded figure is fine, especially with a guild name of just Lurkers, though the two eyes (the 2nd to last row, first icon in the tabbard designer web site) would work for me as well. Gold is fine. I like the blue a bit better than the red though for the background. This might actually be one of those good topics for an admin or mod to make a poll out of.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
More tabards!

Tabard 7

Tabard 8

Tabard 9

Tabard 10

Tabard 11

Tabard 12

Tabard 13

And finally teh skeery one:

Tal,Dec 3 2004, 08:58 PM Wrote:And finally teh skeery one:

That is skeery. :o

Quote:Ruvunal instructed me to post this since he believes we'll have the ten gold this weekend or next for a guild tabard.

I did not want a repeat of the last part of the beta where the reformed guild ended up with a not too pleasing design that only had input from a minority of the guild. I had logged on one day to find that a design had been put in place in the few hours that I was off.

I do believe that the guild as a whole might be able to muster the 10 gold needed this weekend if it is desired. While 10 gold is likely beyond what any one of us could do right now, there are a number of players getting in the level 20 and up range. At that point, if you are not sinking a massive amount into trade skills (primary and secondary) then it should not be too hard to come up with 1 or 2 gold to spare for this. Heck, at level 14 when my hunter made the trip to the Stormwind and Ironforge area, she earned 70 silver along the way which put her just shy of having 1 gold at that time.

For the Tabard design, I am leaning most toward the dark blue background and gold icon and trim for how they end up looking on most characters when worn (from seeing a fair variety during the beta). For the icon type the hooded man looks good (t-8.png) with the eyeball as second choice (t-11.png).

The two eye pattern does not do good with most of the female forms since it looks more like they are being support cups on them. Even though the Night Elf female could probably stand to have that at times. ;)
I vote eyeballs. Thematic!
First. go here:
Guild Tabards

Now, follow along the pages, and look at the pictures and numbers. Here are my suggestions (note that not all links will work; some pictures don't have screenshots to go with):





















That's all the ones thing I think fit. Of those, my top picks (and why) are:

#2 - Honor, justice, virtue. Just a general "good" feeling about the icon, which I associate with the Lurker Lounge.

#4 - Something mystical about it.

#9 - Lore, strategy, legend... All things the Lurker Lounge has either focused on or become a staple for.

#12 - Looks great gold on blue, and fits the medieval theme.

#20 - Reminds me of a brotherhood for some reason. Also, see #2.

#31 - See #12.

#32 - See #12.

#64 - Very tavernish-feel in this community. Plus, humor effect. :D One of my favorites.

#104 - Very medieval, fits the crossed L's in the LL logo, etc.

#107 - See #104.

And now, to narrow it down even further. My top three picks are as follows:

First Choice:
This is my all-time favorite. It's so simple, yet so wonderfully crafted. I would find it hard to believe that it would be all THAT common, and the symbolism it brings to mind for me just epitomize the Lurker Lounge. I just get a good "vibe" about it, hence it's my favorite and thus my first choice.

Second Choice:
Like I said before, it symbolizes to me honor, virtue, justice, strength... everything that the Alliance is SUPPOSED to stand for, and much of which keeps the LL a great place to remain a part of the community. The honorable people who make up this community, and the strength and resolve they make use of to keep bad elements out, all are emblazoned within this tabard icon.

Third Choice:
Again, very tavern-like. Symbolizes the fun, open, and loving spirit of the Lurker Lounge. Very laid-back symbol and symbolism. Epitomizes fun, community, all the great little things that keep the LL so alive and full of people.

Runner Ups:
The book symolizes a great deal - wisdom, power (mightier than the sword, no less), knowledge. But in the spirit of the LL, it also signifies much more: discovery, strategy, exploration, depth. All of these are the things the LL focues on and strives to not only unearth, but discuss regularly and catalogue. It's one of the core foundations of this community, outside of a fun-loving, friendly, open atmosphere and a strong resolve against cheating, ill-manners, and all things foul.

The gryphon - a symbol of power, life, virtue. A great and wise creature, who in many cultures was seen as a great guardian. Something about this symbol just struck me as appropriate. It still does... but there were just other icons I found fit the LL better. Still, this one fits very well, I think, and thus is deserves honorable mention, just barely missing the cut.

Well, there we have it. Not just a listing of tabard possibilities, but some in-depth reasons behind WHY I think they should be chosen. I don't expect others to agree with me, and I admit I took a bit of a poetic passion to my wording (perhaps too much so), but this tabard is to be a symbol of our presense in the world. I don't take the task of choosing such a thing lightly, even if it is "just a game". For perhaps the first time, we'll be openly displaying our community to the rest of the world, and for that reason (among many others), I think it critical that we put a lot of deep thought into the choosing of our tabard.

Anyway, let me know what you people think. These are just my ideas, but I hope that they are at least considered, even if people think I went a little overboard. ;)

Roland *The Gunslinger*
[Image: tabardpinku.png]

Tal,Dec 3 2004, 06:58 PM Wrote:Tabard 10
Tabard 13

Those both get my vote, colors could be adjusted to taste.

As for that one

And finally teh skeery one:

EEEEEEEEP! Make it stop, mommy, make the bad pictures stop!

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Of your listed choices I prefer "tabard 1", the red one. However I still like the beta design we proudly wore, image number 81 (if I am not mistaken) on a field of dark forest green. That would be my first choice. And if you're a gnome it makes you look taller!

While I am fond both of Star Wars and of Tolkien, I am not keen on the emperor nor on the eye of Sauron for our tabard!

For the field, dark red or dark green would be my preference. However one of the most striking and unusual designs I saw in beta was on beige. That would be something to consider. I really would like someting besides blue.

I must say Dee's choice has certain merit. And I admit to an attraction to #56 in lavender. But that might just be me.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Of Tal's I prefer:

1 - t-6.png
2 - t-8.png

Of Roland's I prefer (wow so many choices - my eyes hurt from flipping through them all :blink: ):

1 - 20
2 - 9
3 - 2

with red/gold preferred over blue/gold.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."

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