Repops in Instances?
I am a little confused by repops in instances. When we went through Ragefire Chasm things definately repopped after a certain amount of time. In Wailing Caverns I don't think I ever saw anything repop. Last night in Razorfen Kraul I think only some of the stuff repopped and it seemed to repop at different speeds.

Any ideas on how these work?
ehertlein,Jan 7 2005, 10:39 AM Wrote:I am a little confused by repops in instances. When we went through Ragefire Chasm things definately repopped after a certain amount of time. In Wailing Caverns I don't think I ever saw anything repop. Last night in Razorfen Kraul I think only some of the stuff repopped and it seemed to repop at different speeds.

Any ideas on how these work?

As I understand it all instances eventually repop. The first to repop in an instance, especially lower level ones, are the patrol mobs. Regular mobs repop at a slower rate. Later instances such as Gnomeregan and Scarlet Monastery repop much quicker than the ones you encounter early in your career.
I saw a blue post in the forums about Instance changes. One of the things listed was a slowing respawn for Gnomeregan. That place was *aggravating* if you got to the end, died, and find out everything respawned.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Respawn timers are different for every instance, and different for various mobs in each instance. Instance bosses never respawn, just about everyone else does. In my experience mobs respawn in the same order you killed them, so even if they start respawning you can stay ahead of them if you're careful. But this also means that by the time you're near the boss, the beginning of the instance is all restocked, so recovering from a wipe may be difficult.
I'm against respawns in instances completely. I don't see them as added challenge - I see them as added aggravation. And since Blizzard is fondling themselves over the idea of instanced areas, I don't see a shift in the preferred way to grind levels and get uber loot.

It's not a major deal if it's a wipe, because your entire group will be there to help with the respawns, but if your (only) priest dies at the very end of the instance, you get to go ALL the way to the beginning, killing all the respawns along the way, and then you get to kill the stuff that respawned while you were going back to the front <_<

EDIT: It'd also be nice to be able to feel completely, totally safe if someone has to go AFK mid-instance because of Real Life issues. Perhaps they ate something that's disagreeing with them, or maybe someone broke something while changing a light fixture, or some other stupid Real Life something that happens to pop up from time to time. I can only see the point of having respawns of ANY kind being to allow farming without having to reset the instance, and given the Soulbound system, you'd think Blizzard would be AGAINST farming.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Artega,Jan 7 2005, 08:50 PM Wrote:I'm against respawns in instances completely.&nbsp; I don't see them as added challenge - I see them as added aggravation.&nbsp; And since Blizzard is fondling themselves over the idea of instanced areas, I don't see a shift in the preferred way to grind levels and get uber loot.

It's not a major deal if it's a wipe, because your entire group will be there to help with the respawns, but if your (only) priest dies at the very end of the instance, you get to go ALL the way to the beginning, killing all the respawns along the way, and then you get to kill the stuff that respawned while you were going back to the front <_<

Actually, this is why I am in *favor* of respawns in instances. It makes instance runs much more intense, since it adds a serious death penalty to the run. Regarding, your "only priest" problem, that's why you want to have a paladin/shaman in the party or at least a druid (combat rez) or warlock (soulstone) in the party. If you didn't have respawns in instances, the usefulness of these skills and characters would be reduced dramatically.

Quote:EDIT: It'd also be nice to be able to feel completely, totally safe if someone has to go AFK mid-instance because of Real Life issues.&nbsp; Perhaps they ate something that's disagreeing with them, or maybe someone broke something while changing a light fixture, or some other stupid Real Life something that happens to pop up from time to time.&nbsp; I can only see the point of having respawns of ANY kind being to allow farming without having to reset the instance, and given the Soulbound system, you'd think Blizzard would be AGAINST farming.

That's foolishness. The only reason people farm instances is to farm bosses and *they* don't respawn. The purpose of respawns is to give instances a death penalty, and I for one am thankful for it.
You played the CB, so I guess you adapted to it, but I am seriously PISSED when we fight ALL the way to the end of an instance, and have a wipe because of an unexpected add, or a boss that was just too tough, and end up having to fight the entire instance AGAIN to reach said boss for round two. I could probably sacrifice several hours of sleep to do this, but I don't feel like sacrificing efficiency at work for a shot at an item in-game :)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Artega,Jan 8 2005, 05:24 AM Wrote:You played the CB, so I guess you adapted to it, but I am seriously PISSED when we fight ALL the way to the end of an instance, and have a wipe because of an unexpected add, or a boss that was just too tough, and end up having to fight the entire instance AGAIN to reach said boss for round two.&nbsp; I could probably sacrifice several hours of sleep to do this, but I don't feel like sacrificing efficiency at work for a shot at an item in-game :)
From what I recall hearing in the beta, the orginal planwas not to have respawns in the instances (alpha testing phase). This had to be changed due to it being too easy to run the instances because you effectively then had an infinte amount of time to go in a slowly pick of each and every mob even with a less than full party at about the minimum level to be doing the instance. Far too easy that way for anyone to get any instance run.

During most of the beta the repawning in the game was not set up to occur dynamically (based on the number of players in the zone). Most of the outdoor zones had the mobs set to I belive a 5 minute respawn timer. In most of the early released instances the respawn timers were set to about 1 to 2 hour respawn on the static placement mobs and a 15 minute respawn timer on the patrol mobs.

If you played bad like allowing one the players to die near the end, then yes you had to deal with the respawns when they came back. A part of the penalty of playing bad. And yes I consider that the priest player dying near the end boss a canidate for having played bad on more than one players part. Why did the priest draw enough aggro to get killed then? Where were the assists and tanks that are supposed to help do that protection of the priest? As far as I am concerned, even a mage or rogue should look at drawning as much aggro as possible from a mob going after the priest if it will by the time to save the priest, even that cost of their lives. I know that my mage had to do that a couple of times in beta. And if my mage could not out aggro the priest, then the priest was not managing their aggro at better than a poor player would and the penalty for the priest getting killed in that situation was deserved.

Any group that I have been in that lost the priest player that late in the instance was not looking a the lost of just one member, but more like a complete or near complete wipe of the entire party. At which point it is prety much everyone having to go back to start and resume the run from the beginning. In that case the repawning is an appropriate penalty to help add meaning to doing the instances.
I definitely see the point of respawns, especially to prevent boss farming, but it's still a major pain in the ass. Still, I'd rather have respawns than a flooded economy :)

We were fighting Princess Fatty in Maraudon. Her fart-wind kept pushing me and the two pets away from her (thus preventing me from causing hate with Sunder and the pets from using their various abilties), and the priest was having to heal all of us because of the fart-wind causing damage to everyone. I guess he healed too much too fast, because Fatso ran up, beat the crap out of him, and then turned and killed the pets, and then me right after that. What really sucks is that we had her down to about 10% HP before we wiped <_<

On a side note, our Hunter had to use Goblin Jumper Cables on our priest when Landslide kicked him off the cliff. One of these days he's going to learn to use the little heals or not heal at all before we lock aggro :)

EDIT: In all of our wipes, my group loses when I die, especially if several mobs are involved. When we first did Uldaman, we ended up aggroing one of the roaming golems in addition to the dorfs. I had them all firmly locked on me, but our healing couldn't keep up with the sheer amount of damage they were causing. I died after a minute of back-and-forth that involved me pulling all of the stunts I had available, and afterwards I got to watch the dorfs zerg the other members of my party <_<
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Artega,Jan 8 2005, 07:49 AM Wrote:EDIT: In all of our wipes, my group loses when I die, especially if several mobs are involved.&nbsp; When we first did Uldaman, we ended up aggroing one of the roaming golems in addition to the dorfs.&nbsp; I had them all firmly locked on me, but our healing couldn't keep up with the sheer amount of damage they were causing.&nbsp; I died after a minute of back-and-forth that involved me pulling all of the stunts I had available, and afterwards I got to watch the dorfs zerg the other members of my party <_<

That's a full wipe from a bad pull, though. Say you only have a semi-bad pull, or a regular pull that for some reason just doesn't work out. Tanks are better off sacrificing themselves for the other players, because the group might just do enough damage before the tank goes down to prevent a full wipe.

My typical group doesn't have the best dynamic (Rogue, 2 Hunters, 2 Priests). We have no true tank, so we try to split it between the bears and one of the hunters. But the instant I see one of my priests being attacked, I do a finishing move, typically Rupture so my old target keeps taking damage (unless I have 0 or 1 combo points), and run off to help the priest.

There's been a few times where the heal would not have gotten off, I'd Vanish and then I have a quick decision. Much of the time, I use my Vanish to gulp a heal pot, hit a single bandage, and get right back into the fray to help the priest. Suicide for me sometimes, but the priest is more important.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Unfortunately, sacrificing yourself doesn't mean much in instances, since mobs will follow you everywhere, which means you can't really play the hero.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Artega,Jan 9 2005, 09:32 AM Wrote:Unfortunately, sacrificing yourself doesn't mean much in instances, since mobs will follow you everywhere, which means you can't really play the hero.

... unless you're group (preist) manages to stay alive and win the fight because you sacrificed yourself, which is what I said above.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

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