Fansite Chat Transcript, Dec 13th
Here's a copy of the fansite chat transcript from December 13th? What do I think about it? Well, I didn't think it was worth reformatting it to make it look good. How about that? will have a formatted transcript of it posted sometime on Tuesday.

<PR> Are you considering alternatives or changes to the current Auction House?
<Community> We will continue to improve the auction house interface. We also plan on putting auction houses in all major cities and linking them to one another.
<PR> Will high-level players be punished in some way under the new PvP system when they kill low-level players?
<Community> We aren't planning on punishing players for killing low level players; instead we would like to offer compelling incentives to players who kill appropriately level opponents. In addition, the Battlefields will be restricted to players of specific level ranges.
<PR> Will new zones be introduced soon to the game and will there be instanced dungeons with those zones?
<Community> We are planning on introducing Maraudon a level 40-49 instance dungeon in Desolace in the next content patch. Our dungeon team is also working on another high-level dungeon that will be implemented in one of the upcoming patches. We are also working on additional raid content for players of specific level ranges and we expect that the most compelling PvP content will be in Battlefields.
<PR> Do you plan on taking more advantage of the in-game mail system?
<Community> We are planning on using the mail system for quests in the future. In addition we plan on adding new mail features, such as sending multiple items in one mail.
<PR> What's the goal for patching in the different territories in terms of timing?
<Community> Our goal with each patch is to translate and test it so there is very little delay in distributing it to all territories.
<PR> Will you be adding more raid quests?
<Community> The next few patches will contain additional raid quests, including quests focusing on the Molten Core and more raid bosses. We don't want to ruin any surprises by telling you their names.
<PR> Do you have plans for one-shot events in the game, such as for Halloween, the holidays, etc?
<Community> We do have plans for world events, such as special items and quests for holidays, but again we don't want to ruin any surprises…
<PR> Any plans for adding more map functionality over time?
<Community> Yes - we do have plans to improve the map functionality.
<PR> What side and classes do Blizzard people play?
<Community> We have a big team, and almost every class and race are represented. The community team plays the following: Gnome/Warrior, Tauren/Druid, and Nightelf/Rogue!
<PR> What are the plans for Silithus?
<Community> We are going to continue to patch in Silithus content over time, and one day the gates of Ahn'qiraj will open revealing an instanced raid zone.
<PR> What are your thoughts on PvP balance and how the classes should stack up versus each other?
<Community> Although we will be making balance improvements, in general we are pretty happy with our PvP class balance. However, we don't feel drastic changes are needed at this time.
<PR> Will you add new quests to existing zones or only to new zones?
<Community> We will be adding quests to existing zones as well as quests for all of the new zones. In addition, more class specific quests and more quests to Kalimdor.
<PR> Do you plan on making any changes on how daze works?
<Community> Daze chance has been reduced in degrees depending on the level of the monster versus the level of the player. Thus, a monster will have a better chance to Daze a player equal in level than it would Dazing a player five levels higher.
<PR> What are your plans for Battlegrounds?
<Community> Battlegrounds are currently being tested and refined internally. The Battlegrounds offer a variety of new game mechanics, such as the ability to capture graveyards and guard towers.
<PR> How long will it take to reach the highest rank in the PvP system?
<Community> Players will need to actively participate in honorable PvP in order to gain and maintain honor rankings. We expect the process of climbing to the top of the ranks will take at least a few months, at which point those players will need to continue performing at a high level in order to stay on top.

That was it? I was expecting another post or something with the rest of it. I'm not sure I can even classify that as a thrown bone.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Wow. How utterly pointless was that? Everything that was there could be gleaned from reading the recent posts of Blizzard reps. I agree with Gnollguy - throw me a frickin' bone fer crissakes! ;)
Tal,Dec 14 2004, 07:47 AM Wrote:Wow. How utterly pointless was that? Everything that was there could be gleaned from reading the recent posts of Blizzard reps. I agree with Gnollguy - throw me a frickin' bone fer crissakes! ;)
I guess I'm glad I haven't been paying attention to the boards recently. It was nice to hear about the possibility of multiple items in the same mail. :) The rest of it wasn't anything new, but I was happy to hear about that.
Intolerant monkey.
The one new thing for me was the announcement of the soon-to-be-added level 40-49 instance in Desolace. I had been trying to decide between going to Arathi or Desolace next, and I think that just made my choice easier.
The only thing of interest there for me was that they are adding auction houses. I would like to see linked auction houses and banks in most, if not all, cities.

The other addition I would like them to make is to make a "central hub" for gryphon/hyppogryph(sp?) travel on each content. I have asked in game if there is one key location and been told no. Even if there is some requirement, such as a quest, to get it, I would like there to be one location that links all locations so that you have a direct selection of any known location from any other known location. It irks me to have to link routes through Iron Forge and Stormwind to get between certain locations.

Oh yeah, I would also like to see them add a real life grocery delivery service so that valuable gaming time doesn't have to be wasted to go rent food and drink. (Yeah, its grocery day and I'm dreading wasting the time to go do it. :huh: )
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Quote:Oh yeah, I would also like to see them add a real life grocery delivery service so that valuable gaming time doesn't have to be wasted to go rent food and drink.

You rent food and drink? I sure wouldn't want to use food and drink after someone else has used it.
MongoJerry,Dec 14 2004, 11:23 PM Wrote:You rent food and drink?&nbsp; I sure wouldn't want to use food and drink after someone else has used it.
When I pay money for something but I don't get to keep it, that seems to be rent to me. But then, if I did keep it, it would not be doing what it was designed to do. It would simply turn green instead of turning brown and smelly like rented food does. Eeewwww! :wacko:
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
MongoJerry,Dec 14 2004, 11:23 PM Wrote:You rent food and drink?&nbsp; I sure wouldn't want to use food and drink after someone else has used it.

Call it a one time rental? A disposable lease? That is how Guinness is with me . . .

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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