Artisan enchanting quest?
Spangles' enchant is lvl 253. When she downloaded the last recepies from Annora in Uldaman she was told to do "one last quest" but Annora didn't say what it was.

What is this quest?

Where do I find a golden pearl to make the runed arcanite rod? Is that related to my first question?

Where are the vendors who sell high level enchant recepies?
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Ynir,Jan 19 2005, 02:46 PM Wrote:Spangles' enchant is lvl 253. When she downloaded the last recepies from Annora in Uldaman she was told to do "one last quest" but Annora didn't say what it was.

What is this quest?

Doesn't exist. Tim Worthington in Theramore talks about "one last thing" as well, but doesn't assign one. Either they'll have quests in the future to make Artisan crafting even harder to get to, or they used to have them and don't any more.

Quote:Where do I find a golden pearl to make the runed arcanite rod?  Is that related to my first question?

Super high level clams, I'd guess.

Quote:Where are the vendors who sell high level enchant recepies?

Qia in Winterspring sells at least one. Most of the high level ones, however, are drop-only.
Skandranon,Jan 19 2005, 07:59 PM Wrote:Doesn't exist.  Tim Worthington in Theramore talks about "one last thing" as well, but doesn't assign one.  Either they'll have quests in the future to make Artisan crafting even harder to get to, or they used to have them and don't any more.
Super high level clams, I'd guess. 
Qia in Winterspring sells at least one.  Most of the high level ones, however, are drop-only.

Thanks for your help.
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Golden Pearls can be dropped from 40+ level clam dropping mobs like naga or murlocs. They can also be looted from the clams in the vile reef.

On my server you can buy them for 1-1.5 gold.
-< You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever >-
Magicbag,Jan 20 2005, 03:36 PM Wrote:Golden Pearls can be dropped from 40+ level clam dropping mobs like naga or murlocs.&nbsp; They can also be looted from the clams in the vile reef.

On my server you can buy them for 1-1.5 gold.

Thanks for this info. Time to get out my scuba suit.
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Ynir,Jan 19 2005, 07:46 PM Wrote:Where do I find a golden pearl to make the runed arcanite rod?&nbsp;

To answer one of my own questions: a golden pearl appeared in a clam dropped by a naga in Ahzehara. Golden pearls also appeared at the AH for 1g-2g.

I am assembling the list of stuff needed to make the runed arcanite rod: arcanite crystals, thorium bars, itms to make a philosopher's stone, etc. I will post details when I have finished the project.

Then I will have an artifact that is useless except for lvl 300 enchants. Fun tho.
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Spangles at 54 is now a lvl 291 enchanter, and given the economics of the craft at present she may not get much further. She did manage to make the runed arcanite rod, the most difficult quest she has undertaken.

She enlisted the help of a lvl 285 alchemist (thanks, Magitar!) and a lvl 275 blacksmith (thanks, Shanesta!) and disenchanted everything she could find that would yield relevant reagents. Even so, she had to buy many ingredients at ruinous prices at auction, which often meant using boats instead of airplanes for days thereafter. She was 49 before she was able to buy her mount. All of this sacrifice and hassle has yielded an artifact that is, at present, entirely useless. She is very pleased with herself.

Reagents for the runed arcanite bar:
golden pearl 1x
illusion dust 10x
greater eternal essence 4x
small brilliant shard 4x
large brilliant shard 2x
arcanite rod

Reagents for the arcanite rod:
dense grinding stone
arcanite bar 3x

Reagents for the arcanite bar:
arcane crystal
thorium bar
philosopher's stone

Reagents for the philosopher's stone:
iron bar 4x
black vitriol crystal
purple lotus 4x
firebloom 4x

Arcane crystals rose in price from 5g to 20g over the time it took to assemble all these reagents. Even so, there is an 8g margin between the ingredients for arcane bars and the current (reasonable) cost of an arcanite bar at auction. Alchemists can make 8g/day making arcanite bars, but only one bar/day, due to the 24 hour cooldown.
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Dark Iron sells for more than any other trade good out there, except for maybe the highest of the high-end shards. Considering it takes eight ore to make one bar, and all recipes involving DI require at least ten bars (or eighty ore), AND you have to share the veins with any other miners in your group, AND they can only be smelted at the Black Forge, it's not uncommon to see Dark Iron selling for 15-30g per bar, if anyone sells it at all.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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