To Buy or not to Buy?
City of Heroes starts to bore me, it gets repetitive and at times you're wondering why in hell you do it, thus I have started to get yet again interested in World of Warcraft.

Problem is, that due to the nature of the game, buying it and then not liking it could be a severe waste of money (which I don't have much to go around) so I ask of you, kind lurkers, could you give me some sort of list of pros and cons from those who dwell in the Warcraft-verse?
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"

-Big world with variety and developed envirements
-combat is fun
-fun resource gathering and the crafting isnt a grind
-steady fairly fast leveling
-a huge amount of quests
-all classes are reasonable both solo and grouped
-gennerally fun to play

-If you powerplay its still a grind
-levels can make it hard to play with friends
-end game is not implemented yet(both heros classes and instanced PvP)
Ghostiger,Jan 3 2005, 01:35 PM Wrote:IMO

-Big world with variety and developed envirements
-combat is fun
-fun resource gathering and the crafting isnt a grind
-steady fairly fast leveling
-a huge amount of quests
-all classes are reasonable both solo and grouped
-gennerally fun to play

-If you powerplay its still a grind
-levels can make it hard to play with friends
-end game is not implemented yet(both heros classes and instanced PvP)
Let me add another con or two. The game is still full of bugs, the installation program sucks and technical support is next to none. Only gamers would put up with beta testing at their own expense. I am just glad Blizzard is not an aircraft manufacturer.
Thenryb,Jan 3 2005, 11:30 AM Wrote:I am just glad Blizzard is not an aircraft manufacturer.

Amen, I am glad they stick to games. In their defense, sorta, at least one aircraft manufacturer consortium, Bell-Boeing, has been getting away with beta testing the V-22 Osprey for some time. :P Sikorsky Boeing tried that with Comanche and ran into a slight cash flow problem . . .

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Thenryb,Jan 3 2005, 10:30 AM Wrote:Let me add another con or two. The game is still full of bugs, the installation program sucks and technical support is next to none. Only gamers would put up with beta testing at their own expense. I am just glad Blizzard is not an aircraft manufacturer.

I have seen some bugs in the game, but I certainly would not classify the game as "full of bugs." I can go a long time in the game before running into my next bug. For my part, I had no difficulty with the installation of the game, so I have had no need to use the technical support system. The game has been working smoothly for me, except for the occational server hiccup, for more than a month.
MongoJerry,Jan 3 2005, 10:50 PM Wrote:I have seen some bugs in the game, but I certainly would not classify the game as "full of bugs."  I can go a long time in the game before running into my next bug.  For my part, I had no difficulty with the installation of the game, so I have had no need to use the technical support system.  The game has been working smoothly for me, except for the occational server hiccup, for more than a month.

Then how would you classify the game and are these bugs small annoying things or huge game bugs such as crashing the game etc'?
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
TaiDaishar,Jan 4 2005, 03:11 AM Wrote:Then how would you classify the game and are these bugs small annoying things or huge game bugs such as crashing the game etc'?

The bugs I would classify as small annoying things. On the whole, the game is quite stable, and I can't remember a client crash since the first week of release. The main downside with the game is the missing content like battlegrounds (none presently) and high level raid instances (two presently). However, there is a lot of content there to keep people occupied for quite a while.
One more question, I looked at the system requirement and my CPU is only 667MHz although my RAM is 512MB, would I be able to run the game effectively (aka no major stuttering etc')?

EDIT: Apperantly it seems there's no support for clients beyond North America so perhaps this entire thread is useless, anyone across the ocean (aka european) plays the US version of WoW now?
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
TaiDaishar,Jan 4 2005, 01:19 PM Wrote:EDIT: Apperantly it seems there's no support for clients beyond North America so perhaps this entire thread is useless, anyone across the ocean (aka european) plays the US version of WoW now?
This thread is not useless! I did decide to get WoW sometime, but that was before I discovered the existence of Guild Wars. Now, I'm not so sure I want to buy something with a monthly fee when I could play Guild Wars instead. Can someone who's played both WoW and the Guild Wars betas share some of the differences between them?
Zelc,Jan 8 2005, 01:50 AM Wrote:This thread is not useless!  I did decide to get WoW sometime, but that was before I discovered the existence of Guild Wars.  Now, I'm not so sure I want to buy something with a monthly fee when I could play Guild Wars instead.  Can someone who's played both WoW and the Guild Wars betas share some of the differences between them?

Guild Wars is Diablo 3. I prefer the more controlled flow of combat in WoW to Guild Wars' run-and-gun, but if you like fast, instant action, maybe GW is your thing.

EDIT: Another server "hiccup", wherein all servers and forums are down for the next few weeks, it seems. I guess the hamsters died and need to be replaced. And we were all the way to the end of Maraudon, too... <_<

EDIT 2: And this is on the same day they unveiled their Awards page on their official site. Am I the only one seeing the irony in this?
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
TaiDaishar,Jan 4 2005, 01:19 PM Wrote:One more question, I looked at the system requirement and my CPU is only 667MHz although my RAM is 512MB, would I be able to run the game effectively (aka no major stuttering etc')?
The (minimum) system requirements for Guild Wars and WOW are about the same (see the list below). WOW requires more HD space and more video RAM than GW. Since GW is not really "Massive Multiplayer" but mission-based in instanced areas with small parties (up to 8 players), the recommended system specs (processor and gfx card speed, video RAM size) in pratice are much higher for WOW than for GW, I think.

Quote:* Windows XP/2000/ME/98 with DirectX 9 or higher
* Intel Pentium III 800 Mhz or equivalent
* 256 MB RAM
* CD-ROM Drive
* 500 MB Available HDD Space (Guild Wars), 3000+ MB (WOW)
* ATI Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 or 4 MX Series Video Card with 32MB of VRAM (Guild Wars), 64 MB (WOW)
* 16-bit Sound Card
* Internet connection via 56K Dial-Up Modem or DSL (DSL recommended for WOW)
* Keyboard and Mouse
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Zelc,Jan 7 2005, 11:50 PM Wrote:Can someone who's played both WoW and the Guild Wars betas share some of the differences between them?
They may have improved this from the testing I did with Guild Wars, but the crafting in WoW is better than the crafting in Guild Wars. Neither is really what I consider good, but WoW's is adequate. It was easier to get a guild started in Guild Wars (imagine that ;) ), but there wasn't guild housing when I tested it so it was pretty silly, but there's no guild housing in WoW either. PvP was . . . different. It annoyed me greatly that I couldn't just duel one person. I also couldn't even make sure that GG was in the same PvP group that I was in! That was really ridiculous - having only random groups. Maybe they fixed that too since then. Didn't engage in Guild v Guild though so I don't know how that was. I like the PvP in WoW much better, but I'm not usually a PvP type person. In Guild Wars, it was a really interesting concept to have to pick what skills you were going to use before you got into the missions. If you know the upcoming mission and know what to expect, it wasn't a problem. If it was your first time, you aren't really sure what skills to take in and you may wind up dead because of that. As a staunch advocate of being alive as much as possible, choosing the skills beforehand got to be annoying. In WoW, you have a lack of hotbars which can limit your skills, but you can get around that by using User Interface mods that add how many hotbars are on the screen. Guild Wars truly is a hack-n-slash game rather than the MMORPG that many others are calling it (btw, I'm glad Arena isn't calling it an MMORPG. Good for them.) whereas WoW is only mostly a hack-n-slash. ;) It's a slower paced hack-n-slash and it takes more good tactics to play well, but it's still basically just a hack-n-slash rather than a true MMORPG. Still darned fun though. Nothing wrong with hack-n-slashes if that's what you're looking for.
Intolerant monkey.

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