Intresting Warrior Fury Build

with all the nerfs to MS this may be a viable build now.
Signatures suck
bschultz,Jan 11 2005, 01:40 AM Wrote:

with all the nerfs to MS this may be a viable build now.

I question some of his talents. There's absolutely no reason not to max Deflection. On top of that, he gets Anger Management, which isn't a terribly useful ability. I'd also get Sweeping Strikes - if you're going that far into Arms, there's no reason not to get it, and it's a great skill.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Artega,Jan 11 2005, 02:29 PM Wrote:I question some of his talents.  There's absolutely no reason not to max Deflection.  On top of that, he gets Anger Management, which isn't a terribly useful ability.  I'd also get Sweeping Strikes - if you're going that far into Arms, there's no reason not to get it, and it's a great skill.
I'm wondering too. Why improved execute? That's two points to deal a little more damage off an ability that deals a huge anount of damage anyway? He claims the build generates rage rapidly, which really makes me wonder what imp execute is for. Does imp execute save that rage and leave it in your pool or something?
My other mount is a Spiderdrake
My speculative build:

Fury Mastery

Booming Voice Rank 1
Cruelty Rank 5
Improved Demoralizing Shout Rank 5
Unbridled Wrath Rank 5
Improved Cleave Rank 3
Piercing Howl Rank 1
Enrage Rank 5
Flurry Rank 5

Fury Total: 30

Arms Mastery

Deflection Rank 5
Improved Rend Rank 3
Improved Charge Rank 2
Tactical Mastery Rank 5
Improved Overpower Rank 2
Deep Wounds Rank 3
Sweeping Strikes Rank 1

Arms Total: 21


Total Points Spent: 51
Level Required: 60

I'll never get there ;) Sadly, you can't fit Impale into this build. But as it stands, Cleave + SS + Flurry + Overpower for teh win.
I'm pretty sure that he chooses not to use deflection is so that enrage will have more of a chance of going off. you cant become enraged on a crit hit if you parry it.
Signatures suck
I imagine that, going shieldless, one would get hit more than enough for a crit to occur.
Taeme,Jan 12 2005, 10:56 AM Wrote:I'm wondering too. Why improved execute? That's two points to deal a little more damage off an ability that deals a huge anount of damage anyway? He claims the build generates rage rapidly, which really makes me wonder what imp execute is for. Does imp execute save that rage and leave it in your pool or something?

Improved Execute isn't for extra damage; it's so you can squeeze it off with less Rage. The whole point of Execute is to QUICKLY finish someone near-death (invaluable against people who foolishly wait until they're nearly dead to heal, or people who save their biggest spells for a last-ditch effort to kill you), and having a lower rage cost accomplishes this goal much more efficiently. Besides, Imp. Execute, Imp. Intercept, and Death Wish is a great way to get the five points for the next tier while improving some seriously underrated abilities and gaining an absolutely AMAZING ability.

Here's a couple of Fury-focused builds I created on a whim:

Quote:*_Arms Talents_* (19 points)

# *Deflection* - 5/5 points
Increases your Parry chance by 5%.

# *Improved Rend* - 3/3 points
Increases the bleed damage done by your Rend ability by 35%.

# *Tactical Mastery* - 4/5 points
You retain up to 20 of your rage points when you change stances.

# *Improved Overpower* - 2/2 points
Increases the critical strike chance of your Overpower ability by 50%.

# *Deep Wounds* - 3/3 points
Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 60% of your
melee weapon's average damage over 12 seconds.

# *Impale* - 2/2 points
Increases the critical strike damage done by your abilities in Battle,
Defensive, and Berserker stance by 20%.

*_Fury Talents_* (32 points)

# *Cruelty* - 5/5 points
Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

# *Improved Demoralizing Shout* - 5/5 points
Increases the attack power reduction of your Demoralizing Shout by 25%.

# *Unbridled Wrath* - 5/5 points
Gives you a 40% chance to generate an additional Rage point when you
deal melee damage.

# *Piercing Howl* - 1/1 point
Causes all enemies near the warrior to be dazed for 6 seconds.

# *Enrage* - 5/5 points
Gives you a 40% melee damage bonus for 4 swings any time you are the
victim of a critical strike.

# *Improved Execute* - 2/2 points
Reduces the Rage cost of your Execute ability by 5.

# *Death Wish* - 1/1 point
When activated, increases your melee damage by 20% and makes you immune
to fear, but lowers your defense against all types of damage by 20%.
Lasts 30 seconds.

# *Improved Intercept* - 2/2 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Intercept ability by 10 seconds.

# *Flurry* - 5/5 points
Increases your attack speed by 30% for your next 3 swings after dealing
a critical strike.

# *Bloodthirst* - 1/1 point
Activates after dealing a killing blow. Your next melee weapon attack
deals a 100% increased damage.

I've heard mixed things about Bloodthirst, but if you're going that far into Fury, there's really no reason NOT to get it.

Quote:*_Arms Talents_* (8 points)

# *Deflection* - 5/5 points
Increases your Parry chance by 5%.

# *Tactical Mastery* - 3/5 points
You retain up to 15 of your rage points when you change stances.

*_Fury Talents_* (31 points)

# *Cruelty* - 5/5 points
Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

# *Improved Demoralizing Shout* - 5/5 points
Increases the attack power reduction of your Demoralizing Shout by 25%.

# *Unbridled Wrath* - 4/5 points
Gives you a 32% chance to generate an additional Rage point when you
deal melee damage.

# *Piercing Howl* - 1/1 point
Causes all enemies near the warrior to be dazed for 6 seconds.

# *Enrage* - 5/5 points
Gives you a 40% melee damage bonus for 4 swings any time you are the
victim of a critical strike.

# *Improved Execute* - 2/2 points
Reduces the Rage cost of your Execute ability by 5.

# *Death Wish* - 1/1 point
When activated, increases your melee damage by 20% and makes you immune
to fear, but lowers your defense against all types of damage by 20%.
Lasts 30 seconds.

# *Improved Intercept* - 2/2 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Intercept ability by 10 seconds.

# *Flurry* - 5/5 points
Increases your attack speed by 30% for your next 3 swings after dealing
a critical strike.

# *Bloodthirst* - 1/1 point
Activates after dealing a killing blow. Your next melee weapon attack
deals a 100% increased damage.

*_Protection Talents_* (12 points)

# *Anticipation* - 5/5 points
Increases your Defense skill by 10.

# *Improved Bloodrage* - 2/2 points
Reduces the duration required to generate rage from your Bloodrage
ability by 4 seconds.

# *Toughness* - 4/5 points
Increases your armor value from items by 8%.

# *Last Stand* - 1/1 point
When activated, this ability temporarily grants you 30% of your maximum
hit points for 20 seconds. After the effect expires, the hit points are

This build sacrifices Improved Rend and other early-Arms talents for Improved Bloodrage and Last Stand. Depending on how you like Bloodthirst, you could dump it to complete Toughness. The use of (Improved) Bloodrage when you already have Unbridled Wrath is questionable, though, especially if you dual-wield.

I'm currently a standard Mortal Strike Polearm-spec'd warrior, but once I get to the upper fifties, I'll probably do a respec to something completely different. The problem is whether I want to go Fury (sacrificing my viability as a tank), or go Protection (sacrificing the bulk of my PvP efficiency, except versus casters, for greater tanking potential.)
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
I had an idea for a 31/20 prot/fury build.. concussive blow, shield discipline and 1h spec from the prot tree combined with enrage from the fury tree..

Is a steady +50% damage state achievable this way? Note: no Arms! :(
Raziel,Jan 14 2005, 11:15 AM Wrote:I had an idea for a 31/20 prot/fury build.. concussive blow, shield discipline and 1h spec from the prot tree combined with enrage from the fury tree..

Is a steady +50% damage state achievable this way?  Note: no Arms! :(

The utter lack of Tactical Mastery will undermine any effectiveness you'll have. You NEED at least three points (and preferably five) to be useful in PvP or PvE at all as a Warrior.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Raziel,Jan 14 2005, 09:15 AM Wrote:I had an idea for a 31/20 prot/fury build.. concussive blow, shield discipline and 1h spec from the prot tree combined with enrage from the fury tree..

Is a steady +50% damage state achievable this way?  Note: no Arms! :(

To get concussive blow means you have 21 points in protection, because it takes 20 other points in the tree to unlock it and the skill itself would be 21. That only leaves you 30 for any other tree. Blizzard did a pretty good job of where they put some of the talents to prevent people doing certain things with them.

Artega,Jan 15 2005, 05:58 AM Wrote:The utter lack of Tactical Mastery will undermine any effectiveness you'll have. You NEED at least three points (and preferably five) to be useful in PvP or PvE at all as a Warrior.

You can make it into the 30's without it fairly well (I put my first 21 points into protection to get concussive blow as early as possible and to test somethings) but I have had some thoughts of respec run through my head so that I can get it now and then work back to concussive blow. :) However I can be very effective just sitting in defensive stance the whole right.

Also if you don't have it it just means you have to time your switches a bit better and/or figure out other skills to use in other stances to do the same thing. I wouldn't say you NEED the points because various skills and other talents on the trees will help you overcome it, but I do agree that you aren't as flexible as possible. Flexible is not the same thing as effective though. However the game is such that any character can still function and be effective without spending any talent points from everything I have read from high level characters. There is no need to do anything with talents, they help shape, define and differentiate, but you can survive and contribute without any of them. I just get a bit worked up about such strong statements in a game where there is no "one build to rule them all!". I'm not even looking at it from a variant "I know this will be a lot harder but I'm going for it anyway" standpoint. I've played with warriors in their 30's who haven't placed a single talent point yet and they can still hold aggro and do what they need to do. Sure I can do it better and with less work, but it was just some first hand experience into what I had read from others who have more experience with the game than I do.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
A warrior can do without Tactical Mastery, it just requires some anticipation of moments when stance changes will be necessary and when possilbe dumping spare rage into skills before switching. For instance, if you suspect you'll need to intercept soon, hold a bloodrage in reserve for after the switch, or if you charge into a fight, get your demoralizing shout and first sunder off before switching to defensive rather than after. Unbridled wrath can also compensate for some lost rage over time.

My build (at 46 now, so still in progress) is conc blow + flurry, being one of the few combinations that allows more that one "highlight" talents (the other being Flurry+Sweeping Strikes). I'm glad that MS and conc blow are mutually exclusive - it forces people to make some tough choices. Solo PvP my build is weaker due to lost seconds with no TM, but in the chaos of group PvP having a 5 second stun from an unexpected source (people assume MS builds for the most part) is handy.
I'm still toying around with the warrior.. very early days yet (level 10'ish).. so obviously no hope of even having TM yet if I were going that way.

I do switch stances a lot, begin a fight with charge, then usually use the additional rage to battle shout, sunder or thunderclap (I know, it's lame but it does slow them by 10%) then switch to defensive and sunder, sunder, sunder.

I've discovered exactly what you suggest: keep an eye on your rage and drain it as close to zero just as you switch stances. I always build up to sunder/tclap, hit it, then switch so that I lose at most 1-3 extraneous rage points.

Of course things are going to change at higher levels.

[edit: removed speculative build so as not to sidetrack thread]

I'll spam elsewhere ;)

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