Early Diablo

My question will probably sound stupid for most of you. Can anyone give me detailed description of early versions of Diablo? I've heard for 3 different versions so far: Alpha, Beta and Pre-Release Beta. How they differ from each other? Is there a link to download them? I found one on one of the old post in this forum (ftp://angrenost.org/games/diablo/diablopr.zip) but it requires password.

Best wishes, Misha

Currently the prerelease demo isn't available anywhere on the net.
I'll try making it available again. Yes, I wanted to do this before, but I suddenly had so much to do, that it slipped my mind. But now I've got more time...

There is NO alpha of Diablo available anywhere. There was no alpha in the past and there will never be something like this.
The beta from late 1996 is available and the prerelease Demo from mid 1996.
The closest you can get to any "alpha" version is by putting the beta version and the pre-release demo together, to get a very early version playable down to level8 with all three classes. It's highly unstable and very buggy...but I'll be working on that.

If there are any more questions about the early versions, feel free to ask.

I've also got some screenshots of earlier versions (most of them are pretty common, unfortunately the rare ones look like crap *g*). I'll try and make them available in the near future...so much to do *g*

I just found this link to be working:
But it's the crappy EXE version which is rather annoying if you want to apply the crack on it and merge it with the beta version.
It's fully playable though...enjoy!
Hey I don't really have any real answers but I was wondering if there might be a way to cancel out the patches and that way get back to a Diablo that's close to the original and very playable in single player with only a few minor bugs?

NiteWing,Feb 28 2005, 09:47 AM Wrote:Hey I don't really have any real answers but I was wondering if there might be a way to cancel out the patches and that way get back to a Diablo that's close to the original and very playable in single player with only a few minor bugs?

Why would you want to do so? Early versions of Diablo were very unstable, compared to what we have now. The patches from v1.00 => v1.09 haven't changed much that you'd really want to revert, IMO. There's been some activity at The Dark forums working on getting a viable pre-release demo, but even that is prone to crashing if you aren't careful.
[vL]Kp,Feb 28 2005, 03:32 PM Wrote:Why would you want to do so?  Early versions of Diablo were very unstable, compared to what we have now.  The patches from v1.00 => v1.09 haven't changed much that you'd really want to revert, IMO.  There's been some activity at The Dark forums working on getting a viable pre-release demo, but even that is prone to crashing if you aren't careful.

Ok, here's the thing. I originally loaded this wonderfully entertaining game Diablo onto my computer using a friends disk that I borrowed for a short while and found I loved it and happily raised a few characters all of which I have grown very attatched to and have not finished the game. I after a while realised I had a somewhat impatient friend on my hands and of course reterned his diablo and baught my own. Some time after this my computer had a couple virisus run through it like a wildfire despite my firewalls and antivirus programs and although these problems had yet to interfere with my gaming I thaught it best I get rid of the viruses before they did any damage to critical areas. I of course backed up my saved characters to disk knowing the game may have to be uninstalled during the debugging process but confidant I could reinstall it with my newly perchased Diablo disk. After some time I got my computer back bug free and I did have to reinstall Diablo and load my characters into the save folder from my backup disk. When I eagerly start to play again disaster strikes :wacko: while shuffling in my pack I drop one pile of gold of one number amount and then another seperate pile of gold of another amount and WHAMMO it deletes my second pile of gold saying it's a duplicate item. This same thing happened with two rings that I had aquired. I hadn't made any duplicate item, you can't duplicate gold! If I can't drop two piles of gold that means that nothing can drop two piles of gold and I can't shuffle my inventory at all :blink: I had never gotten the patches I had never been on battlenet I didn't want the patches because the worst thing that had happened to me without the patches was that I didn't get the opening cutscene and a fallen one attacked me through a wall I was walking along and that was more funny than a problem. I tried re-reinstalling, I tried installing on another computer and got the same results, I know it wasn't my save disk because I'd installed Diablo with my friends disk on yet another computer before I got my own disk and it transfered flawlessly, the only difference was my brand new disk vurses my friends that he got when Diablo had just come out. The worse part is that he dosn't have his disk anymore :( I just want to be able to get back to playing my single player games the way it was by eather finding out how to remove the new features that were installed with this new disk or by downloading the the full game without patches onto my computer so it would be like I had installed Diablo off a disk that had been released when Diablo first came out. This is no longer a quiet request for aid but a desperate plea, I can't play without getting rid of these patches, it's been months since I've made any progress and I do miss my little critters so :(
So let me get this straight... Every time you drop two piles of gold you get a duplicate item detected message? Or this is something that happened once or twice?

If it happens every time, you must have a truly unique copy of Diablo, because nobody else's works that way. If it happened once or twice, you are freaking out over nothing. I could understand if someone wanted to play an earlyl patch of D2, but not D1. The game has had no balance changes or added features, just a sequence of bugfixes. So if you want the closest thing to the original version of D1 without the bugs, that's pretty much what the patched version is.
It's a little hard to read your problem with so little formatting, but it sounds like you have some serious problems. First, never play v1.00 ever. IIRC, v1.04 was the first version that didn't have horribly sucky bugs. That said, some well formatted and well explained background would be helpful. Specifically:

* What version of Diablo did you install from your friend's disk? Some disks issued with the v1.04 patch, others issued with v1.00.
* What is your current version of Diablo?
* Under what version(s) of Diablo were your now-corrupted characters played?
* How did your system get infected with virii? I go years at a time without even getting virus warnings, much less actual virii. [Note: if you're an IE user, just saying so will answer this question quite nicely.]
* When was the last time you successfully used your characters? (and this answer is meaningful if and only if your computer clock is correct) v1.00 had a really stupid bug that caused weird things to happen around change of DST.

If I had to guess right now, I'd say you're trying to load v1.00 characters in a much later version of Diablo and it's not working correctly. If this is the case, you might be able to recover the characters by reverting to v1.00, then applying the patches while the characters are installed. However, I'd really recommend staying away from v1.00 if you can avoid it.
Well I'm pretty sure my friends disk was a version 1.00 because he got it just as Diablo was released. As far as my disk I tried pokeing around to see what version it was but couldn't find anything this time, I vaguely recall seeing a v1.08 but I'm not really sure at all. I can tell you that I got my disk streight out of Wallmart in 2003 in the Battlechest. If you know where to find the version number I'll look it up and get back to you. I started my characters on my friends disk so I'm guessing they would be v1.00 too. Yes, I have Internet Explorer and to add to that several yahoo mailboxes so I take it that should explain the alphabet soup of viruses I got despite my antiviruses and firewall. And I last played my characters successfully before I reinstalled february of this year 2005. How do I revert to v1.00?? To answer Nystul's question I get the duplicate item message every time I drop two piles of gold even if the two piles have different gold amounts. Out of curiosity what are The Dark Forums? Also if anyone knows any more about the beta and prerelease version of Diablo that would pertain to Misha's question it'd be interesting to hear about it. I'd hate to be guilty of hijacking a topic.
dark forum is where people post about that mod for diablo and maybe some strategy for normal diablo and hell fire.

i really dont think i would like to play the old versions of diablo. since they are a lot buggy.
Link1151983,Mar 30 2005, 05:10 PM Wrote:Is there anyway I can cheat at all on the Diablo Pre-Release demo or edit it to give me more gold or something? And does anybody know where I can get the beta demo at online?

Why would you WANT to cheat? The typical dupe trick would probably work (either one, in fact), but there's no real point. Why bother with the game if you're just going to ruin it by not following the rules (the same ones that make you want to continue playing it 8 years after it's release)?

Also, you are on the WRONG message board to ask about cheating on, so you know...
Link1151983,Mar 31 2005, 01:10 AM Wrote:Is there anyway I can cheat at all on the Diablo Pre-Release demo or edit it to give me more gold or something? And does anybody know where I can get the beta demo at online?

Yes it's true that you can duplicate items in the earlyest versions of diablo and thus acquire copies of valuable items and great amounts of gold (I talked to one of my friends in another state who told me he had kept legit characters for playing on battlenet and ones that he'd duped for to just play around with, I was hopeing to buy or borrow his copy of an original version since I've got this problem with my piles of gold being mistakenly seen as duplicate objects and if I got the game before the patch that automatically deleted duplicated items my problem would be solved, unfortuantly my friend no longer had it) anyway as I was saying, before you skip right to cheating or far worse changing your game to make it the way you want it and possibly altering or affecting something you had not intended to and being unsure of how to fix it. Try talking to people, looking up strategies, they're all over the place and very helpfull, and if you're not sure which strategy to use you can always save and try them so you arn't risking too much work or goods not in your backpack, and in single player you can always start a new game if the monsters get too hard so you can bash through the easy monsters with your already leveled up character. If you absolutely do have to cheat or are that desperate for an easy mindless hack and slash at least work on a couple of legit characters too so you get the full challange and experience.
NiteWing,Mar 26 2005, 04:46 PM Wrote:When I eagerly start to play again disaster strikes   :wacko:   while shuffling in my pack I drop one pile of gold of one number amount and then another seperate pile of gold of another amount and WHAMMO  it deletes my second pile of gold saying it's a duplicate item.  This same thing happened with two rings that I had aquired.  I hadn't made any duplicate item, you can't duplicate gold!

I think I can explain this for you. If you sell in V 1.00 an item for more than 5000 gold than happens, that all piles of gold will have SAME ID NUMBER. For instance, if you sell item for 31 000 gold, you gain 7 piles of gold (6*5000 + 1* 1000) and all these piles will have got same ID number (for instance 00:00159D147B:UB) absolutelly no matter how much gold in pile is. This is bug, but in V1.00 there werent implement deleting "duped" items, so IIRC if you played Single Player, this couldnt influence your playing at all.
Well on Multiplayer it was very annoying, because after re-entering dungeon, all piles in Town with same ID number disappeared. (Well, i gues one of them left there, but Im not sure).

Off course you can trick this bug:
1) Dont sell valuable items if you dont need it. Keep them in your inventory instead of Gold piles
2) ID number is determine by "1.st" gold piece in pile. So click on Gold pile with right mouse button, write that you want take some amount from your Gold pile, place it somewhere in your inventory, now take rest of pile and add it to your "new Gold pile". You have got same Gold pile with new ID number :)
(Since I know it seems confusedly and my English is quite horrible I join example.
You have got 5000 Gold pile. Take 1 Gold piece from it and place it on other place in your INV. Now take resting 4999 Gold pieces and place them on that 1 Gold piece. And thats it :-) )

Your problem is, that now you have got newer version of Diablo which has deleting duped items already implement. Use my advice 2) it should work.

With rings i cannot help you. If they have got same number you have to lose one of them. But dont worry, you will find the better one soon.
Item with same ID number can be generated even in V 1.09 and its no so uncomon as it seems.
But as other advices.... play V 1.09, you can avoid these problems.

[vL Wrote:Kp,Mar 26 2005, 04:46 PM]First, never play v1.00 ever.  IIRC, v1.04 was the first version that didn't have horribly sucky bugs. However, I'd really recommend staying away from v1.00 if you can avoid it.

Hey I cannot say, it so terrible. If you play "normally" (= no touching Hidden shrine without equip and so on :) ) you cannot notice much problems. And I love it, because without playing V 1.00 Id never find so many church unique items :D

Link1151983 @ Mar 31 2005, 01:10 AM Wrote:Is there anyway I can cheat at all on the Diablo Pre-Release demo or edit it to give me more gold or something?

I dont understand why you wanna cheat. Well, there are ways how you can get more Gold, but in fact you dont need exploit them. Gold amount from your previous games stays in your inventory (not as a pile. You see just number in "Gold Window" but you can use it for all purchases as well), so if you will play again and again, you will collect enough money for everything you want buy.
BTW: Kill The Butcher, you can sell his Cleaver for than 1125 I guess. Dont identify It. Price is the same.
Link1151983,Mar 31 2005, 03:10 AM Wrote:Is there anyway I can cheat at all on the Diablo Pre-Release demo or edit it to give me more gold or something? And does anybody know where I can get the beta demo at online?

Here is a site with some interesting hacks for the pre-released demo on it. You might want to use them to see some of the things that were left out of the retail version. ;)

You can't get the beta anywhere online, you never could. Besides it's unusable since the B.net servers that ran it are now down, but someone with enough skill could probably make it playable in singleplayer. :whistling:
If you're looking for it only to asist you in modding Diablo/Hellfire/Diablo 2 ask some of the moders/beta testers to send you the files you need. ;)

Edit: O.K.! O.K.! I'll take the link down. :huh: Don't know what all the fuss is about. I mean it's only the pre-released demo, it's not like he's going to play it on B.net or anything and most of the hacks are harmless, except the money maker, but he can make it himself with all the bugs. I only posted it so he could extend the game a bit with the seed/level generators. IMO these are only tools for exploration. :(

SetBuilder,Mar 31 2005, 03:45 AM Wrote:Why would you WANT to cheat? The typical dupe trick would probably work (either one, in fact), but there's no real point. Why bother with the game if you're just going to ruin it by not following the rules (the same ones that make you want to continue playing it 8 years after it's release)?

Also, you are on the WRONG message board to ask about cheating on, so you know...

Sekel,Apr 1 2005, 11:26 AM Wrote:I dont understand why you wanna cheat. Well, there are ways how you can get more Gold, but in fact you dont need exploit them. Gold amount from your previous games stays in your inventory (not as a pile. You see just number in "Gold Window" but you can use it for all purchases as well), so if you will play again and again, you will collect enough money for everything you want buy.
BTW: Kill The Butcher, you can sell his Cleaver for than 1125 I guess. Dont identify It. Price is the same.

He probably doesn't want to cheat someone else, I don't even think he can with no multiplayer support. :rolleyes: I think he just wants to see the demo's full potencial, something Diablo could have been. Besides, with all the bugs he can exploit, you pointed them out yourself, cheating won't really make a diffirence. If he wants to play by the rules, he can play by the rules, if he doesn't no harm done. :whistling:

P.S. Cheating in SP isn't covered by the forum rules.
It is a myth that the hair and nails grow after death! The skin shrinks, giving the illusion of their growth.

When J.F.K. was assassinated in 1963, it was not a federal felony to kill a U.S. President.

The leading cause of death to military personnel in peace time is drunk driving.

It would take more than 2.5 minutes to fall from the top of Mt. Everest.

0xDECAFBAD is a hex oddity, a coincidence of hexadecimal digits which just happens to hold some incidental semantic content to weird humans.
maniajk,Apr 1 2005, 09:50 AM Wrote:Here

P.S.  Cheating in SP isn't covered by the forum rules.


Cheating is generally frowned upon. However, cheating in SP is sort of like taking a pee in your wetsuit: you get a nice warm feeling, but it hardly effects anyone else.

It is still lame.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
maniajk,Apr 1 2005, 11:50 AM Wrote:P.S.  Cheating in SP isn't covered by the forum rules.

If somebody comes here needing help for SP and their solution is to cheat I sure as hell will mod the ever-loving hraka out of anyone who provides assistance via linking to cheat sites.

If you want to provide links to sites that host cheats, use the PRIVATE MESSAGE feature. The forum rules do say not to link to sites that host cheats, and just because I've been busy for a week doesn't mean I haven't noticed a few of you doing that. How pissed off I am will determine whether your entire post is deleted or whether I just edit out the link.


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