Critical heals
Couple of questions about critical heals:

- what's the multiplier on a critical roll? 2.0? 1.5?
- can a heal-over-time spell crit? How often is it rolled? Every second? Once per spell? Some other interval? I heard about "once per tick" - so, how long is a "tick" in WoW?
- what's the default chance to crit? Does it vary from spell to spel? Is it based on INT?
- druids have a talent to increase critical chance on regrowth. Does it affect only the initial heal, or the over-time portion as well, and then back to question 2 - how exactly does the over-time portion crit?

This is a cross-post with AB boards, I hope folks here won't mind. Just trying to get as many versions of truth as possible before I start my own testing

Thank you in advance
Deorwine,Feb 2 2005, 03:58 PM Wrote:Couple of questions about critical heals:

- what's the multiplier on a critical roll? 2.0? 1.5?

Quote:- can a heal-over-time spell crit?

Quote:- what's the default chance to crit? Does it vary from spell to spel? Is it based on INT?
No one really knows for sure. The consensus is a 5% base chance to crit, with one point of intelligence increasing the chance to crit by .01%.

Quote:- druids have a talent to increase critical chance on regrowth. Does it affect only the initial heal, or the over-time portion as well
Just the initial heal.
The other questions were answered I'll speculate further on the crit chance

Melee classes get +1% per +clvl AGI (except rogues who get double the +crit per AGI)

I would think it about right for casting classes to ge tthe same bonus for INT. So a mage level 50 should need +50 INT to get +1% crit chance, and a Priest level 60 should require +60 INT to get +1% crit.

Now it is pure speculation that it works the same as melee, but I imagine it's not far off. I'd be VERY surprised if clvl was not a factor in the calculation though.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
I'm not sure what you mean here, but I'm almost certain that 20 Agility is +1% crit for classes except Rogues. I haven't really tested this, but I think that your critrate goes down slightly with every level-up, which would explain why lvl 60 rogues don't have 100% crit :)

As far as spells critting as much as melee weapons crit, you have to remember that spells do MUCH more damage than melee attacks. Resistance isn't very effective at weakening spells (which is why I would recommend Stamina over Resistance every time), and melee weapons probably won't hit as hard as spells, either. To compensate for this, spells crit for 150% damage (IIRC), and it's much harder to raise the critrate without talents. Consider: it's much easier to stack Armor (thus reducing the before-crit damage of the melee attacK) effectively than it is to stack any kind of Resistance effectively.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
Deorwine,Feb 2 2005, 03:58 PM Wrote:so, how long is a "tick" in WoW?

When people say a "tick," they are referring to each activation of an ability. Each tick for a HoT is the moment when the ability activates and the person gets the HP from the healing. A tick of a DoT is the instant when the mob takes the periodic damage. A tick of mana regeneration is the moment your mana goes up by your regen amount. And so on. I'm not sure if the length of a tick is the same for all occurrences that the term is used for.
Artega,Feb 3 2005, 08:35 AM Wrote:I'm not sure what you mean here, but I'm almost certain that 20 Agility is +1% crit for classes except Rogues.  I haven't really tested this, but I think that your critrate goes down slightly with every level-up, which would explain why lvl 60 rogues don't have 100% crit :)


Crit rate does go down slightly with each level up. This means that clvl is part of the forumula, and the 20 AGI = +1% can't be true if your crit rate goes down when you level.

Try adding some +AGI gear and see how it affects your crit rate. The effect is straight linear, so even small +AGI pieces work. The function is something like:
Factor * clvl AGI = +1% crit

I assumed the faactor was one. In the case of Rogues that factor is very near, if not exactly 0.5. In the case of other classes if it's not 1, it's pretty close, maybe 0.9 or so.

but at clvl 60, 20 AGI for +1% crit is way too steep, it's definitely not that steep, even for Rogues.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Concillian,Feb 3 2005, 11:21 AM Wrote:but at clvl 60, 20 AGI for +1% crit is way too steep, it's definitely not that steep, even for Rogues.

I recall doing some quick tests with lem late in the beta and he was getting +1% crit for around every 30 agility on his level 60 rogue. That matches well with your rogue factor being 0.5.

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