Blizzard ready to make Diablo 3?
I was reading the rumour control article over at Gamespot and found this little gem. The last rumour says the following:

"While many people consider the hack-and-slash-happy World of Warcraft to be Diablo's spiritual successor, that hasn't stopped rumors about an outright sequel from circulating. That speculation spiked this week when Blizzard posted a job listing for "an experienced Game Designer to help lead the team that designed Diablo and Diablo II." Besides the requisite experience, Blizzard would like said designer to have "Experience working on RPG titles." Given that description, the Diablo III theory would seem like a logical conclusion, even though Blizzard won't even acknowledge the game's existence. But given the Diablo series' legendary status, development of a new installment would seem to be an inevitability, if not already an open secret."

Their conclusion: "Probably not bogus". I would have to agree, since my position on Diablo 3 has always been, "it's just a matter of time". What better time than now to start work on it?

Whether their next title will be Diablo 3 or not doesn't really matter; Blizzard is known for quality and taking their time, so it'll be a while before we know what game this new job position is really for.

What I like is the first requirement in the advertised job position:
"Shipped at least one AAA title as Lead Game Designer."

AAA as in the American Automobile Association? I didn't know they designed games. ;) *cricket noises*

"Yay! We did it!"
"Who are you?"
"Um, uh... just ... a guy." *flee*
Well, it does seem inevitible given the series' popularity. What'll be interesting to see is if they keep the same view (isometric, is it?) or adapt on of the newer styles like in the MMOs.

JustAGuy,Feb 12 2005, 10:50 PM Wrote:What I like is the first requirement in the advertised job position:
"Shipped at least one AAA title as Lead Game Designer."
Probably just means a game that was more than a school project that wound up on the internet.

Quote:AAA as in the American Automobile Association? I didn't know they designed games.
Yeah, you play a character who goes around reviewing hotels and restaurants and offering car assistance, among other things.

...Now that I think about it, that could get very addictive...
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
Diablo 3 is inevitable. The franchise is too lucrative to consider otherwise.

I'm also wondering how D3 might look. Blizzard will be sure to scrap the sprite-base characters and go with something 3D. The technology and gaming masses demand nothing less (not saying I agree with the great unwashed masses, but that's the way it is). I wouldn't be altogether unhappy if they designed it around the WoW engine.

If Diablo 3 becomes a pay-for-play MMORPG, I'll be mightily pissed.
DeeBye,Feb 12 2005, 08:43 PM Wrote:If Diablo 3 becomes a pay-for-play MMORPG, I'll be mightily pissed.
There's a chance that is how it will go.

Worldstone's gone kablooey. Tyrael and the hero from the last game are nowhere to be seen, but last reports have them up one particularly fetid creek without the use of any propulsive oar implement. Sanctuary is overrun by demons and angels in a big, open-handed do-over of the Sin War.

You— get to choose between differing factions, aligned with either the forces of Light, Dark, or a neutral humanist faction. And you make due by rankling the plans of the other factions.

On one end are the Seraphim, the agents of the Heavens and the angels, following their own plans against the forces of Hell. Then there's the aforementioned forces of Hell. Can't figure out what exactly they'd do, but chances are that crochet and discussions of existentialistic dilemmas are not on the agenda.

Then you have folks like the Rathman priests, who don't want either of these two sides here. Add in another human faction who actually wants to exploit or steal the powers of the ethereal forces for their own ascendency, and you have a good four-way power struggle.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
JustAGuy,Feb 13 2005, 05:50 AM Wrote:What I like is the first requirement in the advertised job position:
"Shipped at least one AAA title as Lead Game Designer."

AAA as in the American Automobile Association? I didn't know they designed games. ;) *cricket noises*
In case you really didn't know, Tripple-A or AAA titles usually refer to the really big titles known to almost everyone with an interest in computer games. Stuff like the Quake/Doom series, the Half Life series, Counterstrike, the Unreal series, the Sims, Everquest etc.
Hugs are good, but smashing is better! - Clarence<!--sizec--><!--/sizec-->
Rhydderch Hael,Feb 13 2005, 01:33 AM Wrote:Worldstone's gone kablooey. Tyrael and the hero from the last game are nowhere to be seen, but last reports have them up one particularly fetid creek without the use of any propulsive oar implement. Sanctuary is overrun by demons and angels in a big, open-handed do-over of the Sin War.

You— get to choose between differing factions, aligned with either the forces of Light, Dark, or a neutral humanist faction. And you make due by rankling the plans of the other factions.

Quit it! You're giving me a headache. This would be the worst thing to happen to a good RPG since someone came up with "Ultima Online"...
DeeBye,Feb 12 2005, 11:43 PM Wrote:If Diablo 3 becomes a pay-for-play MMORPG, I'll be mightily pissed.
I thought that's what World of Warcraft was. At least, when I look at a lot of the skill descriptions and character types and whatnot, it leaves me with the impression of Diablo in the Warcraft world.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
Guild Wars account: Lurker Wyrm
DeeBye,Feb 13 2005, 06:43 AM Wrote:If Diablo 3 becomes a pay-for-play MMORPG, I'll be mightily pissed.

Although I agree it is possible, I think it's very unlikely that Blizzard will run 2 MMORPGs at the same time.
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
One of the most probable rumors ever IMO. IT makes no sense at all for Vivindi to not leverage Blizzards most valuable assets - game names and customer loyalty.

I hope they do a good job with it.
Rhydderch Hael,Feb 13 2005, 12:33 AM Wrote:There's a chance that is how it will go.

Worldstone's gone kablooey. Tyrael and the hero from the last game are nowhere to be seen, but last reports have them up one particularly fetid creek without the use of any propulsive oar implement. Sanctuary is overrun by demons and angels in a big, open-handed do-over of the Sin War.

You— get to choose between differing factions, aligned with either the forces of Light, Dark, or a neutral humanist faction. And you make due by rankling the plans of the other factions.

On one end are the Seraphim, the agents of the Heavens and the angels, following their own plans against the forces of Hell. Then there's the aforementioned forces of Hell. Can't figure out what exactly they'd do, but chances are that crochet and discussions of existentialistic dilemmas are not on the agenda.

Then you have folks like the Rathman priests, who don't want either of these two sides here. Add in another human faction who actually wants to exploit or steal the powers of the ethereal forces for their own ascendency, and you have a good four-way power struggle.

Given the success of Starcraft's three way balance, I wonder if they would try a "triangular tension" model again.

The "five way" for Warcraft III's early concept devolved into a four way, which is really a two way. WoW is a two way. It seems to me that one either needs a three way or 5 way power struggle, and a five way is hard to balance. Seven? Never mind, there is a budget, eh?

Why not advance the story line in Sanctuary a bit?

In Diablo III, war has broken out between the allied Kingdoms of Khanduras and Westmarch against the Barbarians of the Northland: possibly under the fig leaf of a Crusade against the Barbarians who allowed Baal to corrupt the Worldstone. (That's their story anyway, and they are sticking to it, all gems and ores in the veins of Mount Arreat considered.) Amazons revert to their truer calling, mercs, and hire out to the highest bidder.

Sorceresses defend cities, their centers of learning, while both they and Necromancers are hunted down by Assassins -- who often serve the Barbarians for free due to a mutual aversion to magicians. Necromancers, the only real neutrals, attempt to remain alive, viable, and able to explore their investigations into life itself. Their preference to remain aloof from the war leaves no one really trusting them, and them trusting no one.

Druids, no longer neutral and in a fury over the destruction of the Worldstone, brought about by the meddling madness of those Horadrim, Tal Rasha, Marius, etc., embark on their own campaign of overcoming the cities and restoring the woodlands. They take on the role of the world's most irritated Luddites. Their continued attempts to ally with the elementally grounded sorceresses runs afoul of the cities being where the best shopping is. Or libraries, or whatever.

The powers of Light and Dark both try to exploit the tensions to their own ends, and alternatively fight each other and the various factions as ley lines and nodes of power, the old Horadric focus points, become the real battlefields of this war. Sanctuary devolves into an insane many versys many Capture the Flag scenario.

Hadriel is revealed as Diablo in disguise, the real Hadriel having been fooled into disguising himself as Diablo just in time to get whacked by "heroes" some time ago. He has also decided to return to his original status as a free agent, as he has found that he trusts no one from Hell, and no longer wants some other wiser demon, (such as Mephisto??) to call the strategic shots.

Asmodian and Belial fight against Tyrael and Deckard Cain, who is revealed to be a Horadric mage of demi-godlike power.

Cain's feebleminded condition was shattered the day the Worldstone was destroyed, which coincidentally was the day Atma took pity on him and cured him of his virginity. The Man no longer keeps him down, and he has a lifetime of catching up to do. He now exacts vengeance upon a world who treated him as a laughing stock, but keeps getting sidetracked by his addiction to pixips.

Or something like that.

Asheara retires, taking over the choicest real estate of Upper Kurast.

Greiz recruits an army of brave legionaires and bides his time, waiting for the right moment to throw his battalions into the a battle when it seems most profitable.

Larzuk and Fara marry, strangely enough, and run the best forge in Sanctuary. Anya give in to her Elektra complex and elopes with Qal Kehk, destination Philios and life on the beech. Her fortune made running a gambling parlor and bath house leave them set up for life. Or so they think.

Gheed makes a fortune, and blows most of it on pipeweed. Gillian seduces him and rolls him for what's left, and heads for the hills and a Barbarian she's had a crush on for years. The return of Farnham to Lut Gholein results in a bitter power struggle for the Desert Rain, when he shows Jehryn that Elzix' deed is a forgery and that the bar belongs to him.

Hidden from view in all of this tumult, the Sisters of the Sightless Eye slowly but steadily expand their positin in the Kingdom of Ensteig, with the aim of establishing anegalitarian theocracy of the Sightless Eye. The Eye's influence grows to rival that of the forces of Dark and Light, spreading a secret knowledge and wisdom among the Sisterhood. What do those rogues know that no one else seems to know? What questions have they now answered within? Do they finally find out where they "can put this?"

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
DeeBye,Feb 13 2005, 04:43 AM Wrote:If Diablo 3 becomes a pay-for-play MMORPG, I'll be mightily pissed.

I'll be really ticked-off as well. Especially given all the garbage associated with every MMORPG I've looked at. Griefing, Boting, E-bay money/items selling (an order of magnitude worse than D2) thanks.
Signature? What do you mean?
Occhidiangela,Feb 17 2005, 12:05 PM Wrote:Hidden from view in all of this tumult, the Sisters of the Sightless Eye slowly but steadily expand their positin in the Kingdom of Ensteig, with the aim of establishing anegalitarian theocracy of the Sightless Eye.&nbsp; The Eye's influence grows to rival that of the forces of Dark and Light, spreading a secret knowledge and wisdom among the Sisterhood.&nbsp; What do those rogues know that no one else seems to know?&nbsp; What questions have they now answered within?&nbsp; Do they finally find out where they "can put this?"


We finally learn what powers an eye that can't see can possibly have. :P

After readins that post I got some ideas of my own.

An easy 3 way tension strategy has humans vs. hell vs. heaven. Humans get pissed at heaven for the worldstone and for not helping out, heaven hates people for getting corrupted so easily and giving the demons so many extra soldiers (oblivion knights, food for fleshspawners, etc.) Hell as usual is hated by everyone. than add in internal things in all the realms.

On earth, maybe something like you said. I'd probably have paladins hated by neutrals thanks to their support of both the zakarum church and angels, instead of sticking to what's best for earth. Demon summoners would scome up, some would be earth supporters, soem would be hell supporters, they would really hate paladins. Paladins either support heaven or earth.

Amazons, necros, druids, assasins, barbarians, archers, or other such groups would be mainly neutrals who work together because they need to not because they like each other. Necros want everyone else out of the earth realm, so hate paladins and demon summoners, druids want their return to nature like you though of, assasins want to get rid of corrupted mages, these three goals have similar enemies right now, so these three groups work together. Amazon, barbarian, and sorc types have nowhere else to go, and necros/assasins/druids/othrs in this group work with them because they need more fighters. Barbarians hate everyone for failing to prtect (earth/heaven)/destroying(heaven/hell), the worldstone so could fight for anyone for protection. Saber cats, Wendigo/Yeti, and fetish join the fight on different sides, Thorned hulks and Yeti go with druids, fetish with demon summoners, saber cats go mercenary, fallen are stilll a pine needle in the side of everyone.

In hell, you have azmodan and Belial fighting for control, however, some new upstart types also want some fighting, so they get armies and try for power. Speaking of battleground sites, these groups fight over careas with lots of evil souls to loose. The battle gets more complicated as humans, who now know how to get to hell, join the fight and invade in several places, giving demons both a reason to join together and another fight issue over who screwed up in letting humans in and not conquering them in the first place. People can play as succubi, doom/oblivion knights, venom lords, and other demons.

In heaven, Tyrealists are for more action outside of heaven, more traditional angels fight for staying in heaven. traditional angels loose power as hordes of angry humans invade heaven. Bettleground are areas with a lot of good souls, good sunlight, or magic power. Some angels suggest working with demon groups to fight humans.

I don't have thoughts an particular characters, just soem big picture ideas.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
While we are dreaming, here is what I'd like to see in D3:

1) Game should NOT be an MMOG! :angry: No roleplaying angels and demons, no epic 100 player battles, no 15-sided storylines, no "spawning mobs", no subscriptions. Games should be limited to whatever testing deems to be a reasonable party size, and arena games would allow twice that amount.

2) Game should be 3D, not just in graphics but in implementation (e.g. WoW has 3D graphics but is no more of a 3D game than Dragon Warrior). I would even go so far as to suggest first-person perspective only, although that would be very controversial.

3) Game and storyline should be simple, dungeon focused, and small scale. Very little combat should occur in open areas. As an example storyline: Perhaps the destruction of the Worldstone causes "Hell on Earth syndrome". As the world engages in an epic war (which would make a fine MMOG plot, but we ain't going there), Deckard Cain enlists a small band of heroes to try to cut off the problems through a backdoor approach. The backdoor: a narrow passageway into the heart of hell in a small town called Tristram, long forgotten by all but the wisest and oldest.

4) Most combat areas should be randomly generated, three-dimensional levels. Terrain and architecture should have significant implication on how to approach a level. These things can be themed, but still unpredictable.

5) Less predictability in how to deal with monsters than D2. This is partly about making mobs more unique and generation more random, but it also gets into player attacks and defenses. Imagine going into the Den of Evil (at level 1 when your attack types are obviously still quite limited and a wide variety of approaches can make a big difference), and seeing a randomly generated mix of low level quill rats, shamans (who can res everything, not just fallens), and oblivion knights. Again, these things can be themed as long as the theme doesn't suck away the fun.

6) In general, AOE attacks should be the exception rather than the rule. Even for high level characters. Most AOE effects should probably be something other than damage.

7) Implement some friendly fire ideas from the old D2 Suggestions forum :rolleyes: Reputation and/or experience penalties for the player doing the damage, hitpoint penalties for the player receiving, etc. Players should take splash damage from their own AOE skills when relevent.

8) Game pace should be slower than a shooter, but faster than an RPG. Diablo and D2 did not feel turnbased. NWN and WoW do. D3 should not.

9) Random items should be capable of being more powerful than fixed artifacts. Items in general shouldn't be overblown.

10) Include some sort of literally endless maze for high level characters where everything is insanely random and the mobs keep getting tougher as you go down. This should be only accessible near the very end game and should only be loosely plot related.

11) Make sure that small groups of players and small groups of enemies both are equipped with unique support skills/spells to keep things interesting.

12) Hero has good intentions, but ends up doing something boneheaded (probably at the suggestion of Deckard Cain) which will seem to conquer evil, but actually make the world more screwed up at the start of Diablo 4.
Nystul,Feb 17 2005, 09:08 PM Wrote:No roleplaying angels and demons

Demons and angels give a lot of extra character possibilities, plus let people into more sides of the story.

Nystul Wrote:2)&nbsp; Game should be 3D, not just in graphics but in implementation (e.g. WoW has 3D graphics but is no more of a 3D game than Dragon Warrior).&nbsp; I would even go so far as to suggest first-person perspective only, although that would be very controversial.

That would be kind of cool. As an addition to that, have terrain possibly effect how spells work. Such as, in a lava area any lava spells would probably cost less mana, but do less damage since creatures there would be used to the hit. Meteors/fire spells get extra burn times n jungle areas, o characters move slower in colder/warmer areas depending on where they're supposed to scome from.

Nystul Wrote:3)&nbsp; Game and storyline should be simple, dungeon focused, and small scale.&nbsp; Very little combat should occur in open areas.&nbsp; As an example storyline:&nbsp; Perhaps the destruction of the Worldstone causes "Hell on Earth syndrome".&nbsp; As the world engages in an epic war (which would make a fine MMOG plot, but we ain't going there), Deckard Cain enlists a small band of heroes to try to cut off the problems through a backdoor approach.&nbsp; The backdoor:&nbsp; a narrow passageway into the heart of hell in a small town called Tristram, long forgotten by all but the wisest and oldest.

Part of a complex story for me is my idea of the Diablo world in a civ type game, and some of it comes from my idea of having people not all be riding on one group of heros, instead having them fight demons and angels on equal terms.

Nystul Wrote:5)&nbsp; Less predictability in how to deal with monsters than D2.&nbsp; This is partly about making mobs more unique and generation more random, but it also gets into player attacks and defenses.&nbsp; Imagine going into the Den of Evil (at level 1 when your attack types are obviously still quite limited and a wide variety of approaches can make a big difference), and seeing a randomly generated mix of low level quill rats, shamans (who can res everything, not just fallens), and oblivion knights.&nbsp; Again, these things can be themed as long as the theme doesn't suck away the fun.

Instead of mixing types of creatures up mix up the types of attacks they use, resistances, or speeds if the computers can handle it. As in, maybe the shamans in the den of Evil have a half chance of shooting fire or resurecting, but some will curse and resurect, some will fire and curse, some will shoots cold, etc.

Nystul Wrote:6)&nbsp; In general, AOE attacks should be the exception rather than the rule.&nbsp; Even for high level characters.&nbsp; Most AOE effects should probably be something other than damage.

This may be a playing style difference. Personally, the fun of the game for me is killing big groups of creatures with area effect attacks or sort of area effect attacks such as zeal, while for you apparently it's different. A change that might have a similar effect is having monsters smarter so they don't bunch up as easilly, and it takes some work, so those area attackers have to take more time to get monsters together for a really powerful attack, while the single attackers can kill the mone at a time.

Nystul Wrote:10)&nbsp; Include some sort of literally endless maze for high level characters where everything is insanely random and the mobs keep getting tougher as you go down.&nbsp; This should be only accessible near the very end game and should only be loosely plot related.

Neat idea

Nystul Wrote:11)&nbsp; Make sure that small groups of players and small groups of enemies both are equipped with unique support skills/spells to keep things interesting.

Sort of fits with the idea above I guess

Nystul Wrote:12)&nbsp; Hero has good intentions, but ends up doing something boneheaded (probably at the suggestion of Deckard Cain) which will seem to conquer evil, but actually make the world more screwed up at the start of Diablo 4.

This will happen for sure.

Some more ideas: Non player armies that go out and fight monsters. These armies could fight with basic damage characters and make the combat more interesting, or big groups of support characters would make the wandering armies much more powerful and have them do the killing.

More of hell and heaven: of course I want to see this.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)

>1) Game should NOT be an MMOG!

Amen to that. I'd like to see a return to what made D1 great, at least in my eyes.

- Great gothic atmosphere.
- It can be played in 5 minutes or 5 hours.
- Variety of items\affixes. Having 100 shades of bland affixes like +1 to mana doesn't mean variety. The rock paper scissor model is enough of a variety to satisfy me, done well enough.
- Player freedom within context. Bypass all the content you want, no mandatory quests, at least the types that tend to piss me off. eg: Fedex quests, search the mcguffin, the ones that are cute the first time around but gets very grating very fast, ala Khalims bits.
- I'd personally like to see a switch to non-class based character system, but D1 did the archetype system fairly well. (I still think the Warrior got shafted on the missing blocking bonus, but at this point there's nothing to be done about that :)

If I remember right Bliz said D2\Lod was their last sprite based game, but I'd like them to get that D1 art style back. (iirc they used a 3d program to create the models, then converted it to sprites, but I'm not talking about the technical details, just the look of it.) The D1 Rogue is attractive but in a classy way. And a redhead to boot! The Warrior looks like someone who knows his way around a weapon, and the Sorceror doesn't look too much like a cheap Vegas Merlin. ;)

And the D1 monster designs and color choices are all appropriate imo, no neon candy apple green with plaid stripes. They look like something out of big book of dark fairy tales that was hidden in the attic, because you screamed too much when your grandfather read it to you as a child. Or something like that. To be fair D2's Diablo was great, I actually prefer the D2's version of Big Red than D1's. But the rest of D2 monsters left me feeling, meh. These guys don't look that scary.

So finishing my rambling, I'd be happy if they can re-capture that claustrophobic feeling that D1 had, that feeling that you are not quite alone (even when you bring in three other friends) in a crumbling dark labyrinth.
Just give me the chance to play a Fallen character in character and I will be happy.

I get dibs on Snotspill the Unclean.

Or even a Fallen Shaman... Just so long as I get my own pack of Fallen minions to revive. Perhaps based on level. A level one Shaman would have no followers, but, a level 30 Shaman may attract 6 Fallen to his (Or her) bidding. A good Shaman name would be Purple Nurple the Swollen.

Damnit, I have always wanted to play the Fallen as a character class. I would pick purple as a skin colour I think, the colour of a nice bruise.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."

I personally wouldn't mind running around as a Greater Mummy :blush:

Just an idea for the Intro: Old guy with staff (!) tells a group of kids the story of the successful hero who killed Baal and finishes with "And so Evil was vanquished forever",
Big Demon leans into the screen, bites him in half and says "Don't believe everything you hear kids"

So we already know what the first quest will be :D

good karma
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Assur,Feb 18 2005, 07:31 PM Wrote:Hi

I personally wouldn't mind running around as a Greater Mummy :blush:

Just an idea for the Intro: Old guy with staff (!) tells a group of kids the story of the successful hero who killed Baal and finishes with "And so Evil was vanquished forever",
Big Demon leans into the screen, bites him in half and says "Don't believe everything you hear kids"

So we already know what the first quest will be :D

good karma

Oh I know I know!

**Raises hand**

Recover the innkeeper's sign right?!
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
Oh I know I know!

**Raises hand**

Recover the innkeeper's sign right?!

Um, I thought it would be cleansing the well, so that the survivors can clean up.
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Nystul,Feb 17 2005, 11:08 PM Wrote:While we are dreaming, here is what I'd like to see in D3:

I like your ideas, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

One thing I'd love to steal from WoW and have added to D3 would be the inclusion of a ridiculous amount of quests. That was always my favourite part of WoW -- the ability to go on a seemingly endless series of varied quests. I'd also make most (maybe 95%) of the available quests completely optional. There should be a series of solid storyline quests to proceed through the game, but please don't force me to perform tedious and uninteresting quests every time I create a new character.

Bring back the character skill from D1, and expand on it. Tradeskills, maybe?

Whatever Blizzard does, I do not want to be forced to party up with internet strangers to be able to "complete" D3, even if I choose to play a realm character (if such a thing will be implemented, and I don't see why it wouldn't).

I want a secret D1 dungeon, which recreates the original game in 3D. I would dearly love to hack and slash my way from Church to Hell in first-person 3D. Can you imagine how horrifying the Butcher would be? A big ole blast of Chain Lightning would be super cool when viewed from first person as well.

Please abolish the Normal/Nightmare/Hell difficulty levels. There has to be a better way of making the end-game content tough without resorting to forcing players to play the same areas over and over again. From a game storyline standpoint, difficulty levels make zero sense.

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