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Earlier today, I picked up this little trinket, and a few people wanted to see what it looked like. So here's me in my pansy robes and my new horned skull:
Now, this thread is for other interesting screenshots. Talk amongst yourselves. :whistling:
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Thanks Warlocke. :) I'll have to start uploading some of my own soon. I've got them, even did a batch conversion on them to change the .tga foolishness ( ;) ), but I just haven't uploaded them yet.
Intolerant monkey.
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01-16-2005, 05:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2005, 07:26 PM by Roane.)
Sabra said she wanted to see a picture of my new friend! I figured this thread was an appropriate place. I found him while doing the Dream Dust quest in the Swamp of Sorrows.
Emerald Whelpling
Edit: Changed the embedded pic to a link, to save your bandwidth and mine.
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
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![[Image: wow8.png]](
A fair fight? Hardly! So sorry Mr. Warlock. (lvl 46 mage -vs- lvl 47 ogre warlock) The most dangerous part of the battle was worrying that he may fall on me. :P
As a side note: Sometimes, it is fun to stand back and watch the bad guys go about their daily business. I watched this guy for a bit and saw the left side punch the right side while they apparently argued. Another time, on the shore in Tanaris, I watched a giant wandering there. He paused and bent over in a grunting type action. Suddenly, he passed gas (farted for those less dignified folks out there :blush: ) creating a large green bubble floating in the air behind him. He then swatted at it with his club and waved at the air to clear the stench. :D
Freshman Diablo
![[Image: jsoho8.png]](
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
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You can Cannibalize players for the ultimate humiliation.
Felt like exploring one day.
Power Crystal formations.
Ever wonder what cows looked like in those pointy mage hats? Wonder no longer.
Close-up of The Shatterer.
Rexxar and Misha.
Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cowâ¢. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
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Isn't Rexxar the one you play as in the Orcs campaign of TFT?
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
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01-18-2005, 08:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2005, 09:00 PM by Treesh.)
Ok, I finally got off my duff and uploaded some screenies. I'm going to make them links instead of images because it annoys me how firefox keeps adjusting the pages when images start loading up if I forget to stop the page from loading up all the way. Also, there are a bunch of them in here so links are just the better way to do it.
Even in a neutral inn, sometimes you feel like you need some extra protection and a bone tent is just the thing.
This next one won't seem so interesting, but when you've only seen Kodo from a Tauren's perspective, those things are HYUGE when you're a dwarf.
I'm not quite sure how this one happened. Usually when you logout, you don't remain sitting in your chair. Well, thanks to some weird little glitch, I got to login and be the recipient of a gnome lapdance. It's never happened since and I hope it never happens again. ;)
You will find some rather odd names out there, especially on the pets. Here's one that just takes the crab cake. ;)
Classic example of poor quest log directions (and since not all of it is visible on one screen, here's the rest). Keep in mind that this is the first Tauren quest that takes you to the other continent. Do you see anything that says "other continent" or how to get there if you aren't familiar with the geography of the game? I sure don't. And yet, on the third quest you get from the group of people down there that sends you to the other continent, they tell you just how to do it. Maybe you should take a look at that Blizzard. :rolleyes:
I just thought this was cute. On the left hand side of the screen, you'll see a living Totem pole. All by happenstance too. :) The Tauren on the bottom was AFK, the orc had just landed and so had the tauren standing up.
When trolls get shrunk. It was very strange being a tiny troll, but awfully cute. Too bad I didn't get a better screeny of it.
Verdan the Everliving from afar. Keep in mind how big Tauren are. Verdan the Everliving from way too close and finally, his corpse. One day, I shall take a little gnome in there and get screenies of Verdan from a gnome's perspective. ;)
And since WoW is all about the fashion ( ;) ), here's the Embrace of the Viper as modelled by Mogoraindyn. The first full set I've ever completed in WoW.
Gratuitous pict of Zhasi and her buddy. I just love that mini diablo is almost her height.
Mogo and Marn taking a break after slaughtering many dwarves in their little keep. Boy are those ceilings low.
Ever wanted to be able to have both a two-handed staff and a two-handed axe on at the same time? Now you can!. Actually, this was merely a graphical glitch on my screen. Didn't go away when I inspected Marn either. The picture in the inspection screen showed the same thing. A logout/login fixed it though.
This is another one where I wish I had a better angle. We weren't fighting on a hill, there weren't boxes or anything around us, but I'll be darned if that croc wasn't levitating. Gnolack is sitting under the hovering croc. Of course, that was also the area where a pally was completely invisible to GG, targetable, but invisible. I could see the pally just fine though. Healed him too after he pulled a couple of bitey crocs off me.
And last, but not least, who ever said rogues can't have combat pets? ;)
Edit: And in case anyone is wondering, here are the stats for the pieces of Embrace of the Viper.
Intolerant monkey.
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I'll bite:
Shot 1 - Sunken Temple
Shot 2 - Small glitch... wolf on a mount???
Shot 3 - BRD Boss
Shot 4 - Cheese! (we're all horde btw :))
Shot 5 - On our way to the badlands, we stop for some sight seeing.
Shot 6 - I died.. as a toad :(
Shot 7 - the lovely princess of maraudon.. SEXAY!
Znassin - Lvl59 Troll Priest (almost there! 
Tichondrius Server
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I've just uploaded some webpages with screenshots from the currently running "World of WarCraft" (Closed) European Final Beta, which you can view here:
nobbie's European Final Beta Screenshots
Most screenshots are from the Undead locations in the north of the Eastern Kingdoms because that's the place where I'm playing my main beta character "Cressida", an Undead Warlock. The pages will be constantly updated as my Warlock proceeds in the game. Enjoy! :D
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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01-20-2005, 04:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2005, 04:56 PM by Leshy.)
After having gathered nearly 500Mb worth of screenshots - the majority of which I've now thrown out the virtual window, I figured that I might post some of the more interesting pretty ones here as well. I'll follow Treesh' example and link to the individual pictures. Most have been cropped to remove the interface and enhance overall prettiness, but they are still pretty big. So 56k, beware!
All images are recordings of the ventures of Nyxlath, Troll Warrior Extraordinaire on EU Beta 9. Did I say he was a poser before, he certainly does live up to it.
During his ventures in the Wailing Caverns, an instance found in the Barrens, he noticed something lurking in the dark. Of course, rather than exercise caution, Nyxlath had to attract it's attention by waving, which did not meet a friendly reaction. Fortunately, this cumbersome beast was no match for our fierce warrior.
After grabbing a rush hour boat from Ratchet (even the poor dockmaster had no idea what was going on, departing from this quiet little port village, the loaded boat arrived in Booty Bay. Accompanying the other travelers in an attempt to raid an unsuspecting Alliance village, the group attempted to travel through Stranglethorn Vale. The local populace of gorilla's, suspiciously marked as level ?? or level SKULL to most of the group, however, disagreed with this plan and caused both the end of the attempt as the life of Nyxlath, who found out that death can be pretty.
Having travelled around the Barrens, having discovered places of beauty, admired the wacky wildlife, and seen the sights (and killed off all human presence there), Nyxlath decided that it might be time to check out the other part of the world. Thus, grabbing a Zeppelin from the scenic Orgrimmar, he set out for the Undercity.
A short trip through the Tirisfal Glades took Nyxlath to the solemn entrance of the Lordaeron ruins. A moment of silence in Lordaeron Throneroom, a bit of reflection on the Seal of Lordaeron, and Nyxlath descended into the areas of the undead.
From there, he set out to various places across the northern areas, visiting legendary locations such as Hillsbrad, getting into brawls with the local farmers - who, for a bunch of common farmers are really buff, and finding out that dying turns you into Jesus.
(Warning: Following screenshots are not cropped and thus large.)
One fine evening, he met up with a group of three Undead mages and warlocks, who were looking to venture forth into Shadowfang Keep. Not being able to find any sort of priest or healer, the group decided to take it slowly, but make the attempt anyway. And lo and behold, despite the lack of healing, the group made it through the castle with not even a handful of deaths, despatching of Arugal's Big Black Wolf, which he did not take kindly.
However, we were not to be pushed back and after having slain his summoned creatures, we moved on to find the Wolfmaster. A tricky situation, but thanks to one of the mage's excellent pulling skills, we managed to draw out all the wolves in the room before the Wolfmaster himself, making the fight that much easier.
After his death, the doors opened to reveal Lazarus, erm, I mean Arugal himself in his abode. Dispatching of his Sons, Nyxlath decided to eye up Arugal in a battle of intimidation. Neither was very intimidated, although the lack of any healer combined with the dread tales of his Undead companions did strike some doubt into the hearts of our adventurers.
Having slain his Sons, the party took one final rest before the charge into Arugal himself. Our strategy was to deal out as much damage to him as soon as possible, and hope he died before we did.
It didn't work.
Having been taken care of by Arugal without the break of a sweat in under 30 seconds, we decided that more attempts would only be futile, and did not return into his Keep. One day, Nyxlath shall have to return and deal with Arugal properly.
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Here's an example of what my new resource addon looks like:
It's really handy, it adds a mapnote automatically whenever you grab a resource, and they can be filtered to only show what you're looking for.
The official fora seem to be down right now, but running a search on the UI Customization forum for 'Mapnotes Gathering' should find the thread that this is in.
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Fear The Gnome Cannonball!
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01-20-2005, 09:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-20-2005, 09:08 PM by Treesh.)
swirly,Jan 20 2005, 03:02 PM Wrote:Fear The Gnome Cannonball!
[right][snapback]65963[/snapback][/right] lol but I had to cut and paste the URL in order to actually see it.
Edit: Oops. Forgot to take out the image.
Intolerant monkey.
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Treesh,Jan 20 2005, 03:07 PM Wrote:lol but I had to cut and paste the URL in order to actually see it.
Edit: Oops. Forgot to take out the image.
I don't find that too surprising. I just moved my domain over to being subhosted on a friend's site since I can't afford my own account. Knowing here, I wouldn't be surprised to find hotlinking and other such things disabled. I'll just have to post things as links from now on.
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Today I've met this guy, a Tauren Hunter, in Undercity. His "Hunter Hat" really cracked me up! :lol: :lol: :lol:
This guy should actually be very familiar :D
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
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By the way, guys. Feel free to submit some of your better images as SSTSI's (Screenshots That are Somewhat Interesting). I'm a little tired of looking at Bolty's mountaineer picture. Right, now just e-mail them to me at the address shown on the Submit News page off the LL:WoW edition front page. Please already have them converted into JPEG and cropped the way you want it. It's best if the user interface isn't showing (hit Alt-Z to turn it off), unless the user interface stuff (like the chat logs) are important to the image. Send me any story details or captions, if appropriate.
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Some suggestions:
MongoJerry,Jan 24 2005, 02:03 AM Wrote:Right, now just e-mail them to me at the address shown on the Submit News page off the LL:WoW edition front page.
[right][snapback]66220[/snapback][/right] There is an STSI for WoW email address listed under Contact Us/STSI Submissions. This should be changed to your address if that's where you want them sent.
Quote:Please already have them converted into JPEG and cropped the way you want it. It's best if the user interface isn't showing (hit Alt-Z to turn it off), unless the user interface stuff (like the chat logs) are important to the image. Send me any story details or captions, if appropriate.
It would be good to add this info to the last question of the FAQ which concerns getting your screenshot used as an STSI. Also, the answer to that question asks for the complete shot, and you have asked for it to be cropped, so that would also need to be changed.
It would also be good to add all this info - format, cropping, address - in a blurb on the actual STSI page to further encourage submissions by those who enjoy them.
Freshman Diablo
![[Image: jsoho8.png]](
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
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01-25-2005, 05:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-25-2005, 06:06 AM by MongoJerry.)
LochnarITB,Jan 24 2005, 04:17 PM Wrote:It would also be good to add all this info - format, cropping, address - in a blurb on the actual STSI page to further encourage submissions by those who enjoy them.
Right. Now, the real trick to all this is finding out *if* yours truly can figure out how to actually *post* a SSTSI. I tried to post a couple of holiday shots earlier but ran into multiple difficulties with the new system. Cross your fingers that they've all been ironed out.
Edit: Nope! *sigh* The only problem with automation is how much work it takes. Oh, well, we'll get it straightened out.
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Spurred by Cat's desire to take a groupshot of the Lurkers before heading off to Zul'Farrak the other day I took a few screenshots that I might as well put up here. I'm just going to link to them to make it easier and so the post doesn't get bloated. I also intend to try to take some shots from the mob's perspective using Mind Vision in the near future and I'll edit those in once I take them.
First I have a few group shots from that particular expedition into Zul'Farrak. We were attempting to do the Divine'o'Matic quest without a tank (Taha's voidwalker and Catlyn's tiger were the closest we had) We failed to succeed however thanks to Sargent Bly's reckless abandon and an untimely add by a respawned patrol with a basilisk that stunned me as the group's priest :angry: Here is one and there are two more in the folder.
Then there are two shots from Uldaman. After completing a quest for Lochnar we decided that the two of us didn't want to bother to fight our way out so we just ran. Naturally this attracted quite a following so I got a shot of all of the mobs coming over the hill after me. Also, if you get beyond the mobs' chase range they will usually stop and hang out for a short while before the server resets them to their original positions. In this shot you can see the two miners on the left mining the grass.
For those of you who wonder what you can do if you find a quest for an instance that you did about 25 levels prior, you can do things like this and flex in front of minibosses with impunity. This is in Blackfathom Deeps which is populated by mid 20s level elites. For some reason I didn't have the turtle clicked but it is Ghamoo-ra, a level 25 elite.
And finally I have a few shots from another run on Zul'Farrak we did later to finish the Divine'o'Matic and Nekrum's Medallion quests. We picked up Niniuin as a paladin to serve as a real tank and completed both quests (although Bly still got himself killed again once). Both Nini and I decided to play with the Noggenfogger Elixir you can get from a quest in Gadgetzan though and the result was a skeleton priest and a mini-skellie Paladin who packed a big punch. Note Nini's size next to the troll in this shot. Here is a shot of him going against a sheep bigger than he is. And there are two more shots of the skeletons; for some reason Cat wanted to shoot the camera in the first one and just the skeletons in the second one.
That's it until I get some more.
- mjdoom
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
Hi! I'm not a part of this guild, but I thought that visiting the Undercity was kind of interesting...since Niniuin and I are Alliance. :P Yup, last night Niniuin and I paid a visit to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, Leader of the Forsaken, while slaughtering everything in our way. Here is a link to two pictures of our exploits:
Drakarst and Niniuin attacking Sylvanas