Are Windriders Aggresive?
I was wandering around in Booty Bay looking for the Horde flight path and stumbled on the Alliance one. Instantly I was attacked by the Griffon guy and 2 of his Enraged Griffons. Is that normal?

Im starting to wonder if while steering with the mouse I accidently right clicked him.
ehertlein,Jan 17 2005, 10:20 AM Wrote:I was wandering around in Booty Bay looking for the Horde flight path and stumbled on the Alliance one. Instantly I was attacked by the Griffon guy and 2 of his Enraged Griffons. Is that normal?

Im starting to wonder if while steering with the mouse I accidently right clicked him.

As a young druid in Moonglade (level 10 perhaps) I walked up to the horde windrider, having no idea what he was. Nothing happened until I made the mistake of trying to interact with him (by right-clicking). He taught me a valuable WoW lesson. :)


Wind Rider masters are faction members, and therefore if you are an Alliance member they will attack you as surely as Horde city guards will. They appear "red" to you to convey this.

I agree that in neutral cities this can be a surprise, but in the cities I've seen they are a little out of the way too.
At least on a PvE server, they should not attack you if you don't initiate combat. They are marked red, to indicate they're hostile, but they don't actually attack. I've danced around in front of them to test this. (There are a few quest NPCs that work this way too.) However -- there's still a known problem related to pets, both Warlock and Hunter, where they will sometimes, for a reason I've not been able to figure out, either aggro on your pet or your pet aggros on them (even if in passive mode, so I think it's the first). So, if you're in a bifactional area like Booty Bay, put away your pets. (Totems may count too. I haven't tried them.)
One day, the Champions of the Fierce Bunny will ride again...<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
I took a wrong turn on the top floor of the BB tavern and the next thing I knew, I found myself attacked by an enraged wyvern and a bruiser. Something similar happened in Gadgetzan. In both cases I was put down faster that I could react. Prolly just as well that I didn't react, since fighting a bruiser would make me unwelcome in goblin areas.

I hadn't heard about the pet aggro bug, but it's possible that kitty got carried away. In the meantime, I've learned to give wyvern coops a wide berth in BB and GZ.
Stormrage: Rocdog - Night Elf Hunter - Skinning/Leatherworking
Stormrage: Bait - Human Warrior - Herbalism/Alchemy
Its interesting that you mention the pet aggro bug, as I noticed that my non -combat pet prarrie dog was the first thing killed by the Wind Rider.

I wonder if that is what caused it.
ehertlein,Jan 18 2005, 12:02 PM Wrote:Its interesting that you mention the pet aggro bug, as I noticed that my non -combat pet prarrie dog was the first thing killed by the Wind Rider.

I wonder if that is what caused it.

I have a screeny somewhere of my Panda Shu-Tzu sleeping at the feet of the Booty Bay windrider while Sharanna does the "drunk-white-sorority-chick-shuffle" in front of him. No attack. I can keep trying though. :)
Tal,Jan 18 2005, 10:47 AM Wrote:I have a screeny somewhere of my Panda Shu-Tzu sleeping at the feet of the Booty Bay windrider while Sharanna does the "drunk-white-sorority-chick-shuffle" in front of him. No attack. I can keep trying though. :)
Are you at the Alliance windrider while trying that and not getting attacked? ;)

All it took for GG to get attacked was having his passive pet around. Meowry definitely did not attack first, but boy did that darned WindRider jump at the chance to attack the poor thing.
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,Jan 18 2005, 01:00 PM Wrote:Are you at the Alliance windrider while trying that and not getting attacked?&nbsp; ;)

I'm at the horde windrider silly. :P
Roane,Jan 17 2005, 07:18 PM Wrote:At least on a PvE server, they should not attack you if you don't initiate combat.&nbsp; They are marked red, to indicate they're hostile, but they don't actually attack.&nbsp; I've danced around in front of them to test this.&nbsp; (There are a few quest NPCs that work this way too.)&nbsp; However -- there's still a known problem related to pets, both Warlock and Hunter, where they will sometimes, for a reason I've not been able to figure out, either aggro on your pet or your pet aggros on them (even if in passive mode, so I think it's the first).&nbsp; So, if you're in a bifactional area like Booty Bay, put away your pets.&nbsp; (Totems may count too.&nbsp; I haven't tried them.)

It's the same on the PvP server. I'm not sure why Xanthix is seeing otherwise, but while they are red, they do not attack.

However, if someone has attacked them, they seem to realease a ton of hostile flying monsters. These ARE aggro on anyone cross faction, and maybe the wind rider himself becomes aggressive at this point too.

But as long as that hasn't happened, it's safe to stand right next to them.
Tal,Jan 18 2005, 12:18 PM Wrote:I'm at the horde windrider silly. :P

Well, ya never know. You're known to dance at the drop of a hat. ;)
Intolerant monkey.

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