Server Timezones
Since there are still a few people on the WoW boards who simply must have their game clock match their real life clocks and since Blizzard has taken down all the info about what servers are designated as being for a specific time zone, I decided to post the list of the 88 servers and their timezones here. I know most people already playing from these forums have already decided on servers, but this is just another bit of info for those who haven't really decided or want to make new characters.

Central PvE
  • Aggramar<>
  • Alleria<>
  • Blackhand<>
  • Garona<>
  • Hellscream<>
  • Malygos<>
  • Thunderhorn<>
  • Whisperwind<>
    [st]Central PvP
    • Archimonde<>
    • Azgalor<>
    • Burning Legion<>
    • Frostmane<>
    • Illidan<>
    • Laughing Skull<>
    • Mal'Ganis<>
    • Sargeras<>
    • Stormreaver<>
    • Thunderlord<>
      [st]Central RP
      • Scarlet Crusade<>
        [st]Eastern PvE
        • Bloodhoof<>
        • Dalaran<>
        • Durotan<>
        • Eldre'Thalas<>
        • Elune<>
        • Eonar<>
        • Gilneas<>
        • Kargath<>
        • Khadgar<>
        • Llane<>
        • Lothar<>
        • Medivh<>
        • Stormrage<>
        • Zul'jin<>
          [st]Eastern PvP
          • Arthas<>
          • Bleeding Hollow<>
          • Burning Blade<>
          • Eredar<>
          • Firetree<>
          • Gorefiend<>
          • Lightning's Blade<>
          • Mannoroth<>
          • Magtheridon<>
          • Shadow Moon<>
          • Shattered Hand<>
          • Skullcrusher<>
          • Smolderthorn<>
          • Warsong<>
            [st]Eastern RP
            • Argent Dawn<>
            • Earthen Ring<>
              [st]Mountain PvE
              • Azjol-Nerub<>
              • Doomhammer<>
              • Icecrown<>
              • Perenolde<>
              • Terenas<>
                [st]Mountain PvP
                • Bloodscalp<>
                • Darkspear<>
                • Deathwing<>
                • Kel'Thuzad<>
                • Nathrezim<>
                  [st]Mountain RP
                  • Shadow Council<>
                    [st]Pacific PvE
                    • Bronzebeard<>
                    • Cenarius<>
                    • Draenor<>
                    • Dragonblight<>
                    • Hyjal<>
                    • Lightbringer<>
                    • Kilrogg<>
                    • Proudmoore<>
                    • Shadowsong<>
                    • Silvermoon<>
                    • Skywall<>
                    • Suramar<>
                    • Uldum<>
                    • Uther<>
                    • Windrunner<>
                      [st]Pacific PvP
                      • Blackrock<>
                      • Bonechewer<>
                      • Boulderfist<>
                      • Crushridge<>
                      • Daggerspine<>
                      • Destromath<>
                      • Dethecus<>
                      • Dragonmaw<>
                      • Dunemaul<>
                      • Frostwolf<>
                      • Gorgonnash<>
                      • Gurubashi<>
                      • Kil'Jaeden<>
                      • Ner'zhul<>
                      • Spinebreaker<>
                      • Spirestone<>
                      • Stonemaul<>
                      • Stormscale<>
                      • Tichondrius<>
                        [st]Pacific RP
                        • Cenarion Circle<>
                        • Feathermoon<>
                        • Silver Hand<>
                          [st]Edit: Updated the lists with the new servers.
                          Edit again: Added the newest realm - Frostmane
                          Edit more: Added the three newest realms in blue.
Intolerant monkey.
Of those listed, which would you still call "new" servers? There's a possibility I'll be starting up after Christmas with a group of friends, and I'd rather not be ten paces behind the majority of the server if it can be helped.
See you in Town,
Zarathustra,Dec 16 2004, 02:43 PM Wrote:Of those listed, which would you still call "new" servers?&nbsp; There's a possibility I'll be starting up after Christmas with a group of friends, and I'd rather not be ten paces behind the majority of the server if it can be helped.
Basically, just about all the central and eastern servers are high pop most of the time, with a lot of higher level characters on them. Even on the low pop servers and the ones that were put in after release, you're still going to be behind the majority of the players on the servers. You will still probably be able to find low to mid level equipment at the auction houses though if that's what you're worried about. My characters are all basically just little 'uns compared to the rest of the server, but I can still equip them well. Of course, if you are a merchant at heart, I don't know what to tell you. I sold a low level robe this morning rather soon after putting it up for auction. /shrug With how relatively easy it is to level in this game, you're always going to have some of the population hit the level cap quickly and then start new characters again. Or else be like me and just make lots of characters who are always lower than the majority of the players. :)

Ok, since I haven't really answered your question and am just rambling now, I'll stop.
Intolerant monkey.
You did answer my question to an extent, though I had poorly phrased it. I guess I was more curious about the low-level population. But if the turnover of maxed character to new is as high as you've alluded, that shouldn't be a problem.

My original D2 Elemental Druid will live on...
See you in Town,
There is a good point to being low man on the totem pole. The early quests won't be camped like they were in the initial rush. I've started a couple characters recently and there was a world of difference in doing the learner quests. Some areas, it was just me and the baddies. In the early days, the poor monsters would often get hit from multiple sides as people put in their entries into the monster credit lottery.

Also, the early levels are pretty much a sprint. You will close the numeric gap rather quickly so don't worry too much about being behind the curve. If you know people that are playing on a certain server (Lurkers are a pretty good group on Stormrage :whistling: ) go for that one. You are going to spend a lot more time at higher levels and you can't move your character to another server so you want to know you will have people there when you get built up a bit.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Quick request for advice. Going to be starting up just after Christmas with a group of 7 friends on a Central PvE server. Any suggestions on which one we should use?
See you in Town,
Zarathustra,Dec 23 2004, 02:21 PM Wrote:Quick request for advice.&nbsp; Going to be starting up just after Christmas with a group of 7 friends on a Central PvE server.&nbsp; Any suggestions on which one we should use?

Stormrage - eastern server where a lot of Lurkers are. ;)

Yes I stubbornly chose to ignore your request for a Central PvE server. :)
Tal,Dec 23 2004, 01:37 PM Wrote:Stormrage - eastern server where a lot of Lurkers are. ;)

Yes I stubbornly chose to ignore your request for a Central PvE server. :)

I concur with Tal's subbornness. You ought to consider joining us on Stormrage. I'm in the Central time zone in RL and it's not a bother to use an Eastern server at all. The wave of starting characters is well out into the world, so the starting zones are not very crowded at all.

Unless you don't like the occasional outbreak of puns. Then you're better off elsewhere, or at least staying out of the Lurkers guild chat. :)
At first I thought, "Mind control satellites? No way!" But now I can't remember how we lived without them.
WoW PC's of significance
Vaimadarsa Pavis Hykim Jakaleel Odayla Odayla
Since we've gotten 4 new NA servers, I've updated the lists.

Eldre'Thalas is Eastern PvE, Spirestone is Pacific PvP, Shadow Council is Mountain RP, and Scarlet Crusade is Central RP. At least now you can choose an RP server in the four main US timezones. =)

Edit: Well, apparently Spirestone is now a high pop server. There's another new PvP server though - Firetree. It's an Eastern one and I've updated the list again.
Intolerant monkey.
Since we've gotten yet another new PvP server (Frostmane, Central timezone), I updated the list again.
Intolerant monkey.
Updated the list since we have two more new servers.
Intolerant monkey.
Slightly related. Do the servers still run a 24 hour day/night cycle tied to the actual server time?
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,May 1 2005, 09:45 AM Wrote:Slightly related. Do the servers still run a 24 hour day/night cycle tied to the actual server time?

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