Er Greetings!

I was just invited into the Lurkers on Stormrage through Starsong (though I'm not sure who she is on these forums). I always like to at least throw out an introductory post.

About me in the game: I play Girri, a dwarf hunter. Currently level 10, and am busy trying to make sure my new pet bear doesn't eat me by accident.

About me otherwise: I've played a lot of MMOGs, but never to the "end-game" content. I'm a perpetual newbie, it seems. I enjoy trying to roleplay at least a little--though I've no problems if others don't respond in kind. Just forgive me if you wonder why I'm trying to type as if I have a scottish accent or something.

I'm always happy to help folks out--community in a game such as this is always more rewarding than worrying about the next level. So, in the words of Girri:

"If'n ya need a stout hunter at yer side, mate, ye best look elsewhere! Otherwise, me and Smokey here'll do our best!"


Girri,Dec 7 2004, 02:39 PM Wrote:Greetings!

I was just invited into the Lurkers on Stormrage through Starsong (though I'm not sure who she is on these forums). I always like to at least throw out an introductory post.

About me in the game: I play Girri, a dwarf hunter. Currently level 10, and am busy trying to make sure my new pet bear doesn't eat me by accident.

About me otherwise: I've played a lot of MMOGs, but never to the "end-game" content. I'm a perpetual newbie, it seems. I enjoy trying to roleplay at least a little--though I've no problems if others don't respond in kind. Just forgive me if you wonder why I'm trying to type as if I have a scottish accent or something.

I'm always happy to help folks out--community in a game such as this is always more rewarding than worrying about the next level. So, in the words of Girri:

"If'n ya need a stout hunter at yer side, mate, ye best look elsewhere! Otherwise, me and Smokey here'll do our best!"


Starsong is Roane on these boards and welcome to ye. :)
I would also officially welcome you on behalf of the WoW crowd, but...well, I don't play WoW, which highlights obvious problems with that plan.

Still, consider extended another welcome to the Lurker Lounge community at large!


Now, that being said, I think that Lurker Lounge policy generally discourages Introduction Posts, and would rather you just into an interesting thread, make some sort of interesting comment, and then possibly include a small, interesting introduction there. Don't worry, you haven't really done anything wrong, especially since I can't find anything about this subject in the official Forum Rules; I just want to bring it up as a possible explanation as to why you've not yet received much of a response (because Lurkers aren't used to seeing Intro threads), and also as a query to established Lurkers to either let me know that I'm completely off-base with this assertion, or point me (and others) towards where this house rule is codified. Thanks! You seem very nice, so definitely stick around. :)
USEAST: Werewolf (94), Werebear (87), Hunter (85), Artimentalist (78), Meleementalist (76, ret.)
USEAST HCL: Huntermentalist (72), Werewolf (27)
Single Player HC: Werewolf (61, deceased), Werewolf (24)
FenrisWulf,Dec 8 2004, 12:19 AM Wrote:Now, that being said, I think that Lurker Lounge policy generally discourages Introduction Posts

Even if it is a general rule of the Lounge, it may be something that Mongo needs to address for the WoW boards. Being that he wants new people to become active here, it may be necessary to think about codifying the rules and putting them in a sticky or some such. Of course this isn't really how the lounge does things. Generally its much more like how you just did it...with rules being pointed out by members Still, with the WoW being new and hoping to attract people I think it could be worth some thought at least.

First, thanks for the explanation. I didn't see anything stating that introduction posts were non-standard at best, although I did wonder why I didn't see any at all.

Second, I'm curious as to what the Lurkers generally do to welcome new folks? Most people I know that join a group/guild/what-have-you are eager to make themselves known, so they can feel included. Isn't that difficult when no one knows who you are?

Granted, I can see the point of "no introduction" posts. Most of them do just take up space, and are filled with "Hi nice to meet you" replies. (I'm realizing this, of course, after I already posted one. Hindsight! :) ) That doesn't really add a lot, does it? Nonetheless, some sort of mechanism to introduce folks into the Ways and Practices of Lurkerness might be a good idea. Unless, of course, these Ways and Practices include Not Explaining Ways and Practices. Then, things get complicated--but only in an ambigiuous sort of way.

(In case it isn't clear--I'm trying to be humorous here.)

As I'm new to both WoW and Lurkers, I'm not sure what sort of interesting tidbits I'll be able to add to current conversations on these forums... but I'm sure that will change eventually.



Over at the AB they have an Introduction Forum and since WoW is massive multiplayer it would probably be good if there were a place for new Lurkers (Loungers?) to say HI, perhaps a pinned thread.

Just adding my 2 cents :shuriken:

good karma
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Quote:Second, I'm curious as to what the Lurkers generally do to welcome new folks? Most people I know that join a group/guild/what-have-you are eager to make themselves known, so they can feel included. Isn't that difficult when no one knows who you are?

I can't speak on behalf of the site administration on this, but it does seem as though we are, as a site, going through a period of growth and change and that, you may have quite an good point there. If the lurker guilds are going to be a substantial part of what it means to 'be a lurker', then an introduction forum along the lines recommended by Assur may be in order. Who knows.

Regardless, welcome. :)

But whate'er I be,
Nor I, nor any man that is,
With nothing shall be pleased till he be eased
With being nothing.
William Shakespeare - Richard II
Chaerophon,Dec 8 2004, 11:34 AM Wrote:I can't speak on behalf of the site administration on this, but it does seem as though we are, as a site, going through a period of growth and change and that, you may have quite an good point there.  If the lurker guilds are going to be a substantial part of what it means to 'be a lurker', then an introduction forum along the lines recommended by Assur may be in order.  Who knows.

Regardless, welcome. :)

Thank you for the welcome!

When Roane introduced me into the guild on Stormrage, I hadn't fully understood the Culture of Lurkerness.

So I'll take this thread now as an opportunity to ask:

What is does it currently mean to be a Lurker? And, if that definition does not seem to apply to World of Warcraft, what changes do you think are necessary?

(Note: I've seen a few posts that describe some of this, but nothing that tries to address any potential "changes". Regardless, if there are posts that I might have missed, any links to them would be appreciated.)
I think this vision statement from MongoJerry really sums up what the LurkerLounge is about:

Vision statement: The Lurker Lounge: WoW Edition is a site devoted to intelligent and civil discussion of strategy, tactics, and gameplay issues in the game, World of Warcraft. The Lurker Lounge is not a guild, and we welcome players with any guild affiliation to join in the discussion and post content here.

This site has primarily been a strategy/technical site driven by forum content. Game mechanics, bugs, character builds, interesting strategies for solo and cooperative play, and the occasional tale of incredible accomplishments involving those strategies, have been the features. Generally, people come here for information, not to find a gaming community. However, birds of a feather flock together, and many of the people who post here enjoy gaming together as well.

That's how it worked for Diablo and D2, and it seems to be the goal for WoW as well. However, WoW is a very different sort of game with a somewhat different community, so it's hard to tell exactly how it will play out. If most people find this place through interactions *in game* rather than by searching for strategy websites, then the emphasis of this site will change by its own will.

In any case, welcome to the Lurker Lounge!
What Nystul said, and welcome!

Regarding the rest of it, I agree that a document for people new to the site would be a good thing. Bolty is actively getting the new site designed and setup, and eventually I'll get the content written as well. It's kind of tough to provide much for people when all the WoW section of the Lurker Lounge has is the forums. But perhaps a sticky thread for introductions would be good.

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