Very important night elf question
When do night elves flip when they jump?

Okay okay, so maybe its not very important nor does it require in depth info. Its something I always wonder about when playing my night elf though. What determines if she will do a normal jump or a flip jump? Sometimes I can string flips together and sometimes I can't. Often it feels like she is more likely to do a flip if I time the jump to happen while she is in mid step in her animation. None of this really feels accurate as to what determines it though. So does anyone have any clue as to what determines it? Is it just a randam chance to do it or is it based on something more controlable?
swirly,Jan 24 2005, 04:34 PM Wrote:Is it just a randam chance
I'm 90% sure it's this.
Night Elves will do a flip when they jump about 50% (base). This percentage increases to 70% when you are in the middle of nowhere and only the mobs can see you. It decreases to 20% when you are in town trying to show off how you can do a backwards-jumping-forward-summersault, or when you are trying to do an acrobatic jump over a Tauren in a neutral city.
Spangles loves flipping. She was 35 or so before she realized that other races can't flip. Since then she flips whenever possible: to greet a friend, celebrate a victory or to acknowledge a buff.

But mostly to make other races try to flip, and fail.

[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
My human paladin can flip! I'm offended you think I can't :)

To do so, just type:


edit: Ok now I remember why I should never use the fast reply--this should have been in response to Ynir.
vor_lord,Jan 25 2005, 07:20 PM Wrote:My human paladin can flip!  I'm offended you think I can't :)

To do so, just type:


edit:  Ok now I remember why I should never use the fast reply--this should have been in response to Ynir.

*cough* My human paladin just sticks her thumbs in her ears, sticks out her tongue and waggles her fingers at the target when I do /rude. :(

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