Weapon Questions
I'm reading up on various things regarding WoW, and one of the conflicts I'm noticing is weapon choice. That is, some people/sites are reporting one thing, while others beg to differ.

On the official site, it lists the weapons each class can use, as well as those which can be used upon receiving training. The WoW Vault has a listing of weapons available to each race as well. Okay, makes perfect sense to me. But upon reading a few forums, I'm seeing reports of characters using weapons outside of that list.

For instance, I was reading a forum at WoWVault, and people were mentioning Staves and two-handed Maces having the highest DPS for a Druid. But only regular maces seem to be listed as one of his trainable weapons. Also, a friend of mine is planning on playing a Night Elf hunter, and I've seen a few reports of Night Elves being unable to use guns. But he wants to use a gun, and again there are reports on forums saying a Night Elf hunter can indeed train in the use of guns.

Any insight here?
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Night Elves hunters can train to use guns and dwarf hunters can train to use bows.. I havent memorised all the details for each class/race.

I know that rogues(the class I play) have daggers at creation and can learn one-hand swords and maces if they choose to.
Rogues also have the throwing skill at creation but can learn guns and bows and crossbows.
Zarathustra,Dec 18 2004, 01:55 PM Wrote:I'm reading up on various things regarding WoW, and one of the conflicts I'm noticing is weapon choice.  That is, some people/sites are reporting one thing, while others beg to differ.

On the official site, it lists the weapons each class can use, as well as those which can be used upon receiving training.  The WoW Vault has a listing of weapons available to each race as well.  Okay, makes perfect sense to me.  But upon reading a few forums, I'm seeing reports of characters using weapons outside of that list.

For instance, I was reading a forum at WoWVault, and people were mentioning Staves and two-handed Maces having the highest DPS for a Druid.  But only regular maces seem to be listed as one of his trainable weapons.  Also, a friend of mine is planning on playing a Night Elf hunter, and I've seen a few reports of Night Elves being unable to use guns.  But he wants to use a gun, and again there are reports on forums saying a Night Elf hunter can indeed train in the use of guns.

Any insight here?

As far as Druids go, staves are allowed right out of the gate (no training), as well as daggers, and you can learn one and two-handed mace skills from the trainer in Ironforge for 10 silver each. There was much variation during the beta on what weapons druids had access to; initially Druids could use two-handed axes, but that got cut. They could use spears, but spears got folded into polearms and Druids were stuck without them. In the late bits of beta, Druids got thrown the two-handed mace bone. It was right at the end, so a lot of web pages haven't caught up to it.

My caster Druid favors staves because they are most often associated with beneficial stat bonuses for casters. They also have decent DPS, but suffer from slow speed, so the spellcasting interruption hurts them. A more feral-oriented build might look at a one-hander with good melee-enhancing stats and a nice off-hand item. Alas, no shields for Druids, though.
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Rogues can also learn fist weapons. :) I'm not sure about the other classes, though.

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