Succubus - Soothing Kiss
bonemage,Jan 31 2005, 09:57 PM Wrote:Well, the only thing I can figure is if you have improved curse of agony.  That might just tip you over the top and grab aggro.
Not yet. I won't have that maxed out for a few more levels. Perhaps it has something to do with me being a couple levels away from obtaining a new rank of Torment. Even then, though, I seem to recall this being a problem in the early to mid twenties, which wasn't long after my voidwalker had learned rank 2 Torment.

Malakar Wrote:That would be playstyle.
No. Read bonemage's post. His combat routine was described the same way as mine. For some reason my voidwalker just seems inept at holding aggro over a moderate amount of damage. I'll probably give him a few more runs when I get the next rank of Torment.
My point was that you can still adapt your playstyle to work with it by waiting for two torments. But as Bonemage suggested, perhaps your aggro problem is because you're fighting mobs of higher level. I typically have to wait a lot more for torments against higher level mobs. Also, you might want to try it out against different mobs, some have shadow resistance which will resist torment more.
Less QQ more Pew Pew
redinter,Jan 29 2005, 04:37 AM Wrote:My usually procedure on a standard mob is pulll with corruption
This could be your problem. Why aren't you pulling with the Voidwalker? There are some situations where this isn't viable, of course - where moving the VW in would attract too much attention from surrounding mobs - but typically you want to let ol' Voidy go in FIRST and be the first thing your enemy sees.

I'm a "Voidwalker for life" Warlock player, because I love the almost 0% downtime I get using one. It allows me to go from mob to mob to mob, even if it's a bit of a slow kill.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Feb 1 2005, 04:58 PM Wrote:This could be your problem.  Why aren't you pulling with the Voidwalker?  There are some situations where this isn't viable, of course - where moving the VW in would attract too much attention from surrounding mobs - but typically you want to let ol' Voidy go in FIRST and be the first thing your enemy sees.

I'm a "Voidwalker for life" Warlock player, because I love the almost 0% downtime I get using one.  It allows me to go from mob to mob to mob, even if it's a bit of a slow kill.


I'm also a "Voidwalker for life" warlock, but I don't think there's a problem pulling with corruption and CoA. I pull with immolate, then fire off CoA and corruption and don't have the issues that Redinter was having. A shadowbolt will almost always grab aggro, especially as early as it sounds like it is going off, and shadowbolts are best used late on the tail end of things while soloing. At least, that's what my experience has taught me.

It's not that there is any one thing that we can point out is wrong. Your suggestion would help by getting more torments fired off sooner, but there are numerous ways to address this issue. Fighting with the voidwalker is a complex (yet beautiful [sniff]) dance between you, your voidwalker, and the mob. Experience gives you a great feel what you can and can't do in the dance. Bolty's dance is different than mine, and both work, but right now Redinter and his voidy are still stepping on each other's toes.

Redinter could start with the voidwalker as you suggested, OR, he could use different spells/skills, OR, just adjust the timing of what spells he currently uses, OR, use a combination of everything. There are many ways to correct this, but he needs to learn how he and his voidy work best together, or it may be that he simply prefers to use another pet.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
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Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Thanks for all the tips about using the Voidwalker. I will experiment a bit with him, see if I learn how to dance with him :) . With Eurobeta ending I will have to begin my warlock anew, so I have 10 levels to let the Voidwalker show his abilities and convince me. I guess the Succubus was doing her job too well and started to seduce me :P . As I have learned to use the Succubus very well, I hope to master the voidwalker so that i have at least 2 pets I can alternate in different situations.

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