Tried Rend with 9 lost : /
My group has always enjoyed doing instances with only 5 people. Last night we tried upper spire, we got up to rend with no wipes and not really any trouble but we wiped on the last wave that comes before Rend. We simply didn't have the dps it seems, healers where oom, and so where the casters.

I was thinking on how we could improve, I was thinking we could haev our warlock and mage ( the only 2 who can AE) AE the whelps, while the melee focus on the elites... Before we would tank the elites and take out the whelps with meleeing & ae'ing. THinking on it though it seems that AE + melee is almost wasting the dps of your melee. Thoughts? Even if we did that though I do not think we would be successful, i don't have any questions on how to kill rned or anything silly like that, but is 9 too ambitious or has it been done?

The group make up was:

Thanks in advance,

If we have to get another 2-6 people then so be it. I hate it though, we don't like large groups, the last thing we want to become is these 20-30 man zerg raids that take forever because of all the litte deaths along the way, and other issues common with large groups.


Hi! I am new to this board!

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