User Interface tips
I'm sure all the closed beta testers know this already, but for those of us who are relatively new to the game, but who don't like having names hovering above every character's head and would still like to know who is in a guild and who isn't without having to use the /who function, there is a solution. Go into your WTF directory and open your config.WTF using your favorite text editor. Find the line that says SET UnitNamePlayerGuild "0". Change the zero to a 1 so it reads SET UnitNamePlayerGuild "1". Save and exit. Now whenever you target someone, it will show the guild name if they are in a guild and you don't have to bother with having the overhead names on all the time. If you change some config options in game (like turning on or off your cloak), you'll have to manually change that line again, but this is better than nothing. It doesn't show the guild on mouseover though, just when you select a person.
Intolerant monkey.
Thanks for this very useful tip.

Does anyone know why

sometimes you see health bars over each animal's head, and sometimes you dont;

background color for the mouse tooltip window is black since newest patch (or is it just me).
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Ynir,Jan 4 2005, 12:57 PM Wrote:Thanks for this very useful tip.

Does anyone know why

sometimes you see health bars over each animal's head, and sometimes you dont;

background color for the mouse tooltip window is black since newest patch (or is it just me).

Health bars above a mob's head means you've hit the 'V' key. Hit it again and it will go away.
Ynir,Jan 4 2005, 10:57 AM Wrote:background color for the mouse tooltip window is black since newest patch (or is it just me).
It's not just you, but I was running the Thottbot only portion of cosmos before the newest patch and now I'm not (no files on the machine at all anymore) so it could have been lack of cosmos that caused the change for me. /shrug
Intolerant monkey.
Cosmos has an option in the version since the latest patch to put the background colors back on the tooltips, remove the PvP enabled wording, add the guild tag, and possibly a couple of other things.
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
What I've been looking for is a way to increase the number of skills I can have onscreen, or at least hotkeyed, over the 12 given. This interface is horrible! Playing a rogue is extremely difficult - I have 21 different actions I rely on during play (use at least several times an hour), and it's getting ridiculous. Shift-number is too close to the start key (which exits me out to the desktop during battle, heh), and mouse wheel rolling isn't precise enough to always get me the bar I want ASAP. When I'm fighting a +2 level elite, I get a little annoyed when I try to smelt instead of using a riposte.

I've tried bottombar and popbar, which are user-designed interface corrections; unfortunately they're a bit buggy, and they tend to break whenever the game is patched. So what I'm looking for now instead is a halfway solution - a way to hotkey the 6 (?) task bars to a SINGLE keypress. Function keys would be ideal but other solutions are possible.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide. I'm really hoping I'm overlooking something obvious, because if I have to code, I'm quite certain the fix will break with the next patch.

How can such a great game have such a horrible interface? When you have to develop a player community to put in all of the stuff that you should have put in yourself, something's wrong.
You can hotkey the action bars to single keypresses. They're under Key Bindings as "Action Page 1", "Action Page 2", etc. I only use four (when Cosmos isn't working post patch) and bind them to [ ] ; ' as those are all close together but not assigned to anything else. (I use the function keys for targetting group members, so those're out for me.)
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
Cryptic,Jan 4 2005, 12:56 PM Wrote:This interface is horrible!&nbsp;


How can such a great game have such a horrible interface?&nbsp; When you have to develop a player community to put in all of the stuff that you should have put in yourself, something's wrong.
I agree that the interface could be much better (I'd love to have Horizons interface in WoW - you want to change something, do it in game with the exception of adding new icons), but it's better than Wish's interface. *shudders* In the first stress test I hated the WoW UI, then stress test ended and Tal assured me that they fixed some of the problems I had with it after the stress test (and they did). It has improved, but boy oh boy does it still need a lot more improvement. Blizzard has said that they're going to be implementing some of the "more popular" features from the community's UI mods and I'm really hoping that more skillbars and moving all windows around, not just the chat windows, by dragging them around in game. And I hope they do it soon, but I'm still not going to hold my breath waiting for it to happen.

Oh, another thing I'd like to have happen is to resize the minimap separately from the UI scaling slider. I like the rest of the UI to be small, but I want my minimap to stay at the default size. Oh well. I've made my suggestions to Blizzard and that's about all I can do.
Intolerant monkey.
Thank you both, this workaround will help me to retain my sanity until the interface is improved. Whee!

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