Occhidiangela,Feb 15 2005, 03:35 PM Wrote:Find the Feature!  :D
Here's one: the zeppelin landing outside of Orgrimmar no longer has a roof, and now has an Orgrimmar guard on the top floor.

The only practical effect I can think of is that Alliance characters on PvE servers will now have a harder time using the Undercity-Orgrimmar zeppelin, particularly on the leg taking you to Undercity.

Anybody know why they got rid of the roof? It's still "indoors" for spellcasting purposes.

Professor Frink,Feb 17 2005, 06:33 AM Wrote:Here's one: the zeppelin landing outside of Orgrimmar no longer has a roof, and now has an Orgrimmar guard on the top floor.

The only practical effect I can think of is that Alliance characters on PvE servers will now have a harder time using the Undercity-Orgrimmar zeppelin, particularly on the leg taking you to Undercity.

Anybody know why they got rid of the roof?  It's still "indoors" for spellcasting purposes.


I can't remember about the roof, but I'm 100% sure the guard was there all the time. At least at my raid on durotar in the european beta, i had troubles with 2 high level guards when trying to catch a ride, theone at the entrance and the one at the top. On the other side, if you manage to reach a zeppelin, the guards dont follow.
redinter,Feb 17 2005, 02:55 AM Wrote:I can't remember about the roof, but I'm 100% sure the guard was there all the time. At least at my raid on durotar in the european beta, i had troubles with 2 high level guards when trying to catch a ride, theone at the entrance and the one at the top. On the other side, if you manage to reach a zeppelin, the guards dont follow.

Sharanna has taken the Undercity to Ogrimmar Zepplin many times and has yet to encounter a guard. Guess I should try again tonite. :)

Of course with the way the zepplins run its really just a matter of outlasting the damage a guard could do until it arrives. :)

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