[Image: burger1_small.jpg]
What's wrong with this picture? No, it's not dwarfs, midgets or other very tiny people eating regular-size hamburgers.

What you're looking at is a frightening piece of culinary terror and a sure-fire way to pack an artery.

Behold the 9lb hamburger:
[Image: burger3_small.jpg]

I got this link from another forum, and felt I had to share. I hope it hasn't been posted before.

The mystery of how anyone could ever conceive of constructing a 9lb hamburger is only superseded by the unfathomable event of anyone actually plonking down $24 for a burger that could feed a family of four for the better part of a week! Still, with that amount of food, $24 isn't really all that expensive. The largest meal on Burgerking costs about $18 here in Norway, and although the Whopper is quite big, it's nowhere near the monstrosity you face at "Denny's Beer Barrel Pub" in Pennsylvania.

Now what does this beautiful killer contain?

Two whole tomatoes

A half-head of lettuce

12 slices of American cheese

A full cup of peppers

Two entire onions

A river of mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard

I'm hungry and revolted at the same time. :wacko:
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
There's a place in St. Louis that makes a 10 pound, 28" pizza. There's also a Pointersaurus pizza eating contest for it. If you aren't doing the contest, you can have that thing delivered to your house as well and serves 12 to 20 adults, but the contest must be done with only two people.

Edit: The 10 pounds is with two meat toppings on it. I suppose you could make it heavier by putting on more toppings if you want. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
[Image: sandwich.jpg]
[wcip]Angel,Jan 23 2005, Wrote:Now what does this beautiful killer contain?

Two whole tomatoes

A half-head of lettuce

12 slices of American cheese

A full cup of peppers

Two entire onions

A river of mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard

I'm hungry and revolted at the same time.  :wacko:

The fact they make something like this and that people actually order it "because they can" is a bit disturbing.

Personally I would be much happier if they took those ingredients and served me a salad, some dinner rolls and a meatloaf. It would be easier to eat. Looking at how big that burger is, and the size of most human's mouths, you couldn't get enough of it in each bite, without way too much effort, for it to taste like a burger anyway.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein

jahcs,Jan 23 2005, 07:17 PM Wrote:...It would be easier to eat...  [right][snapback]66195[/snapback][/right]

I see your point... very clearly. What's it with people "designing" burgers that are no longer fun to eat? Granted, I'm a big fan of burgers, but lately, there seem to be too many "50:50" kinds... 50 percent you can eat (if you've got a sout heart and magic at your fingertips) and 50 percent will go onto the floor, never mind how skilled you are...

I think I'd also go for the salad, meat roll, and enough bread to last me throughout a week... MEEP!

Take care,


EDIT: Nevertheless, these things do look... inviting ;-)
"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
I've eaten plenty of half pound burgers before, and I would be happy to eat a 1 pound burger, providing they don't put all of this extra crap on it (but extra cheese would be nice, please). There are some people for whom a 2 pound burger would be a meal rather than a novelty, but not many. This is a 6 pound burger (going by meat weight only), and I would not be eager to try it without cutting it open to see if blood spurts out. Certainly as others have pointed out, just the logistics of getting it in your mouth seems like too much of a hassle to be practical.

On the other hand, as you say, if you can bring like 10 people and get a steak knife... decent bargain meal right there.
Well, Beau Jo's pizza has a 16lb pizza. You get $100 if you can eat it all with only one other person to help, plus the pizza is free. ;) And you're not revolted until you've seen...

[Image: 7.jpg]
Nystul,Jan 23 2005, 08:40 PM Wrote:On the other hand, as you say, if you can bring like 10 people and get a steak knife... decent bargain meal right there.

Yeah, no kidding. I don't think I could make a burger like that for less than $24. If I lived closer to that place, I'd be tempted to buy one and take it home. I'd portion it out and freeze it for late-night snacks.

There is a burger joint around here that used sell 10 burgers for $0.39 each, providing you buy a drink. On friday night, I'd go there and spend $5 (inc. tax) for a small Coke and ten of their burgers. I'd eat probably 4, and save the remaining 6 for quick weekend snacks. Burgers, bun and all, reheat really well in microwaves, as long as you don't have tomatoes or lettuce on them.
It still could be worse though. The burger itself could have been fried in bacon fat, turning even normally tasteless meat into delicious, artery-clogging goodness (espically good when paired with pickles, onions, A1 Steak Sauce on a sesamie seed bun)

Alternativly, a while back I read about a man who, enamored with deep-frying, made deep-fried burgers. Now Im not talking about the meat: the man cooked a platter of burgers, with lettuce, tomato, ketchup, buns and all; then deep-fried the whole thing untill it was golden and crunchy.

Its amazing the ways that people will come up with ways to kill matter what kind of timeframe your working on.
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
How appropiate:

Read now ^_^
Quote:When she sat down with the burger, dancing with the devil himself, who can say if she knew she would finish it? How could anyone have suspected it, when legends have tried and legends have failed? Some call the burger the Widow(er) Maker, but luckily, Kate is not married. (She has, however, received dozens of marriage proposals after beating the burger, but as of press time has yet to accept any. Including mine.)

For over two hours Kate labored furiously to consume the beef and fixings that would make her name in history. As the vital third hour loomed, there was still beef on Kate’s plate. But the outcome was really never in doubt; the 18-year-old legend finished the burger with more than five minutes to spare. She wiped her face, stood up, then walked out the door and into the annals of posterity. She had just eaten a meal that was about one-tenth of her body weight.

Marriage proposals? They said she eats at least 4 meals a day... 11 pound burger in 3 hours... Are they nuts?

"annals of posterity" - interesting phrasing for an event that involves eating 6 pounds of red meat.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
jahcs,Jan 25 2005, 02:52 AM Wrote:Marriage proposals?  They said she eats at least 4 meals a day...  11 pound burger in 3 hours... Are they nuts?

Well, I'm not so sure myself. The thing is not just that she can eat an 11 pound burger in 3 hours and eats 4 meals a day, is that in doing so she's still only 115 pounds. Heck, I think it'd be great if I could go with my wife/significant other to a place like that from time to time for piggin' out :lol:
[wcip]Angel,Jan 23 2005, Wrote:I'm hungry and revolted at the same time.  :wacko:

Speaking of being hungry and revolted at the same time:
There a small (read: 6 tables small) place (read: falling down shack) on James Street in Syracuse, NY (I think it's still Syracuse at that point, though it may be Dewitt) called Mothers Cupboard. It's the home of the foot-wide pancake. The menu caption for that item is simply "Don't try to eat two: you'll hurt yourself." The get-your-picture-on-the-wall item though is the frittata. I wish I had specifics on contents, but I can't say I ever definitively knew. Suffice to say, it takes up your whole plate, and the 6-8 inches directly above it.

Great place to go after parties. I think I remember the hours being 2AM-10AM weekdays and 12AM to 10AM on weekends.

ah bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bob
dyah ah dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dth
*stomach rumbling*
I could really go for a food-wide pancake right now. With homemade sweet blueberry jam... mmmmmmm

[Image: homer%20drool.jpg]
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Come to Amarillo, Texas, for a world famous power eating experience. :)

Big Texan Steak House in Amarillo

I have been to the Big Texan, and I can say from experience that they serve outstanding food. I had a 24 oz KC Strip that was like eating ambrosia.

I saw the 72 ounce steak. I was 34, and I almost ordered tried it. However, I had been driving all day with the family. It would have taken a good 5 or 6 mile run and workout to set me up for such power eating . . . back when I was 25.

So, I passed. No way I would try it now, as the metabolism has simply slowed down too much.

There is a trick to power eating. It involves stretching your stomach and burning a lot of fuel in preparation. We did it a few times when I was on the crew team in college, and the local Fass Brothers had Wednesday "All You Can Eat" seafood deal.

Tuesday morning, eat a whole lot of dry toast for breakfast. Work out at lunch. Get hungry. Tuesday night, eat loads of pasta/bread. Wednesday morning, early morning run, big carb/bloat breakfast. No Lunch. Heavy workout Wednesday afternoon. Make sure to "empty the plumbing" before dinner.

Initial condition: be starving, stomach stretched from two days of packing in filler.

All you can eat seafood? Did we ever. Pounds and pounds of crab, flounder, shrimp, trout, clams.

No need to eat Thursday morning, but don't forget the Alka Selzer before bed Wednesday night . . . and accept the next two days discomfort as the stomach shrinks and you go back to more normal habits.

Ah, the excesses of youth, when you are bulletproof and immortal. :rolleyes:

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
I have been asked to leave all you can eat seafood places. I once ate about 10 pounds of cajun fried catfish. Mmmm.

Before I started taking better care of my self, a typical meal would be as follows. A whole fried chicken. Taters. Rice. A stick of butter to keep everything tasting good. A half a dozen biscuits or so. Some cornbread. Veggies of whatever kind. Gravy over everything. A salad. Plus a half a pie or so for desert. Every day. Powereating? No. Typical Southern Meal.

In Washington state, out on the backroads, out by Leavenworth Washington, out past Plain, there is a little place called the Oxbow. And they have (Or had) something called "The Big Ox Burger." It was a burger the size of your head. I used to go in there after a week of working my scrawny ass off and eat 2 or 3 of these big bastards, much to the horror of the waitresses. Plus a basket of fries and all the coke I could slurp. I would then, after taking a short nap, go into Leavenworth, to this little place off the back of Main Street, I think it was called The Gingerbread Factory, and do further damage to my self by consuming a massive hazelnut expresso milkshake, and a dozen or so cookies. I would then walk the streets of this quaint Bravarianesque village, belching, drinking beer, and scaring the hell out of the locals, many of whom called me the Troll. I would end the day by eating bratwursts with sourkrout till I went near comatose, and then I would drag my self back to my lair to recuperate from my wanton excess.

At times, I think I might have an eating disorder.

All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
.....and again I realise how happy I am that I'm vegetarian.....

I anyway like to go for the quality though.......a good glass of wine is more important than a meal.
I eat just because the wine tastes better with some food. :D
Hail Occhi,

just to show all the world that I am an idiot:

Mountain Oysters if you think it's seafood, go with the shrimp.

Coming from across the pond, I don't really have an idea, but a suspicion. Care to give me a hint? I know Prairie Oysters, but Mountain? Different kind of goat?

Otherwise, it's a place I have to go to... if I ever ake it across that pond again, and don't end up in Canada doing it (alas, t'would be "again").

Take care,

"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
Lord_Olf,Jan 25 2005, 11:32 AM Wrote:Hail Occhi,

just to show all the world that I am an idiot:

Mountain Oysters if you think it's seafood, go with the shrimp.
Coming from across the pond, I don't really have an idea, but a suspicion. Care to give me a hint? I know Prairie Oysters, but Mountain? Different kind of goat?

Otherwise, it's a place I have to go to... if I ever ake it across that pond again, and don't end up in Canada doing it (alas, t'would be "again").

Take care,


As far as I know, similar but different. What I understood was: Prairie Oysters from Buffalo, Mountain Oysters from bulls, however . . .

How To Cook A Rocky Mountain Oyster

Tells me that they are one and the same.


Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Hail Occhi,

'tis as I suspected, then. Thanks for the info!

Take care,

"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea

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