Windows 7 (x64) & Diablo 1
Edit: See the following post for compatibility with Windows 7:
Original post below:


I have Windows 7 x64 build 7600 and I have been able to run diablo fairly well. However, when I alt+tab I get the color problem that happened occasionally in Windows XP. I am able to play the game without any problems while following these steps: run the setup.exe on the cd in compatibility for XP SP3 as well as administrator(before installation). Run Diablo.exe in the program files (x86)/Diablo directory the same but with 256 colors checked as well as 640X480 resolution. If anyone can find a way to get this game to work on Windows 7 x64 without the color problem after alt+tabbing that would be great. I know there is a fix for starcraft 1.16 where you edit the registry with the following...

"Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Happy Trails!!

I have Windows 7 x64 build 7600 and I have been able to run diablo fairly well. However, when I alt+tab I get the color problem that happened occasionally in Windows XP. I am able to play the game without any problems while following these steps: run the setup.exe on the cd in compatibility for XP SP3 as well as administrator(before installation). Run Diablo.exe in the program files (x86)/Diablo directory the same but with 256 colors checked as well as 640X480 resolution. If anyone can find a way to get this game to work on Windows 7 x64 without the color problem after alt+tabbing that would be great.
Happy Trails!!
Hi, :)

I just loaded Diablo1 in program files (x86)/Diablo directory as you suggested, I was able to play V1.00 without any problems, I made no adjustments to options in the properties, all remain unchecked. I have Windows 7 Home Premium x64 build 6.1 7600.

I was not able to connect to Battlenet to update even with both Diablo & bnupdate.exe added to my firewall list.

I have a Microsoft keyboard with a windows key that takes me to desktop, so I had no problem with the graphics. However I tried Alt/Tab out I got the distorted graphics screen you mention above. I tried the "Print Screen" and the graphics returned to normal, the SS was normal also.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
I tried what you suggested King Jim
It's really working for v. 1.0, however when I patch the game manually to 1.09 I get the graphic screw again when tabing out of the game...
Strange problem :wacko:
Quote:I tried what you suggested King Jim
It's really working for v. 1.0, however when I patch the game manually to 1.09 I get the graphic screw again when tabing out of the game...
Strange problem :wacko:
Hi, :)

I tried many different combo's in the properties none worked for V1.09. I even copied to my harddrive my back-up Diablo1 folder from ‎May ‎11 ‎2001, ‏‎8:53:18 PM. It did not work with Win7, I get video distortion. :angry:

Same goes for Hellfire V1.00 & V1.01 I get video distortion. :angry:
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Hi, :)

Found a fix for Windows 7, you can Play & ALT/Tab out with the Resoution set at 16Bit :wub:

Right click on Desktop...>Personalize\Display\Adjust Resolution\Screen Resolution\Advanced Setting\16bit, apply

No check marks in any boxs in the Diablo1.exe Properties for Compatibilty.

edit: Leave the Screen Resolution window "OPEN" or "Minimized"...I know it's strange but thru Trial & Error I found that the Game Plays & you can ALT/TAB out without Graphic Distortion.

edit #2: Unable to play HF 101 MP...HF 100 MP & HF Fixed V121 works great [same rules as above]


Here’s a few workarounds or tricks that can fix various color issues on these popular legacy games, and get StarCraft, Diablo or Age of Empires to run properly for gamemplay in Windows 7 or Vista. Note that depending on computer configuration such as different graphics accelerator processing unit (GPU), sometimes it may not be necessary to do everything that is suggestion in the solutions below. In other words, just do whatever necessary to get the game running.

Method 2: Running in 16-bit Colors
Right click on Desktop and select Screen Resolution (in Windows 7) or Personalize and then Display Settings (in Windows Vista).
Click on Advanced Settings link.
Click on the Monitor tab.
Choose High Color (16-bit) from the Colors dropdown list.
Click on Apply and confirm the display settings prompt.
Note: Windows Aero transparency effects will be disabled.

I have Windows 7 x64 build 7600 and I have been able to run diablo fairly well. However, when I alt+tab I get the color problem that happened occasionally in Windows XP. I am able to play the game without any problems while following these steps: run the setup.exe on the cd in compatibility for XP SP3 as well as administrator(before installation). Run Diablo.exe in the program files (x86)/Diablo directory the same but with 256 colors checked as well as 640X480 resolution. If anyone can find a way to get this game to work on Windows 7 x64 without the color problem after alt+tabbing that would be great. I know there is a fix for starcraft 1.16 where you edit the registry with the following...Happy Trails!!
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
I am glad to see that you are able to get it working! I tried your tips, however, and could not get the same results. It is strange that different users have different compatibility issues. I've seen many ways to solve this problem online. What is stranger yet, is the fact that Broodwar was working for me, but now I have a problem with the version checker.
Quote:I tried what you suggested King Jim
It's really working for v. 1.0, however when I patch the game manually to 1.09 I get the graphic screw again when tabing out of the game...
Strange problem :wacko:

Did you run the patch in compatibility for XP SP3, and as Admin?
Quote:Did you run the patch in compatibility for XP SP3, and as Admin?
Hi, :)

For Diablo1 V109, in properties I'm not running compatiblty & there are NO check marks in any box.

I placed my backup folder of D1 v109 on my C\drive, not in a Program folder.

I play D1 at least once a year...The exe is dated: [Modified: Friday, ‎May ‎11, ‎2001] yet I was able to connect & play a game on B/N without any graphic distortion when I Alt/Tab out ["with my Screen Resolution window open"]

I was not asked anything about "Admin", later I will install D1 again & see what happens, keep in mind the first time I was unable to log on to B/N.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Quote:I am glad to see that you are able to get it working! I tried your tips, however, and could not get the same results. It is strange that different users have different compatibility issues. I've seen many ways to solve this problem online. What is stranger yet, is the fact that Broodwar was working for me, but now I have a problem with the version checker.
Hi, :)

I did a clean install of Diablo1 with a new download of patch v109, no change. The trick for me remains:

"Leave the Screen Resolution window "OPEN" or "Minimized"...I know it's strange but the Game Plays & you can ALT/TAB out without Graphic Distortion."

No change to Properties/Compatiblity, ALL boxs remain Unchecked. I did note that the compatibilty offered is Win XP sp3 if you were to activate compatibilty mode, the same mode in both V100 & V109.
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.
Hi, Smile

No change to Properties/Compatiblity, ALL boxs remain Unchecked. I did note that the compatibilty offered is Win XP sp3 the compatibilty mode is the same for these Diablo1 v100 & v109 & Hellfire & Hellfire Fixed Smile

A picture is worth a 1000 words Idea

[Image: DiabloProperties.jpg]
Have a Great Quest,
Jim...aka King Jim

He can do more for Others, Who has done most with Himself.

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